CrozzWord: File: Open (remote) | toc |
With a network connection, you can access puzzles from remote hosts in several different puzzle formats.
- File: Open
- select a category from the top menu.
- Local Directory: local files
- Favorites: shortcuts to frequently changing sites (daily, weekly, monthly); [Reg users] and user-added bookmarks (if any)
- Authors, Major Sites and Newspapers/Magazines each contain a few sites initially, others are empty; [Reg users] selecting any category updates it with a much larger set of hosts; in addition, for Newspapers/Magazines, if you earlier entered name and password (Pref: NYT User, Password) for a New York Times "Premium" subscription account, and installed "JSSE" library, additional NYT sites are added.
- select a host from the 2nd menu, e.g., Litsoft from Major Sites category
- select a site from the 3rd menu
- CrozzWord will either display a list of descriptions or filenames, or constrain year/month/day menus to available dates
- for some hosts, there is only one site; by convention, a regularly updated site has a "*" prefix, and may be cross-referenced under Favorites (*daily, *monthly, *weekly); a cross-reference/favorite has a "~" suffix -- selecting it will jump to that category and host
- select a puzzle -- either from the file list, or via date menus (year, month, day)
- Open button
- use currently selected file/date
- interrupt a slow or down server/connection with Stop in progress box
- note: file access may fail due to incorrect links or server unavailability; for date, most recent puzzle might not yet be available
- later, use File: Next to get next file or earlier date
It is possible to set a category, host or site as a Startup preference: Favorites: Startup
number of remaining puzzles for Save As; blank for all
Save As [Reg users]
Save a collection of puzzles locally for a remote host, starting with current file/date selection, using Count field; saving as individual .puz files (using original filenames) or to a .zip archive (less file clutter and compressed)
If not saving .puz to default Documents directory, create directories (depending on platform) by prefixing a path to filename, and/or specify filename with .zip, e.g., houston/.puz, puzzles/litsoft/