Quotes | Summary | Where? | Incremental | Complete | Offsite | What I Use | Other |
References: General | Android | Backblaze | Carbon Copy Cloner | Cloud | Death |
Dropbox | Future | Google | Hard Drive/SSD | iCloud | iOS | macOS |
Natural Disaster, esp. Cascadia Quake | OneDrive | Paper/Other | Photos |
Retrospect | SuperDuper | Thumb / USB Drive | TimeMachine | Windows
- You can never be too rich, too beautiful,...
- "When was the last time you backed up your work?"...
- Back up my hard drive?...
- "Having been erased,
The document you're seeking
Must now be retyped.
Three things are certain:
Death, taxes, and lost data.
Guess which has occurred.
With searching comes loss
and the presence of absence:
"My Novel" not found.
A file that big?
It might be very useful.
But now it is gone.
Rather than a beep
Or a rude error message,
These words: 'File not found.'" ~Haiku Error Messages
- "Data loss is when you no longer have access to your own data...
- "Data theft is when someone else gets access to your data illicitly...
- Backup frequency poll (2020) -- never: 19%; annual: 39%; monthly: 20%; 12%: weekly; daily: 10%; ~Backblaze; 6/18/2020
- "3-2-1" backups: 3 copies of your data; 2 different, local methods (formats); 1 offsite
- Disks & solid state drives (SSDs) -- and CDs, DVDs and thumb drives -- will eventually fail /corrupt
- Recover from accidental deletions, theft, ransomware (Malware, Encryption), and incomplete system updates
- 3Rs: Redundancy, Resiliency, Reliability
- 1. Incremental: user files, settings -- to local or network external drive;
often maintains some older file versions -- hourly/daily/weekly; - 2. Complete: user files & settings plus system and applications
-- ideally an exact copy and bootable clone -- to local or network external drive -- weekly/monthly - 3. Offsite: cloud service -- ongoing (with internet connection), preferably automatically;
partial: email, photos, contacts, notes, calendar, e.g., iCloud;
selected files, folders (manually), e.g., iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive;
passwords: synced between cloud & devices via password manager, e.g., 1Password;
complete: cloud backup service such as Backblaze - Backups don't usually take long, e.g., < 30 minutes -- start before a coffee break or meal
- World Backup Day March 31st (just before April Fool's)
- International Verify Your Backups Day every Friday the 13th; TB
- Check periodically that your backups actually occurred and that you can restore files!
- When changing device settings, it's best to 'backup' the current settings, either via paper or screenshot, in case you change your mind.
- References
Where to Backup?
- Device or disk manufacturer may provide backup software, e.g., Time Machine, Retrospect
- What is the total size (used + available) of your internal disk/SSD?
- Option 1: Separate external drives, one for incremental, one for clone
-- if you're concerned about the risk of a single drive failing or disappearing;
some (newer) partitioned drives don't support bootable clones - Incremental (TimeMachine): size: 4x internal -- or more, if you'd like more versions and deleted files to be preserved
- format: Disk Utility > OS Extended Journaled -- Encrypted (recommended); save recovery key!
- you can enable encryption later:
Time Machine Preferences > Encrypt Disk
, which uses FileVault also
-- however, enabling later is much s-l-o-w-e-r - Bootable clone(s) [Carbon Copy Cloner]: size: 1x internal -- or more, if you'd like multiple macOS versions, each in a separate partition
- format: Disk Utility > OS Extended Journaled -- not Encrypted; CCC will convert to AFPS format (encrypt later)
- before backing up [first time],
System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy
: exclude backup drives - before cloning [each time], disable any automatic cloud-based backup,
e.g.,Backblaze Preferences > Settings > Schedule > Only When I Click Backup Now
- after cloning [each time], renable any automatic cloud-based backup,
e.g.,Backblaze Preferences > Settings > Schedule > Continuously
- to encrypt bootable clone backup, option-Restart; in Startup Manager, select backup disk/partition
- after clone booted,
System Preferences > Security & Privacy > FileVault: Turn On
; save recovery key! - after clone encrypted, option-Restart; re-select internal disk/SSD
- Option 2: [2] single local external disk partitioned to contain both incremental and clone backups -- convenient and economical; however, some cloned backups might not boot from newer partitioned drives?
