Sloup 2.2 (?? 2000)
Sloup 2.2h-2 (5 Sep)
- (English .pkg only;
if this introduces no new problems and if time permits, I may upload .sit.hqx, .zip and other non-English versions;
I may create a public eval version)
- Notes/Newtworks can include other slots in entrySpec,
and additional data (tab-delimited) in first line (formerly only title);
other slots includes anything other than labels, viewFont, class, height.
This might be useful to add information for applications that extend Notes,
or for sync apps that need to restore other Notes slots (DUMP already worked),
e.g., Notes2Notes (MS Outlook).
Sloup 2.2g-2 (19 May 99)
- 2.x: added a hide star button (next to close box) to "minimize" to top middle flashing star (like Newt's Cape does)
- 2.x: DUMPs encoded text correctly (it earlier zapped unicode characters with lower half = cr)
- Keyboard menu selection displays "Kbd"
Sloup 2.2f,N,-2,~G (2 Jan 99)
- Paste should not cause error if disconnected
- Inspect? checkbox, Connect button and connected status replaced by a single picker:
- Disconnected/Disconnect
- Disconnected (status) appears if there is no connection; Disconnect (item) can be selected to close connection
- Keyboard
- Sloup shrinks to smaller size and passes keystrokes to current "key view" (formerly, inspect: on)
- Command
- Sloup expands to full size; each line is a command (soupName, entrySpec, data, etc.) [formerly, inspect: off]
note: if an error occurs during connection, it may erroneously show "Keyboard" or "Commands",
so you may have to Disconnect.
- 2.x: Notes should recognize "class" for importing 3rd party stationery items
- 1.x: regular version includes other connection "speeds" (formerly only in N version)
2.2e-2,~G (26 Sep 98)
- 2.1: added a "summary" slot to NewtWorks documents,
so HTML documents can be found/opened in Newt's Cape 2.0
2.2d,N,-2,~G (27 Aug 98)
- 2.x: uses Newt's Cape's Encoding plugin (if installed) --
this eliminates separate ~E version (2.2c~E). if you're not a registered Newt's Cape user
-- i.e., NewtDevEnv or Sloup-only -- let me know and I'll make the Encoding plugin available
- DUMP! preference count: true shows progress via gauge, and outputs initial line with number of entries
(this isn't on always as default since it can take time to count entries;
and only updates if connection is idle or Refresh? is on)
2.2c~E (24 Jun 98)
- Sloup should now properly float when other apps are opened on top of it
- 2.1: Paste with a NewtWorks selection now works
- ~E: Encoding button added for importing/exporting encoded text, e.g.,
Japanese via ShiftJIS, Chinese via NTEBig5
(note: I'll probably fix regular -2 version of Sloup so that it can use Newt's Cape Encoding module if installed)
2.2b-2,~G (2 May 98)
- 2.x: DUMP should work correctly for packages containing "unit references"
2.2a,N,-2,~G (21 Mar 98)
- 2.x: uses protoBasicEndpoint for serial communication;
this reduces Sloup by ~8K; faster; more reliable?
if you update to Newt's Cape 1.6c-2 (or greater),
and want "Open Desktop" functionality (via Sloup), you'll need this version;
all versions of NewtDevEnv (including 3.5c,-2) should be able to "inspect" with this (and older versions of) Sloup
- recognizes LF as input line end (in addition to CR)
[like Newt's Cape, it checks first line to decide]
- 2.x: MNP, IR support (not well tested);
I'm especially interested in success/problems with desktop IR,
since I can't test IrDA directly; slow/serial IR only tested via other Newtons.
- 57600, no error correction
- slowIR
- original Sharp protocol
- serialIR
- 19200; no xon/xoff? (use delays?)
- IrDA
- 2.1 only; 15200; completely untested