Gallery: Solving Applications

Gallery: Solving Applications

Across Lite: Mac, iPad | Black Ink | Crosswords | CrozzWord | Puzzazz | XWord

Note: Only apps with Mac and/or iOS versions with .puz or .jpz support are currently shown below.
If you can open the olli-ex.puz in a different solving app and OS (Windows, Linux, Android),
please send me a screenshot -- thanks.

AL macAcross Lite (Mac): .puz, .txt

AL  iPadAcross Lite (iPad): .puz, .txt

blackinkBlack Ink (Mac): .puz

Crosswords (iPad): .puz, .jpz

czCrozzWord (Mac): .puz;

  • requires Java; no circle or rebus (or tech) support
  • CROSSWORDS and YOU: Gallery: CrozzWord: Zaurus, Mac, Win, P900, iPaq

puzzazzPuzzazz (iPad): .puz

xwordXWord (Mac): .puz, .jpz