- e.g., 1x: 250G (clone); 3x: 750G (incremental; multiple versions/deleted files accessible)
- Option 3: Cloud storage, e.g., iCloud, Backblaze. How secure is the cloud?
- Very -- depending on how files are encrypted and stored, and who has access.
- For brief explanation of different levels of security (via encryption) for Local and Cloud, see P@s$w0rdz:Storing:Encrypt
- Option 4: [2] Shared local network drive (possibly with redundant drive arrays, e.g., RAID)
[1] Incremental Backup
- Backup only what's changed, automatically: user files, multiple versions, settings, contacts, bookmarks
- Frequency: hourly/daily/weekly -- esp. if many files added/changed; also, before any system updates
- Alternatively, you could periodically backup selected files/folders manually to USB drive and/or cloud folder, e.g., DropBox, Box, Google Drive, Microsoft, OneDrive -- but, will you remember to do it?
- macOS:
Time Machine > Open Time Machine Preferences: select disk; Backup Now
- (restore):
Time Machine > Enter Time Machine
[image] - Win:
Settings > Update & Security > Backup > Backup Using File History
- File History tool automatically saves multiple versions of a given file, so you can restore a file before it was changed or deleted
[1] Complete Backup
- A complete, bootable clone contains everything, including applications and system files, and can help you recover from incomplete software updates
- Frequency: weekly/monthly; also, before major system cleanup & updates -- and after successful updates
- iOS (USB):
Finder > Preferences > Sidebar > CDs, DVDs, and iOS Devices
- macOS (to disk):
Carbon Copy Cloner
- Due to increased security in macOS, backup apps need to be granted permission for 'full disk access':
- macOS:
System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access
apps provide directions, e.g., Carbon Copy Cloner, Backblaze; permission needed also for system cleanup tools like Titanium's Maintenance or Onyx - Win:
Settings > System & Security > Set up backup
- Backup and Restore creates a single backup of the latest version of your files on a schedule. It can also create a “system image,” which is a snapshot of your entire system -- operating system, programs, documents, and all -- which makes it easy to restore everything
[1] Offsite: Cloud and/or Other Physical Location
- Store backup(s) somewhere other than your house/office in case your device and local backups are damaged, stolen, hacked, ...
- USB/external disk/DVD at a remote site, e.g., bank Safety Deposit box, trusted friend's house
- For desktop systems, a cloud provider can provide an automatic, complete backup with 'unlimited' storage for relatively small cost, e.g., ~$5/mo.
