Standard Info for Registered Newt's Cape Users

This information is for registered Newt's Cape users. It contains standard (and some older) versions of Newt's Cape and related tools. If there are new features or bug fixes that you would like access to, or you don't mind helping with testing, there will be references to beta versions on the main regnewtscape page.

Many external links may be obsolete -- if you have updates, please send. There may be problems with .pkg files (esp. for Mac OS X); it may be safest to use .zip archives.

See separate page about known problems, bug reporting

General Download Information

Additional Newt's Cape-related documentation, examples and other tools are available via this page, in the /regnewtscape and /regsloup directories.

The .zip archives are password protected. (You received the password from us when you registered or when we changed it. Contact us if you've forgotten it or didn't receive the new one).

Please do not redistribute the archives or password.

To minimize number of file formats and maximize the chances for successful transfers, files are available as: .zip (binary, Zip archive) due to space limitations -- and sometimes .pkg (binary, Newton package).

To test transfer and make sure you can unzip and open a password protected archive, try the small test file first.

Test (.zip)


NOTE: I use the following terms:

works or intended only for 1.x systems: OMP, MP100, MP110, MP120(non-2.0); these are not guaranteed to run correctly or optimally on 2.x systems. Created book packages will run on all Newtons. File suffix: none (except N for Native or lowercase beta letter). Newt's Cape 1.5N; NewtPack 3.4, 3.4N.
contains some RISC code. This generally makes the package/plugin faster but also somewhat larger. Generally, this is synonymous with 1.x-only for Newt's Cape, since 2.x-only versions are more efficient. Version/File suffix: "N". Newt's Cape 1.5N; NewtPack 3.4N.
works only on 2.x systems: MP120(2.0), MP130, eMate, MP2K; it will not install on 1.x systems. Recommended if you are creating packages for your own use or for other 2.x users, i.e., packages created with any 2.x-only tools (Newt's Cape, NewtPack) become 2.x-only (both in method and object format). Version/File suffix: "-2"; "(NIE)" indicates support for Newton Internet Enabler. Newt's Cape 1.5-2; NewtPack 3.4-2.
used on a 2.x system to create 1.x compatible books (packages). Recommended if you are creating portrait-oriented books for general distribution. 1.x users should use a 1.x-only version -- although you could install this version on a 1.x system, it is not guaranteed to work and will be slower (due to lack of Native code) and larger (since NIE code is included). Version/File suffix: "X"; app title omits -2 but includes (NIE). Newt's Cape 1.5 x; NewtPack 3.4, 3.4N.
Newt's Cape Lite
if you make a book smaller by unchecking "Standalone book pkg?" (useful to shrink each by ~20K when you're distributing multiple books), a user will not have access to the Back and History buttons or be able to use hypertext links unless he/she installs Newt's Cape or Newt's Cape Lite (much smaller). Newt's Cape Lite is 1.x-compatible: it can be used on both 1.x and 2.x systems. Version/File suffix: "L".
usually an autopart that provides definitions for constants or protos, e.g., NewtPack
localized versions
there may be versions of Newt's Cape provided for different languages, depending on user requests (and availability of volunteers to translate words/phrases). Version/File suffix: "~C" (Chinese), "~F" (French), "~G" (German), "~J" (Japanese), "~K" (Korean), "~R" (Russian), etc.


In order to support different user preferences/configurations (and tradeoffs for package size vs. speed), there are usually several versions of tools available, e.g., 1.x-only, 1.x-compatible or 2.x-only; there could be Native versions of each. If you want to create packages that are compatible for 1.x, you should use a 1.x-compatible version even on NOS 2.x since a book borrows objects and code from Newt's Cape and NewtPack.

If you have NOS 2.x, and plan to use 2.x-specific protos or functions, create books only for your own use, or distribute your book only to 2.x users, you should use 2.x-only versions of Newt's Cape and NewtPack (the 1.x "N" version may not work and does not contain NIE support. The advantage is that the development tools and your resulting books will be (~5-10%) smaller; the disadvantage is that your books will be incompatible with 1.x (2.x method and object formats are different) -- but you could use the "x" version for 1.x compatibility.

