
UnzipBMP is a Newt's Cape 2.x-only plugin that extracts files from .zip files, and converts and displays .bmp image files; (these two file types are currently combined in one plugin for my maintenance and documentation convenience). If you find problems, email Steve with details, including URLs of web page or specific files, and version of Newt's Cape, UnzipBMP and MessagePad. Of course, I'd also like to hear of successes...


Newt's Cape to use UnzipBM and other helperApps
zip: requires Zlib.pkg library from Paul Guyot, if you want to access compressed(Deflated only) files
zip: helperApps; currently, the file extension is used to determine the MIME type, and thus the helperApp; here are currently handled file extensions, MIME types and associated helperApps and actions; you can find out which are installed in Newt's Cape by selecting View/Helpers; let me know which other file types and apps could be added:
.htm, .html: text/html
Newt's Cape: displays document
.txt: text/plain
Newt's Cape: displays document
.gif: image/gif
Newt's Cape: displays image
.jpg, .jpeg: image/jpeg
JPEG: Newt's Cape displays image
.bmp, .wbm: image/bmp
UnzipBMP: Newt's Cape displays image [if b&w or 4- or 16-grays]
.pkg: application/x-newton-compatible-pkg
Newt's Cape: installs .pkg or stores in Inbox; note: there's a bug "No" still installs .pkg
.pdb: application/x-pilot-pdb
.prc: application/x-pilot-prc
PilotDoc: Newt's Cape displays book (only for typeID: TEXtREAd or vIMGView)
.wav: audio/x-wav
.aif, .aiff: audio/x-aiff
.au: audio/basic
AudInbox: SimpleMail plays sound
.mod: www/unknown
ModSaver: ModPlayer plays sound (or NewtPack saves sound)
.class, .pdb, .wrp, .jar
WabaTester: creates local Waba app with Java classes
note: this needs to be revised to use UnzipBMP; it may conflict with PilotDoc
Newt's Cape: select or enter a URL to download .zip or .bmp files directly to Newton
requires Newt's Cape 2.0x-2(or later); select file via Newt's Cape:File:Open Inbox or Inbox:Newt's Cape Open
EE Transfer: assumes ZModem or transfer protocol that preserves file name and binary content
SimpleMail 4.0: select the .zip or .bmp file via Part picker (ignore 'no stationery' warning)
file extensions: MIME types
.zip: application/zip, application/zip-compressed
.bmp, .wbm: image/bmp
file format & size
if you transfer file yourself, make sure it's binary (Newt's Cape will download .zip and .bmp as binary automatically); make sure you have enough room, both for the file, and for any file you Extract
how to use
download a .zip or .bmp file with Newt's Cape, or use Newt's Cape:Open on an Inbox item
the image should automatically convert and display in Newt's Cape
note: it is not currently saved in Newt's Cape's Image cache
an overview appears showing the .zip file contents
(window may be somewhat smaller if NIE is connected to avoid system bugs)
use scroll arrows to move through a large .zip file
[optional] Save .zip to Inbox (for later use)
select files(s); numbers of total items, current range, and selected items appear in title
note: checkboxes are shown only for uncompressed or Deflated files (not Imploded or other file types; or directories); for Deflated files, Zlib.pkg library must be installed
Extract files
note: if you want to Extract more than one file, and a helperApp can handle only one file at a time, you may wish to Save to Inbox first, and then Extract one file at a time; e.g., if you Extract two .htm files, only the second will be displayed (or maybe an error will occur?); it should be ok to Extract at once: .pkg (Newt's Cape install), .bmp (Newt's Cape display), .wav (SimpleMail play)

Other Approaches to .zip files

Version History



© Copyright 2001-2017, S. Weyer. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.