Ellie's Count Down

Describe | Using | Versions | Distribution

New Date:

Describe Ellie's Count Down

For a selected event, ECountDn displays the remaining time from now as weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds.

Using ECountDn

Select an event. Special events:

Use 'New'
use the date value in the New Date field (probably best to select a date, then edit)
End of World?
a random date/time in next 10 years

The event date appears in "New Date".

The remaining time updates every second.

Stop Clock can be used to stop the updating; use Start Clock to start updating again.


I wrote ECountDn for my daughter Ellie so she could know exactly how long it was until her birthday, or Christmas, or whenever.

This version of Ellie's Count Down requires a browser with JavaScript support, (or NewtonScript support, i.e., Newt's Cape on 2.x Newton with i:General:NewtonScript:Compile preference); besides Newt's Cape, it has been tested with

Let me know about your experience with other browsers.

Last updated: 21 Jun 2005: updated syntax via JSLint and tested with newer browsers


This version is free, and can be downloaded locally and mirrored in its entirety. If you copy/modify/improve the code, I would appreciate an acknowledgment of this version and link to this page.

© 1999-2007, S. Weyer. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.