Summary | Quotes: General | Literature/Poetry | Music | Science | Theater |
References: General | Art

by Skepchick is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
- Crosswords present us with complex, multi-layered patterns
-- problems to solve, boxes to fill, pieces to connect. - They've been used as an "intelligence" test and recruiting tool
by code-breaking agencies, e.g., Bletchley Park [UK], NSA. - A uniquely human pursuit (so far);
AI programs, e.g., Dr. Fill, have started to recognize the ambiguity,
word play and exceptions in crosswords.

is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- "As human beings, we have...
- "If you've ever picked up a crossword puzzle and said to yourself,
'I am not smart enough'... - "A study found that even children perceive crossword puzzle solvers as...
- "December flurries --
in the airplane magazine
a half-finished crossword." ~Urban haiku - "Making synaptic connections that have lain dormant for years causes...
- "Finding enjoyment in problem solving...
- "Solving crossword puzzles is...
- "I was a keen observer and listener. I picked up on clues...
- "What I love about cooking is...
- "Children are the most desirable opponents at Scrabble...
- "Watching 'CSI: Miami' is like doing the crossword puzzle...
- "Just as dogs love to chew bones,...
Literature / Poetry
- I decided that there was a Big Mind and a Little Mind...
- "My mind rebels at stagnation....
- "The Sunday crossword...
- "I'm drawn to a certain level of ambiguous storytelling that requires hard thought and work...

is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
- "The piercing sound of Jimmy Reed's harmonica...
- "Writing songs and lyrics is not that different from...
- Solving your own crossword puzzle: Jason Isbell
I start with a scans, and it sings, and it rhymes, and it works.
A crossword puzzle you made yourself... You're solving your own crossword puzzle; 1/25/2022 - "You're never quite sure where the song is going,...
- "Every time I write a song,...
- "There's this moment sometimes,...
- "Similarly to solving a crossword puzzle, solving puzzles in science is...
- "[How to put astronauts on the surface of Mars] is...
- A friend was in a theatre production about crossword puns...
- "I’ve enjoyed every second of...
- More confounding than any maze,...

