Links to a few pages that illustrate various Newt's Cape capabilities.
Feel free to suggest/contribute other examples, or small/"Newton-friendly" web pages/sites.
For examples that mention "NewtonScript", set the i:General:NewtonScript preference to Compile.
- 12 Jan: added changetxt
- 1999
- 15 Dec: updated makemap, soupdate
- 15 Nov: many new examples, including some that are JavaScript compatible (see "JS" annotation)
Navigate via the list of (approximate) categories below, or via the book's TOC (overview) button.
Files should be mostly alphabetical; they may fit into more than one category:
A few that are mostly text:
- this document
- a test page
- a short page containing a simple table and some links back here
- W3 help
- a longer page from the WWW site
- a random link to other Newton-related sites (not necessarily just text,
but hopefully Newton-friendly) -- on each you'll find
a link (on the Newton Web Ring logo or text) to another site....
Information on how to add
your Newton Site to the Web Ring
Some primarily form pages. Other Newton-specific forms (and input objects) later.
- exs/form1.htm
- send some data via a (nextaxs) cgi script
- exs/form2.htm
- send some data via mailto
- exs/form3.htm
- send some data via a different (UNC) cgi script
- formtabl.htm
- a few form objects in list and table
- exs/search1.htm
- short search pages for AltaVista, DejaNews, InfoSeek, Yahoo.
you can also customize Newt's Cape's Find preference; or use Hemlock
Some standalone graphics, or embedded graphics, or image maps.
Some may require NewtonScript.
- Life icon
- a very small graphic
- animgif.htm
- [1.x/2.x] You can transfer and display animated GIFs from the net.
Be sure to turn on animated? option first.
- animrom.htm
- [1.x/2.x] animation with built-in ROM pictures
- mapplay9.htm
- [1.x/2.x] uses ROM graphics and sounds.
- mapworld.htm
- [1.x/2.x] uses built-in graphic. tap a continent to identify using image maps.
- Yahoo maps
- view maps for an address/zip code (in Landscape on MP2K/eMate due to table widths);
After doing a query, usually do View:Load with Images
and select the obvious map URL (numeric or string) (though you can load All if
you'd like to see ads and controls).
- makemap.htm map generator
- MapQuest works though is cumbersome
You can download packages directly to your Newton via http,
or include Newton applets ("newtlets") in your pages.
- Styles (built-in app) (Newton-only URL)
- [1.x/2.x] opens Styles palette
- Restartr
- small (~5K) package
- newtlets.htm (style,clock,doggie)
- [1.x/2.x] use of APPLET and PARAM tags to run Newton newtlets (instead of Java applets)
It's possible to embed NewtonScript directly in your HTML pages to shadow URLs,
use built-in graphics and sounds, add behavior and special objects to forms. Somewhat like JavaScript,
NewtonScript source is compiled dynamically when the document is loaded.
Examples indicate [version compatibility]:
- 1.x: NOS 1.x, e.g., MP100, MP110, MP120 (original);
"-" suffix indicates usable, though with limited functionality
- 2.x: NOS 2.x, e.g., MP120 (upgraded), MP130, MP2K, MP2100, eMate.
in some cases, "2.x-only" examples can be made 1.x compatible with minor changes (check with me)
- JS: JavaScript-capable recent ('4.0') desktop (Netscape, Internet Explorer) browsers;
check specific examples for compatibility with older/other versions
- addtotal.htm
- [1.x/2.x/JS] a form to add some numbers and write total to field (and to Notepad on Newton)
- animrom.htm
- [1.x/2.x] built-in (ROM) graphics that animate at different rates
(works on any MessagePad). Uses NewtonScript constants and methods.
Tap on image link to stop/start it, or hear a sound.
- dynatext.htm
- [1.x/2.x] include current info from user configuration or about book
- ell-euro.htm
- [2.x/JS] Ellie's Europe map: learn countries and capitals
- ell-asia.htm
- [2.x/JS] Ellie's Asia map
- exprlink.htm
- [1.x/2.x] appSymbol/msg?param1, etc. (eventually merged with advmeta.htm)
- formtabl.htm
- [1.x/2.x] simple table with a built-in graphic and sound
- helpbook.htm
- [1.x/2.x] how to create help books; integration with Newt
- mapplay9.htm
- [1.x/2.x] tap a digit (ROM graphics) between 0 and 9 to play a sound.
client-side image map and embedded NewtonScript
- mapworld.htm
- [1.x/2.x] tap a continent. uses ROM graphics, client-side image map;
second map displays coordinates using a server-side image map.
both implement "URL" via local NewtonScript methods
- NewtATut
- [1.x/2.x] interactive tutorial: develop a simple application in NewtonScript directly on your Newton using NewtDevEnv
- NewtTurT
- [1.x/2.x] interactive tutorial: turtle graphics and Logo-style programming on your Newton using NewtDevEnv
- randjump.htm
- [1.x/2.x] random page jumps: click on a link and go to a page between 1 and last
- xvabbmet.htm
- [2.x] links popups for Roman numerals, abbreviations, metric conversions
helperApp, HTMLapp Installers
A "helperApp" handles a different file (MIME) type and/or extension.
