As discussed earlier,
you can specify special characters (tag delimiters and non-ASCII) either by
number or name (case-sensitive). For example, you can specify the ampersand
character & as either & or as & (upto 5 decimal digits).
Newt's Cape generally requires the ; (or a space) delimiter -- some browsers apparently do not.
You can also use  4-digit hex notation for specific (unusual) unicode characters;
for example, on Newton,  appears as (Apple symbol in Espy font).
If a character code -- in the "unused" areas, extended (8-bit) ASCII range
or 16-bit unicode, e.g., Japanese -- is embedded directly in the file,
you may need an Encoding plugin, e.g., ISO-8859-1, to translate and display this properly.
If you find "square boxes" appearing where should be characters,
let me know the URL and I will check it on the desktop and on the Newton;
it's possible the Newton does not have that character in its font,
or that an encoding needs to be used (or fixed).
Following is a complete list of the HTML Coded Character Set based on the
ISO-8859-1 standard (as we understand it; still checking). First is the
character code (item number), followed by the character itself -- the
character is specified either directly or by numeric code; ?? if unused. If
the character has a symbolic name, it is specified symbolically, followed
by its [name]. A character description may followed with "??" if
there seems to be no Newton equivalent.
Most interesting codes/names are 34, 38, 60, 62, 160-255.
We have included a few browser-specific/de facto standard characters:
134, 135, 136, 137, 140, 153, 156, 159.
At the end, we have included a few supported HTML 4.0 characters
for which there are Newton equivalents.
- -8: unused
- horizontal tab
- line feed
- -12: unused
- carriage return or <BR>
- -31: unused
- space
- ! exclamation mark
- " " [quot] quotation mark
- # number sign
- $ dollar sign
- % percent
- & & [amp] ampersand
- ' apostrophe
- ( left parenthesis
- ) right parenthesis
- * asterisk
- + plus sign
- , comma
- - hyphen
- . period
- / slash
- -57: 0-9
- : colon
- ; semi-colon
- < < [lt] less than
- = equals
- > > [gt] greater than
- ? question mark
- @ at sign
- -90. A-Z
- [ left square bracket
- \ backslash
- ] right square bracket
- ^ caret
- _ underscore
- ` acute accent
- -122. a-z
- { left curly brace
- | vertical bar
- } right curly brace
- ~ tilde
- ??
- ??
- ??
- ‚ [sbquo]
- ƒ [fnof]
- „ [bdquo]
… [hellip] horiz ellipsis
- † [dagger]
- ‡ [Dagger] double dagger
- ˆ [circumflex]
- salinity
- ??
- ‹ [lsaquo]
- Œ [OElig] OE diphthong
- ??
- ??
- ??
- ??
- ‘ [lsquot]
- ’ [rsquo]
- “ [ldquo]
- ” [rdquo]
- • [bull] bullet
- – [ndash]
- — [mdash]
- minutes??
- ™ [trade] trademark
- ??
- › [rsaquo]
- œ [oelig] oe diphthong
- ??
- ??
- Ÿ [Yuml] Y umlaut ??
- [nbsp] no-break space??
- ¡ ¡ [iexcl] inverted !
- ¢ ¢ [cent] cent sign
- £ £ [pound] pound sterling sign
- ¤ ¤ [curren] general currency sign
- ¥ ¥ [yen] yen sign
- ¦ ¦ [brbvar] broken (vertical) bar??
- § § [sect] section sign
- ¨ ¨ [uml] spacing dieresis (umlaut)
- © © [copy] copyright sign
- ª ª [ordf] ordinal indicator, feminine
- « « [laquo] angle quote mark, left
- ¬ ¬ [not] not sign
- [shy] soft hyphen??
- ® ® [reg] circled R registered sign
- ¯ ¯ [macr] spacing macron (hibar?)
- ° ° [deg] degree sign
- ± ± [plusmn] plus-or-minus sign
- ² ² [sup2] superscript 2??
- ³ ³ [sup3] superscript 3??
- ´ ´ [acute] acute accent
- µ µ [micro] micro sign
- ¶ ¶ [para] pilcrow (paragraph sign)
- · · [middot] middle dot
- ¸ ¸ [cedil] spacing cedilla
- ¹ ¹ [sup1] superscript 1??
- º º [ordm] ordinal indicator, masculine
- » » [raquo] angle quote mark, right
- ¼ ¼ [frac14] fraction one-quarter??
- ½ ½ [frac12] fraction one-half??
- ¾ ¾ [frac34] fraction three-quarters??