When saving packages, be sure to use NewtPack 3.4 (NewtPack 3.3 is incompatible)

Since this can be a confusing choice for 2.x developers, I hope that the following table makes the options somewhat clearer:

Compatibility: 1.x & 2.x
VersionCreate, Save Book onUse Saved Package on
Newt's CapeNewtPack1.x2.x1.x2.x
lite (standalone book navigation)yesyes

Newt's Cape 1.5

Note: I have removed (and no longer support) 1.5 versions. Most 2.0/2.1 versions, even though labeled "beta", are quite stable.

beta versions of Newt's Cape

Language Info

Thanks to Joseph Chen.
Thanks to Martin Jean.
Thanks to Reinhold Schoeb. German version of Sloup also available. For text, data, package transfer, Unix/Linux users should look at NewtonLink
Thanks to Shinobu Yamada. It display labels and messages in Japanese; you can transfer encoded files -- select encoding under Options. For cool, funny, useful applets or information for Newton users in Japan, see MarbleDevelopment. Thanks also to "GNUE" (aka Makoto Nukui) for the NewtonTextEncoding (NTE) development tool, modules. Be sure you have the Shift JIS Plug-in installed.
Korean (screenshot)
Thanks to Vincent Lee for translations and creating encoding
Newt's Cape translations by Evgueni A. Natalenko. Translation tools and fonts provided by MacCentre, Russia. Thanks to Dmitry V. Girenko for his enthusiastic help. Cyrillic Encoding module copyright Joseph Chen.

For viewing pages in a different language encoding/font with -2,~C,~J,~K,~R version, be sure to

  1. install ~C,~J,~K,~R version if you want to see Newt's Cape interface in Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Russian
  2. install Newt's Cape Encoding plugin
  3. install an appropriate language-specific encoding, e.g., ShiftJIS (for Japanese), NTEBig5 (for Chinese), TBD (for Korean), Cyrillic (for Russian)
  4. install an appropriate font (if it's not built-in)
  5. if you want the Newt's Cape interface (in ~C, ~J,~K,~R) to appear in that font, you can select it under System Family under Appearance (4th item in "i" menu); System Family picker is at lower left in Appearance
  6. to view content in that font, select it under Family for all tags in Appearance [Family picker appears on right, near top]
  7. select your language encoding under i:Encoding
  8. Reload any page that earlier did not transfer/display correctly
  9. let me know if there's still a problem...

Package Installation (.pkg)

  1. make sure you have enough storage space available for .pkg file (file sizes are listed with URLs; actual installed package size will be smaller due to compression)
  2. load page in Newt's Cape (though other browsers may work also)
  3. download package
  4. after transfer, save to Inbox (do not Install immediately from Newt's Cape)
  5. exit Newt's Cape, wait a few seconds
  6. remove Newt's Cape
  7. select package in Inbox and Put Away


This plug-in autopart (extension) enables Newt's Cape to save the current book as a package. If installed properly, i:(Process):Save Package is available; File:Save as Package menu option should appear for current book has been created. You must use at least NewtPack 3.4e (earlier versions may not save packages properly). i:General:Pkg displays whether current combination of Newt's Cape and NewtPack will produce 1.x or 2.x compatible books; it can also set whether to include extra code (~25-30K) to make each book standalone (or whether to rely on Newt's Cape or Newt's Cape Lite); and whether to store each book compressed.

After creating a package, you can get it out of your Newton using one of several possible tools: Package Uploading: 1.x, Package Uploading: 2.x.

The NewtPack 3.4 archive contains 3 versions of NewtPack.

Since version 3.4f (beta), 3.4 (final) includes additional (possibly irrelevant) changes:

3.4/3.5 (.pkg)

3.4 (.zip)

If you distribute books created with Newt's Cape, we would appreciate that you mention (in your book or Readme) something like:

This book created from HTML
using <A HREF="http://">Newt's Cape</A>

Package related info/tools:

Newt's Cape Graphics Converter (NCGC)

convert graphics (GIF, PICT, BMP) into Sloup bitmap or PICT format. praise/questions/problems directly to Greg.

Mac (Mac 68K/PPC): .sit.hqx

"Fat" version is for both 68K and PPC.

Windows(32-bit): .zip

Version works with Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 3.11 (but not Windows 3.1). (Internally may be "beta 2")

More Docs and Examples



For now, this is just the Monaco9 font which is nice for PRE. If you want to distribute books which use this, you will also have to include the font for your users to install.