- Frequency: ongoing
- macOS (to cloud):
- Initial backup may take days, depending on number/size of files, and speed of internet connection
- Restore selected files via download; since restoring everything from a remote backup could take awhile, service may ship a loaner drive, e.g., Backblaze
- see References for other products, e.g., Retrospect; Carbonite: Windows ok, but Mac not, due to lack of private keys
- Other cloud options are available for mobile devices and selected data and settings -- often free if default storage used, e.g., iCloud < 5GB
- A password manager can store/sync encrypted passwords, e.g., 1Password on 1password.com, iCloud or Dropbox
- Email backup may not be necessary if using IMAP, i.e., messages already stored on ISP's mail server and cached on each device
- Share -- and backup -- documents & photos via services like Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud, Microsoft OneDrive
- Back up/sync system settings, bookmarks and certain types of documents and data via iCloud
- iOS:
Settings > (your acct) > iCloud: Photos, Mail, Contacts, Calendars, Reminders, Notes, Safari, News, Home, Game Center, Siri, Keychain, Find My iPad/iPhone, iCloud Backup
- iOS:
Settings > (your acct) > iCloud > Storage > Manage Storage > Backups: device; Documents&Data
- iOS:
Settings > (your acct) > Family Sharing
-- setup - iOS:
Settings > (your acct) > iCloud > Manage Storage > Share With Family
-- share iCloud storage - What's shared: Apple media purchases, Apple Music family plans, iCloud storage plans, Photo album, Calendar, Reminders, Locations, Find My iPhone family view
- Not shared: songs in iTunes Match (not purchased in the iTunes Store), in-app purchases, items hidden by a group member, some apps from the App Store (this is left up to each developer)
- macOS:
System Preferences > iCloud: Photos, Mail, Contacts, Calendars, Reminders, Safari, Notes, Keychain, Back to My Mac (File/Screen Sharing), Find My Mac
- macOS:
System Preferences > iCloud > Manage... (lower right)
- macOS:
icloud.com > Settings (home) > Storage
- Is cloud storage safe?
- Encryption depends on the strength & security of the encryption key -- in addition to the password you use to login to cloud provider (plus its security practices)
- Encrypting in transit (via HTTPS:) is assumed; is file decrypted by provider before being re-encrypted?
- If cloud provider has that key, files are vulnerable to hacking or government request -- only you should know / control separate 'private key' (which is not same as login password)
- Conclusion: Extremely secure if file already encrypted 'end-to-end', e.g., password manager;
or cloud service uses a separate (non-account) key which only you have, e.g., Backblaze - Ideally, 2-step authentication is available to protect account login -- section: Passwords
What I Use
- two separate external drives: for TimeMachine and for Carbon Copy Cloner
- cloud services: iCloud, Backblaze
- incremental [ext disk]: macOS: TimeMachine -- files; several times/week
- incremental [cloud]: macOS, iOS: iCloud -- Safari, Settings, etc.; notes; ongoing; 1password.com
- incremental [cloud]: macOS: Backblaze -- all files; ongoing (also external non-backup partitions);
if you subscribe to Backblaze, use this referral link (or code:00gxf7
) to receive a free month; Steve receives a free month credit. - complete [ext disk]: macOS: Carbon Copy Cloner -- files, apps, system; monthly, esp. before macOS updates
- complete (via macOS) iOS: files, settings, etc. (Manual) before iOS updates -- see screenshot on right {???}
- [1] Paper: important device & account passwords (esp. for password manager!) in SD box
- [1] Save .pdf of various paper documents, e.g., manuals for devices & appliances from manufacturers sites
- [1] While travelling, backup digital photos to local drive, other device or cloud
- [2] Customize photo storage settings to optimize space, cost, sync time, esp. if you have many GB of photos & devices
- [3] If you host a blog or website, make backups, e.g.,
WordPress.com > Dashboard > Tools > Export
- sections: Refs: Android; Backblaze; Carbon Copy Cloner; Cloud; Death; Dropbox; Future; Google; Hard Drive; iCloud; iOS; macOS; Natural Disaster, esp. Cascadia Quake; OneDrive; Paper/Other; Photos; Retrospect; SuperDuper; TimeMachine; Windows; see also Mobile Privacy
- topics: hardware reliability, music, restore
- Wikipedia: Backup; List of backup software; ransomware
- Computer Backup Options pros & cons: manual, external, online (by Backblaze)
- Back Up Everything. Even if Elon Musk Isn’t Looking at It.
