All Courses: Introduction: Zoom

practice olliHow to Set Up Zoom?

Is Zoom Safe?

  • Short answer: yes, very -- if configured and maintained properly, e.g.,
  • Check for and install Zoom updates
  • Install latest OS (operating system) security updates
  • If hosting a meeting, supply a meeting password and enable Wating Room
  • Video app privacy & security assessments:(link is external)NSA; (link is external)Mozilla; Steve
  • "SOU Statement: Zoom Privacy and Security" --

April 9, 2020

Dear SOU Community-

Many of you have been asking questions or raising concerns about the use of Zoom.
Zoom is the primary video conferencing platform in use at SOU, and SOU is aware of the press
coverage that Zoom has been receiving. Some of this press is indeed factual, and some of the
coverage is also exaggerated. We continue to evaluate and monitor the security of Zoom as we
do all of our systems. Most importantly, Zoom cannot access information from our other systems.
SOU's Center for the Advancement Of Teaching and Learning has been working tirelessly to educate our
faculty on safe practices for hosting classes on Zoom. As with any technology, there are secure and less
secure ways of using Zoom, and SOU is taking the measures that it can to ensure that our faculty are using it safely.

We understand that Zoom is imperfect -- most technologies are. However, if it is used properly and
our users practice safe usage as well, Zoom provides a high-quality and safe videoconferencing experience.

  • SOU’s Zoom instance does not have access to information beyond what you can see in your profile.
  • Check your profile to see what information is available about you in Zoom.
  • Protect your personal information.
  • Treat Zoom as you would email, web-browsing or any other online platform
  • If something seems suspicious, do not trust it.
  • Do not click links sent in chat, unless you are sure that you can trust them.
  • Do not follow instructions from untrusted sources.
  • Keep your Zoom installation up to date.


Thomas Battaglia; Chief Information Officer. Southern Oregon University