Newton FORM: date, time

This example illustrates how to use Newton 2.x date and time prototypes within an HTML form. It would be possible (with some work) to create analogous popup protos for 1.x.

Date and Time

This date-time picker looks like a SELECT (protoLabelPicker) and displays a date and time string. However, when tapped, a calendar and clock popup sets a new date and time (when it is closed). The first date-time picker example has a label and initial date. Note: in desktop browser or Newton 1.x (or if NewtonScript Compile is not on), these should appear as regular TEXT fields; on the Newton, the recognizer should expect dates and provide a date-oriented keyboard.

Annual Meeting

The second date-time picker has no label, and defaults to the current date and time (on Newton):


This is just a date picker, and defaults to the current date (on Newton):



Month (abbrev.)


See also: Date CharEdit


This is just a time picker, and defaults to the current time (on Newton).


See also: Time CharEdit

This document (in all its formats) is © 1997-2007. Steve Weyer. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. You are free to incorporate this into your own documents, but I would appreciate an acknowledgement of Newt's Cape and the example.

Last updated: Dec 2000