via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0
- subsection: Art
- topics: AI, NSA, Sudoku
- National Puzzle Day 1/29: celebration / reflection on those puzzles, games
and even challenges in life that we embrace every day but sometimes take for granted;
unofficial; unclear when started -- different from Nat. Crossword Day: 12/21 - Across or Up, Rock Climbers and Crossword Solvers Puzzle Alike
climbers say they love the sport because of its similarity to puzzles,
not only for the athletic feats; NYT; 6/17/2024 - How to Tell If Your Brain Needs a Break
taking a few minutes to do a puzzle can allow you to return to work sharper and more creative;
"In a 2013 Daily Beast article, Maya Angelou referred to her work process as switching between her
“big mind and her little mind.” Her big mind did the heavy lifting, crafting the poems she became famous for.
Her little mind, which she used in between writing sessions, loved doing crossword puzzles"; NYT; 2/3/2023 - What It’s Like to Compete at a Crossword Puzzle Tournament NYT; 4/11/2022
- What's Your Wordplay Resolution? NYT; 12/31/2021
- Research like a crossword: The further down the wrong road you go,
the harder to turn back 10/26/2021 - John Cleese on why 'advertising is like a very good crossword'
it takes two days of your life but it's awfully interesting; 7/2/2021 - 3 Reasons Your Child Will Benefit By Doing A Crossword Puzzle
Crosswords For Kids Improve Memory & Cognition;
Works On Developing Social & Emotional Competence
Develops Real-Life Problem-Solving Skills; 1/28/2021 - What Climbing and Crosswords Have in Common
what does solving a boulder problem have to do with solving a crossword? Outside; 1/27/2021 - Crossword puzzles are a gift to the spirit, imagination and the mind of solvers
Conversations That Matter; 12/18/2020 - The King/Kimes NY Times' Crossword Challenge You Never Knew You Needed
In advance of Dec. 21's National Crossword Puzzle Day, two of ESPN's more "puzzling" wordsmiths
square off in completing a Friday NYT crossword; 12/21/2019 - Filling in the Blanks When life does not provide the answers, a woman finds certainty in crossword puzzles; NYT; 3/13/2019
- Captive Octopuses Get Bored Unless You Give Them Puzzles Giz; 10/26/2015
- A Million Little Boxes ACPT 2005; Dan Feyer; 538; 4/17/2015
- The Psychology of Flow: What Game Design Reveals about the Deliberate Tensions of Great Writing
"Books of sudoku and crossword puzzles are often labeled easy, medium, or hard because few people will pay
for a book of puzzles they can’t do, and not many more will spend time with puzzles that are too simple"; 12/5/2014 - Can You Solve 'The Hardest Logic Puzzle In The World'? Giz; 10/5/2014
- Thinking Outside the Grid: What crossword puzzles tell us about how reasoning and memory work
“In problem solving, we tend to assume that we have found the solution, and once we do, that it’s the
only solution to be found. Typically, we don’t think further about the problem and discover that there
may be other solutions.” ~Raymond Nickerson; 7/19/2012 - In Crosswords, It's Man Over Machine, for Now NYT; 3/18/2012
- The Computer's Next Conquest: Crosswords ("Dr. Fill" at ACPT 2012); NYT; 3/17/2012
- 'Knows what is Good and Bad,' ‘Can teach you things,' ‘Does lots of crosswords':
Children's knowledge about wisdom the study found that even children perceive crossword puzzle solvers
as more intelligent; Judith Glück, Belinda Bischof, Linda Siebenhüner; European Journal of Developmental
Psychology 9, no. 5 (2012): 582 -- 598, DOI: 10.1080/17405629.2011.631376. -
"Urban Play: City Crossword" by chooyutshing
is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0NYT: Tracing the Spark of Creative Problem-Solving NYT; 12/7/2010
- NYT: Enigma: Asking the Mind to Jump Through Hoops Teller; NYT; 12/7/2010
- NYT: The Rush of the 'Crossword Puzzle Moment' NYT; 12/7/2010
- NYT: An 11-Letter Word for Perfectionist? Starts With C
'constructor'; NYT; 12/7/2010 - NYT: Across and Down, the Wizard (Dan Feyer) Who Is Fastest of All
ACPT 2010; NYT; 12/7/2010 - NYT: A Puzzle Solver Moves On to Life's Riddles NYT; 12/7/2010
- Puzzling The World (video)??:
Few puzzles have swept the world and created such passionate devotees as Sudoku and crosswords.
While crosswords require specific linguistic capability, Sudoku players only need to understand basic numbers,
a feature that makes Sudoku particularly transnational and global. Maki Kaji, godfather of Sudoku and President
of Nikoli Company and Will Shortz, Crossword Puzzle Editor, The New York Times, discuss the similarities and
differences of crossword puzzles and Sudoku as well as trends and themes driving the popularity of puzzles around
the world today.; excerpts [video; 4:36]; Will Shortz: editing, solving puzzles: empowerment, mental aerobics; 10/23/2008 - BarelyBad: Why to play, and why not
- The Most Frustrating Crossword Puzzle of All Time; The Easiest Crossword; etc. College Humor
- Sudoku: the end of the crossword as we know it?
- The Art of Crosswords -- a short post/essay by Steve
- St. Pete's Off-Central stages 'Two Across' a play about bonding over crossword puzzles 1/21/2025
- Behind the scenes of Knives Out sequel Glass Onion: 'It’s a rollercoaster ride not a crossword puzzle'
"I think the trick to these movies is to make sure that there’s a narrative engine that is not a puzzle, that is a ride";12/19/2022 - On Crosswords and Crime Fiction
What is it about puzzles and crosswords that lend themselves so well to a good crime novel? 8/25/2022 - THE CROSSWORD PLAY (or Ezmeranda's Gift) by Donna Hoke
in THE CROSSWORD PLAY we join an expert level crossword puzzlemaker in a puzzle-making workshop, where she guides us
through the conventions, strictures and rules of crossword puzzle creation -- until things get a bit unruly; 2021 - Review: What’s ‘Inside the Box’? A Rewarding (Rewording) Time
in a new show by David Kwong, the noted cruciverbalist offers a collection of games
built for Zoom that let the audience be part of the puzzle; NYT; 10/14/2020 - Review: Crossword master David Kwong tries to turn puzzles into theater.
It’s not easy Geffen Playhouse's Stayhouse: Inside the Box; LAT; 10/8/2020 - The Real Work Although poems cannot be truly 'solved' like crosswords,
reading poems draws on some of the same skills as working crossword puzzles. These include:
- Proceeding line by line through the puzzle/poem.
- Answering what you know.
- Guessing at what you think you know but don’t know for sure,
hoping later info proves you right.
- Bracketing what you don’t know.
- Using what you know, or come to know, including the theme of the puzzle/poem,
to help you figure out what you didn’t know or didn’t know for sure.
- As with words in a crossword puzzle, parts of a poem often systematically fit together
and you can use one part of a poem to help you figure out another,
just as you can use one word in a crossword puzzle to help you decipher another; 5/1/2020 - The Crossword Mentality in Modern Literature and Culture by Adrienne Raphel;
.pdf; Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences; 2018;
e.g., Chapter 2. Crosswords and Literature, pp. 105- -
Crossword Puzzle with Lady in Black Coat, by Paulina Olowska.
On display in the Stedelijk Museum.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.05 Works of Art Inspired by Crosswords
1. Crossword Puzzle by Max Ferguson
The scene is of a man in a pub in London, whom the artist chanced upon while traveling
through the city in 2004. By the look of it, the solver is battling a particularly fiendish cryptic.
2. Crossword Puzzle with Lady in Black Coat by Paulina Olowska (2009)
A crossword person will no doubt notice the unorthodox checking and clue slot numbering of the grid.
Perhaps it represents a puzzle that's not meant to be solved?
3. Dad's Crossword by Duane Keiser (2013)
"I don't think he [Dad] even reads the news anymore in the paper
-- he pulls out the crossword and throws the rest away."
4. Crossword Tools by Sarah Lytle
"[Mom] must have her glasses, her morning coffee and her pen. I can see her sitting
at the breakfast table or curled up in the chair, glasses perched on her nose,
newspaper folded in half to the puzzle, working away. It makes me smile thinking about it."
5. Red Tomatoes on Crossword Puzzle by Carolyn Watson
"I loved the way the red of the tomatoes was reflected into the shadows and
how the black of the newsprint was darker in the shadow."
These tomatoes eclipse the clues too, in making the grid fills: VINE, RIPE, HOME, GROWN, TOMATO
-- and the US-style grid gives neat placeholders for the words on the left hand side.
Also: Red Peppers on Crossword; 5/26/2015