- ¿ ¿ [iquest] inverted question mark
- À À [Agrave] A, grave accent
- Á Á [Aacute] A, acute accent
- Â Â [Acirc] A, circumflex accent
- Ã Ã [Atilde] A, tilde
- Ä Ä [Auml] A, dieresis (umlaut) mark
- Å Å [Aring] A, ring
- Æ Æ [AElig] AE, diphthong (ligature)
- Ç Ç [Ccedil] C, cedilla
- È È [Egrave] E, grave accent
- É É [Eacute] E, acute
- Ê Ê [Ecirc] E, circumflex
- Ë Ë [Euml] E, umlaut
- Ì Ì [Igrave] I, grave
- Í Í [Iacute] , acute
- Î Î [Icirc] I, circumflex
- Ï Ï [Iuml] I, umlaut
- Ð Ð [ETH] Eth, Icelandic??
- Ñ Ñ [Ntilde] N, tilde
- Ò Ò [Ograve] O, grave
- Ó Ó [Oacute] O, acute
- Ô Ô [Ocirc] O, circumflex
- Õ Õ [Otilde] O, tilde
- Ö Ö [Ouml] O, umlaut
- × × [times] multiply sign??
- Ø Ø [Oslash] O, slash
- Ù Ù [Ugrave] U, grave
- Ú Ú [Uacute] U, acute
- Û Û [Ucirc] U, circumflex
- Ü Ü [Uuml] U, umlaut
- Ý Ý [Yacute] Y, acute??
- Þ Þ [THORN] THORN, Icelandic??
- ß ß [szlig] sharp s, German (sz ligature)
- à à [agrave] a, grave
- á á [aacute] a, acute
- â â [acirc] a, circumflex
- ã ã [atilde] a, tilde
- ä ä [auml] a, umlaut
- å å [aring] a ring
- æ æ [aelig] ae, diphthong (ligature)
- ç ç [ccedil] c, cedilla
- è è [egrave] e, grave
- é é [eacute] e, acute
- ê ê [ecirc] e, circumflex
- ë ë [euml] e, umlaut
- ì ì [igrave] i, grave
- í í [iacute] i, acute
- î î [icirc] i, circumflex
- ï ï [iuml] i, umlaut
- ð ð [eth] eth, Icelandic??
- ñ ñ [ntilde] n, tilde
- ò ò [ograve] o, grave
- ó ó [oacute] o, acute
- ô ô [ocirc] o, circumflex
- õ õ [otilde] o, tilde
- ö ö [ouml] o, umlaut
- ÷ ÷ [divide] divide sign
- ø ø [oslash] o, slash
- ù ù [ugrave] u, grave
- ú ú [uacute] u, acute
- û û [ucirc] u, circumflex
- ü ü [uuml] u, umlaut
- ý ý [yacute] y, acute??
- þ þ [thorn] thorn, Icelandic??
- ÿ ÿ [yuml] y, umlaut
For fun, here are a few characters that should NOT map:
Ā(out of range), ϧ (out of range),
&foobar; (unknown), & (different case).
- lowercase Greek letters
- δ δ, μ μ, π π
- capital Greek letters
- Δ Δ, Π Π, Σ Σ, Ω Ω
- punctuation
- • • (bullet)
- … … (horizontal ellipsis...)
- – – (en dash)
- — — (em dash)
- ‘ ‘ (left single quote)
- ’ ’ (right single quote)
- ‚ ‚ (single low-9 quote)
- „ „ (double low-9 quote)
- “ “ (left double quote)
- ” ” (right double quote)
- ‹ ‹ (single left-pointing angle quote)
- › › (single right-pointing angle quote)
- † †, ‡ ‡ (double dagger)
- ‰ ‰ (per mille sign),
- ′ ′, ″ ″
- ⁄ ⁄ (fractional slash)
- [thinsp] thin space??
- [emsp] em space??
- [ensp] en space??
- mathematics
- ƒ ƒ (function of)
- ∂ ∂ (partial differential)
- ∏ ∏ (n-ary product)
- ∑ ∑ (n-ary summation)
- − −
- √ √ (square root, radical sign)
- ∞ ∞ (infinity)
- ∫ ∫ (integral)
- ∼ ∼ (similar to, varies with)
- ≈ ≈ (almost equal, asymptotic to)
- ≠ ≠ (not equal to)
- ≤ ≤ (less than or equal to)
- ≥ ≥ (greater than or equal to)
- misc.
- ◊ ◊ (lozenge)
- Œ Œ (OE 'ligature')
- œ œ (oe 'ligature')
- Ÿ Ÿ (Y umlaut)
- ˆ ˆ (circumflex)
- ˜ ˜ (small tilde)
- ™ ™ (TM symbol: 153?)
This document (in all its formats) is © 1995-2007.
Steve Weyer, Greg Simon. All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Version 2.1. Last updated: Dec 2000