An "HTMLapp" uses parsed HTML to create something other than a book, e.g., Note, QuickFigure document.
- deepgrni.htm
- [2.x] installs a helperApp to import
Deep Green chess games (.pgn files); this may now be built-in?
- helpappi.htm
- [2.x] installer for text/plain helperApp: send text files to either Newt's Cape or to Notepad
- helplifi.htm
- [2.x] installs a helperApp to copy Life patterns from .lif files on the web
into the Life application
- helppkgi.htm
- [2.x] installer for Newton "package" types:
- specify a different MIME type (see what your server sends)
- place package into Inbox rather than install immediately (this is already an option in newer Newt's Cape versions)
- helpqfwi.htm
- [2.x] installs helperApp for tab text files for QuickFigure Works
stationery from PelicanWare
- helpslpi.htm
- [2.x] helperApp installer for Sloup: since Sloup doesn't "do TCP/IP",
you could transfer Sloup-format tab delimited
text file with Newt's Cape, and then have Sloup process it
- helpxwdi.htm
- [2.x] installs helperApp for crossword puzzles for xWord Buddy from Tactile;
note: since newer versions of xWord Buddy should already install this,
this should be used only for illustrative purposes.
- htmlappi.htm
- [2.x] installer for an htmlApp: if you don't like Newt's Cape's book metaphor, you can write your own
viewer, but still use Newt's Cape to transfer, cache and dispatch files.
This shows how to display HTML list items in the Notepad as outlines.
- htmlater.htm
- [2.x] simple demonstration of ability to download a page later
using Newt's Cape via Newton's alarm capability. Various options
could be provided (in a future example or plugin) to keep Newt's Cape
hidden, check if web page needs to be updated, just cache it rather than display it, etc.
Note: this has been built-in to Newt's Cape 2.0 (see cache/bookmark overview Schedule command)
- htmlqfwi.htm
- [2.x] install an htmlApp to concatenate values from an HTML table
into a tab-delimited string,
used to create a QuickFigure Works document
- charedit.htm
- [2.x] charEdit for short, fixed-length patterns, e.g., social security number
- clocks.htm
- [1.x-/2.x/JS] updates current time as text, analog, (2.x only: digital clock)
- datetime.htm
- [1.x-/2.x] date and time pickers/fields (also see times.htm)
- intpickr.htm
- [2.x] integer picker
- location.htm
- [1.x-/2.x] country, city, state, province latitude&longitude pickers/fields;
city picker handles same city names in different countries, e.g., London (Ontario) Canada vs. London UK
- makemap.htm
- [2.x] creates HTML source for overview/detailed maps for a city or latitude/longitude,
with more Scale settings, Scale refers to size of detailed maps; more Tiles;
Find forms to set latitude/longitude via City, MapBlast search, or from decimal format;
current form settings included on overview page; navigation: H1 on each map/book page
provides link to overview and TOC navigation via book overview;
optional links on detail map go to adjacent tiles (via N/S/E/W triangles) or to overview (via center)
- names.htm
- [2.x] name, fax, phone, email, meeting place picker/fields;
name picker can fill in multiple other fields
- nformobj.htm
- [1.x/2.x] custom form objects (Introduction): slider, AZ, recognition, keyboard
- serinput.htm
- [2.x] fill in input field from serial connection
- times.htm
- [2.x] date/time pickers and conversion, Swatch Internet Time; city picker; dynamic fields; Y2K info
- changetxt.htm
- [2.x] blink, scroll, alternate text in a field
Misc Apps
- ecountdn.htm
- [2.x/JS] Ellie's CountDown: time until birthdays, holidays, Y2K (other versions)
- evalexpr.htm
- [1.x/2.x/JS] Eval Expr: evaluate JavaScript/NewtonScript expressions
- ioboxfix.htm
- [2.x] check/set preference whether InOut Box opens initially to Inbox or Outbox
- lunabkmk.htm
- [2.x] export LunaSuite bookmarks to Notes or Newt's Cape
- monthmtg.htm
- [2.x] export a month of meetings/events from Dates application to Notes as an HTML table
- pfb.htm
- [2.x/JS] Pico Fermi Bagels: MasterMind-like number guessing game (other versions)
- pkginfo.htm
- [1.x/2.x] summarizes information
about Newton packages to Notes (2.x only: select folder/store)
- remalarm.htm
- [2.x] list/remove alarms (potentially useful if you schedule items and then remove that folder)
- soupdate.htm
- [2.x] remove Inbox entries before a specified date
- soupedit.htm
- [2.x] simple soup viewer/editor
- tibetjpg.htm
- [2.x] copy/convert JPEGs in Tibet format to Newt's Cape's Image cache;
demonstrates creating dynamic overview