P@s$w0rdz: Generating Passwords

Quotes | Memorable or Typable: Passcode: Generate; Change | Passphrase: Generate; Change |
Complex and Pastable Character Sequences |
Other Generation Methods

(link is external)"secure password smile"
by (link is external)Dianna Geers
is marked with (link is external)CC0 1.0


Memorable or Typable Passcodes & Passphrases

Generate Memorable Passcode (PIN) for Phone, Tablet

  • Phone: 8+ digits; avoid obvious sequences/patterns; e.g., (link is external)Kanye West: '000000';
    (link is external)The Police Can Probably Break Into Your Phone: phone-hacking tools typically
    exploit security flaws to remove a phone's limit on passcode attempts and then
    enter passcodes until the phone unlocks. Because of all the possible combinations,
    a six-digit iPhone passcode takes on average about 11 hours to guess,
    while a 10-digit code takes 12.5 years
    ; NYT; 10/21/2020
  • Tablet -- or phone with larger screen/keypad: 5+word passphrase (see below),
    or 24+ alphanumeric with punctuation
  • watchOS: (link is external)up to 10 digits
  • Fingerprint or facial recognition is convenient,
    and may be an acceptable risk (see Passkeys:Biometrics), if you:
  • 1pw ipad pinhave a strong PIN/passcode
  • have an appropriate timeout requiring periodic PIN/password re-entry
  • limit login attempts or enable auto-erase
  • For a high-profile target, a resourceful criminal might use a fake fingerprint,
    contact lens or disguise -- or cut off a body part -- to trick the scanner.

1pw mac pinGenerate PIN: PM

  • Note: Password Manager (PM) generator interface may vary
    depending on version of 1PW and OS,
    e.g., previously, Mac app and browser extension were different.
  • I created a dummy "TEST PASSWORD" 1PW entry
    so that I could easily generate & copy passwords.
  • 1Password : PIN / PIN Code: # of digits [above: iPad; on right: Mac]

mac numGenerate PIN: OS

  • macOS: System Preferences > Users & Groups >
    Password > Change Password > "key icon":
    Password Assistant: Numbers only
    [on right: Mac]
  • iOS: If using iCloud Keychain, it's possible to set a Strong Password
    when creating a new web account; how strong? how easily edited/replaced?
    Apple: (link is external)Automatically fill in strong passwords on iPhone

Change PIN for Phone, Tablet

  • (link is external)And: Settings > Location and Security > Screen Lock:
  • Pattern: drawing pattern; weak, if simple
  • PIN: 8+ digits
  • Password: 24+ alphanumeric
  • ios change(link is external)iOS: Settings > Passcode > Change Passcode >
    Passcode options:
    [on right: iPhone]
  • Custom Alphanumeric Code: e.g., iPad: 5+ word phrase or 24+ characters
  • Custom Numeric Code: e.g., iPhone: 8+ digits
  • 6-Digit Numeric Code: (weak)
  • When travelling or leaving device unattended, there's no 'Lock Screen' command (like macOS)
    that forces a passcode prompt upon next wakeup. Some options...
  • (link is external)How to Hard Lock an iPhone to Prevent Unauthorized Biometric Access
    for Face ID equipped iPhones: Press and hold the Power button and either Volume button
    for about 2-3 seconds; OSXD; 9/1/2022
  • ~4 unrecognized fingerprint attempts: use a different finger from the ones used to train Touch ID.
  • Power down iPhone/iPad, restart.

Generate Memorable Passphrase for Computer, Password Manager, etc.

  • For some devices and accounts, a strong but easily 'typable' password
    (all lowercase, numerals) may be desirable, e.g.,
  • correct horse battery staple troubadour
    (link is external)Password Strength by XKCD is licensed under a
    (link is external)Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License

    Wi-Fi router access for your guests
    (or provide scannable (link is external)QR code)

  • Netflix streaming credentials via keyboard menu on smart TV
  • During system startup, login to user account,
    system services, e.g., iCloud (AppleID),
    or app, e.g., Dropbox,
    -- before password manager is accessible
  • A few web sites block autofill or paste
    (supposedly to increase security?)
    -- thus requiring manual entry of credentials,
    via typing or clicking onscreen keyboard,
    e.g., treasurydirect.gov.
  • It's difficult to think up a long, unique
    passphrase yourself -- use a generator
    to avoid common phrases, lines from poems,
    movie titles, Bible quotes, etc.
  • e.g., "correct horse battery staple"
    [on right: (link is external)XKCD cartoon]
Five 6-sided dice by (link is external)PierreSelim
via (link is external)Wikimedia Commons,
(link is external)Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Generate Passphrase: Diceware

1pw ipad wordsGenerate Passphrase: PM

  • 1Password: Memorable/Words: # words, separator, etc.
    [on right: iPad; below right: Mac]
  • 1pw mac memOptional: to increase strength even more, customize generated words,
    e.g., mixed case, digits, punctuation*, misspellings,
    reversals, acronyms, invented words, other languages;
    *hackers already anticipate simple 'leet' substitutions like $ for S, 1 for L, etc.
    if including 'unusual' chars (accented, foreign, etc.) ,
    check availability / compatibility / keyboard for cross-platform use,
    e.g., unlocking password manager on different devices

Generate Passphrase: OS

  • mac change(link is external)macOS: System Preferences >
    Users & Groups > Password >
    Change Password > "key icon"

    [on right: Mac]
  • > Password Assistant : Memorable
    note: missing in newer macOS versions? [below right: Mac]
  • Longer phrase: generate & concatenate two!

Change Passphrase for Desktop Computer

1pw mac ext ranComplex (Pastable) Character Sequences for Web sites, Apps

Generate Sequence: PM

  • 1Password: Random / Characters:
    # chars; symbols; numbers/digits
    [on right: iPad, Mac]
  • 1pw ipad chars"Avoid Ambiguous Characters" omits easily confused chars: 1 / I, 0 / O;
    useful for typable passwords [available only in some versions?]

Generate Sequence: OS

  • mac raniOS: see (link is external)Apple: Automatically fill in strong passwords on iPhone
    (using iCloud KeyChain)
  • macOS includes a Random option with its Password Assistant:
  • macOS: System Preferences > Users & Groups > Password >
    Change Password > "key icon": Password Assistant :
    : length (31*) [on right: Mac]
  • *for longer password: generate & concatenate two!
  • Your OS may offer to generate and store passwords for a browser, e.g., Chrome, Safari,
    and maybe sync securely online, e.g., iCloud Keychain
  • This can be convenient (and free), but generally not as secure
    or full-featured as a dedicated password manager,
    especially if your device/computer has a weak password
    -- or you've left it logged in when you step away!
coder rings
(link is external)"What's the password?" by (link is external)bcostin
is licensed under (link is external)CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Other Generation Methods