Social Security; Mortgage History, Bank and Credit Card Records;
Credit Reports; Credit Freezes; Student Loan Payments; Tax Returns;
Medical Records; Wills and Trust Documents;
How to Do Digital Backups: Cloud, Software and Portable Drives;
How to Safely Store Your Paper Documents; NYT; 2/14/2025 - It's Time to Move On from Bootable Backups latest macOS and Carbon Copy Cloner, SuperDuper, etc.; TB; 12/23/2024
- How to Properly Archive Your Digital Files open file formats; 7/14/2024
- How to Back Up Your Digital Life Time Macine, Backblaze, iDrive, Duplicati; Wired; 3/31/2024
- Back Up and Secure Your Digital Life
product reviews: Hard drive;
Online backup service; Cloud sync;
Local backup software; ... NYT; 3/7/2024 - A Reminder That Trusting Everything to Cloud Storage Can Screw You Over
having just one copy of your files stored anywhere -- even if it's in the cloud -- isn't safe; LH; 11/29/2023 - Start Looking for Drobo and Retrospect (StorCentric) Replacements TB; 5/16/2023
- How to Prepare for a Lost, Stolen or Broken Smartphone NYT; 2/8/2023
- Best file compression apps for macOS and iOS ApIn; 1/27/2023
- International Verify Your Backups Day TB; 1/13/2023
- How to Create a PDF From Any Website, on Any Device LH; 6/21/2022
- The Best Mobile Scanning Apps
Adobe Scan, SwiftScan, Microsoft Lens, Apple Notes; NYT; 5/27/2022 - Do I Really Need to Back Up All My Data? Wired; 4/25/2022
- Steps to Simple Online Security: 6: Backups NYT; 4/8/2022
- How to Back Up Your Computer NYT; 9/29/2021
- How You Can Lose a File Despite Three Layers of Backup (and How To Avoid It) TB; 9/27/2021
- What to do when your laptop is stolen (and how to prepare for it)
Before: Encrypt your data; Keep a current backup;
Enable your laptop’s tracking feature;
After: 1. Locate and lock your laptop (Find My Device);
2. Notify the authorities: File a police report, Tell your bank,
File a claim with your insurance company, Contact your computer manufacturer;
3. Protect your personal information: Wipe your data,
Change your passwords, Disable autofill and clear your browsing data,
Deauthorize your account and devices; PC; 7/14/2021 - The Best Ways to Compress PDFs for Free LH; 6/14/2021
- How to Back Up Your Most Important Emails Forward Emails to a Backup Account; Use POP and IMAP; Download Everything To a Desktop Client; Other Options; Wired; 1/24/2021
- How to Restore Apple Watch from Backup OSXD; 1/19/2021
- How to Backup Your Apple Watch automatically to iPhone; OSXD; 1/16/2021
- Poll Shows Backup Frequency Increasing, Results Still Depressing never: 19%; annual: 39%; monthly: 20%; 12%: weekly; 10%: daily; Backblaze's poll/report; TB; 6/19/2020
- How to create a backup strategy with terabytes of files MW; 1/29/2020
- We're Living in a Subscriptions World. Here's How to Navigate It. avoid losing control of content/data; Maintain Your Own Backups; Create a Personal Entertainment Cloud; NYT; 1/15/2020
- Manage & restore your device backups in Google Drive
- How to Back Up Your Android Phone Wired; 3/31/2024
- How to share large video files on Android PC; 6/18/2020
- Reminder: if you subscribe to Backblaze, use this referral link (or code:
) to receive a free month; and Steve receives a free month credit. - Retain Backups During Extended Leaves
- Solving the Backblaze 'Permission Denied' Restore Error in app; TB; 8/15/2024
- Backblaze 8.5 TB; 9/21/2022
- Backblaze Raises Prices to Address Changing Industry Conditions TB; 7/13/2021
- Backblaze review: No-hassle online backup is a no-brainer decision unlimited storage, no decisions on what to back up, no pressure; PC; 4/20/2021
Carbon Copy Cloner (Mac)
- Carbon Copy Cloner
- Carbon Copy Cloner 7.0.4 TB; 11/22/2024
- Carbon Copy Cloner Review MW; 7/23/2024
- Carbon Copy Cloner 6.1.10 TB; 2/24/2024
- Carbon Copy Cloner Backs Up Cloud-Only Content TB; 10/6/2023
- Carbon Copy Cloner 5.1.26 TB; 5/10/2021
- [2] APFS Bug in macOS 10.15.5 Catalina Impacts the Creation of Bootable Backups MR; 5/28/2020
- Wikipedia: online backup; cloud storage; file hosting; Dropbox
- HowStuffWorks: How Cloud Storage Works; Cloud Quiz
- HowStuffWorks: Do I need to back up files that are already in cloud storage?
