1904 | 1908 | References
- People's Home Journal: blended squares [on right]
- Hydrox cookie Oreo not produced until 1912
- The Sad History of Hydrox Cookies, Which Were Probably Doomed
Because They Were Called Hydrox 5/17/2017
Public domain from Wikimedia Commons
- Wikipedia: 1900s
- The Decades That Invented the Future: Part 1: 1900-1910
Theory of Relativity; Toaster Heating Element; Football's Forward Pass; Tanks; Vacuum Tube; Gas-Powered Mercedes;
Nintendo (playing cards); A Trip to the Moon; Bakelite; Radio; FBI; Kodak Brownie; Wired; 10/8/2012 - Paleofuture (predictions): 1900s
- 24 Strange Predictions For the 21st Century MF; 9/3/2020
- A Look at the 13 Most Influential Inventions from the Early 1900s 7/14/2019
- 8 Inventions of 20th Century that Changed the World 4/29/2019