Helper App: Notes Installer

Currently, Newt's Cape directly handles the following http MIME content-types: text/html, image/gif, application/x-newton-compatible-pkg and text/plain (.txt). In order to extend or override these, you can install helper apps.

The helper app defined in this document registers with Newt's Cape to handle the text/plain content-type, just for .txt file extensions. Once you install it, Newt's Cape dispatches any .txt files to this app, which in turn adds the text to the Notes app.

Implementation details: advapi.htm.

Other examples: helppkgi.htm, helpslpi.htm

Notes example for .txt: The Form

For testing purposes, the link below simulates a file. Tap on it after doing an Install -- the text should appear in Notepad.

"test.txt" (embedded)
this is a test pseudo-file..

Normally, Newt's Cape displays a text file in a book.

If this helper app is Installed, this text
should appear in Notepad when "test.txt" is tapped.

The following link refers to a test separate file: helpappx.txt (URL)

After de-install, tap a link again -- Newt's Cape displays text in a book.

© Copyright 1996-2007, S. Weyer, G. Simon. All Rights Reserved Worldwide