
This htmlApp concatenates values from an HTML table into a tab-delimited string, which then is used to create a QuickFigure Works document. In this first version, each table in the document should be flat (not nested), with no ROWSPAN or COLSPAN; there should be only one P object per cell.

This example is based on two other examples: htmlappi.htm, helpqfwi.htm. Implementation details: advapi.htm.

This document assumes that i:General:NewtonScript preference is set to Compile.

This can be tested immediately with a local "link" to the following embedded HTML document:

<TITLE>Test Tables</TITLE>

<CAPTION>Table 1: some numbers</CAPTION>



You can also install the htmlApp so that it appears under Newt's Cape's "Process" options. For subsequent HTML documents, your application will be called with an intermediate representation of tags and values (rather than the raw HTML).

The Form

After installing, select "QuickFigure Works Tables" under Process options, select an HTML document that contains tables.

This document (in all its formats) is © 1999-2007. Steve Weyer. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. You are free to incorporate this into your own documents, but I would appreciate an acknowledgement of Newt's Cape and the example.

Last updated: Dec 2000