Newton FORM: integer picker

This illustrates a 2.x number picker based on both the built-in number picker (INTPICK), and also a custom definition (INTPICKNEW) defined in a DTS example. Supposedly the built-in ROM version has some bugs, though given the size and complexity of the new version, it may be overkill for most forms; on the other hand, it may be useful, and a test of Newt's Cape's capabilities). For introduction/information about VALUE_TYPE attribute and other examples, see nformobj.htm.

For each example, I've included both the regular and the "new" versions for your comparison.

This document (in all its formats) is © 1997-2007. Steve Weyer. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. You are free to incorporate this into your own documents, but I would appreciate an acknowledgement of Newt's Cape and the example.

Last updated: Dec 2000