- HowStuffWorks: Are my files really safe if I store them in the cloud?
- Take Control E-Books: Cloud, Dropbox, iCloud
- free Take Control Cheat Sheets: Cloud
- The best cloud storage services for Apple users Google One/Drive, Apple iCloud, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox?; MW; 1/20/2025
- The Best Cloud Storage Services Wired; 3/3/2024
- Online backup: We test the best services -- Carbonite, iDrive, Backblaze, Livedrive PC; 8/18/2023
- The Best Online Cloud Backup Service Backblaze is top choice now; 1/24/2023
- Cloud Storage Forecast Unsettled, with Possible Storms TB; 2/4/2022
- 7 of the Best Cloud Storage Services That Are Cheaper Than iCloud, Google One, and OneDrive
Microsoft 365 Family: 6TB storage, split six ways;
iDrive: 5/10TB personal storage for the price of 1TB;
TeleDrive: Free, unlimited cloud storage via Telegram;
pCloud: Own cloud storage for your lifetime;
Icedrive: A lot of storage, but privacy first;
Mega: Take 20GB for free, and 8TB for cheap;
WeTransfer: Free, but short-lived data transfer;
LH; 1/12/2022 - How to Recover Any Version of a File
access to your edits in Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and Apple Pages are just a click away; Giz; 6/25/2021 - WD My Book Live users wake up to find their data deleted Ars; 6/25/2021
- How to Prepare for the Next Time the Cloud Goes Down Giz; 8/31/2020
- The Cheapest Cloud Storage Services of 2020 for All Your Files LH; 8/13/2020
- 9 Tips to Keep Your Cloud Storage Safe and Secure
1. Use Strong Passwords and Two-Factor Authentication;
2. Audit Your File and Folder Shares;
3. Clear Out Your 'Deleted' Files;
4. Check Your Connected Apps and Accounts;
5. Turn on Account Alerts;
6. Deactivate Old Devices That Still Have Access;
7. Enable Account Recovery Options; Wired; 7/26/2020 - Cloud storage plans you can use to replace your Mac’s external storage MW; 6/17/2020
- What's the Diff: Sync vs Backup vs Storage BB; 3/31/2020
- Cloud Computing More Energy Efficient Than Initially Thought TB; 3/3/2020
- Dropbox and iCloud Drive: How each service approaches cloud storage different approaches to reducing storage on a local drive; MW; 2/21/2020
- How to Deal with Running Out of iCloud, Google, and Dropbox Space TB; 2/17/2020
- How to Share Files Securely Online Firefox Send, Dropbox, WeTransfer, Google Drive, OneDrive, SendAnywhere, iCloud; Wired; 2/9/2020
Death, Divorce
- Preparing for the Unthinkable: A Brief Guide to Digital Legacy Planning TB; 4/26/2024
- How to Keep Anyone From Accessing Your iCloud Data After You Die Advanced Data Protection (encryption); LH; 1/26/2024
- How to Close the Social Media Accounts of a Dead Relative LH; 1/3/2024
- Why You Need a Digital 'Dead Man's Switch'
from alerting your family to trouble to ensuring folks have access
to your accounts, there are several reasons to set one up; LH; 9/25/2023 - The Digital Fragments We Leave Behind After Death
the photos, texts, playlists and to-do lists that we find after loved ones die can offer poignant glimpses into their lives; NYT; 5/3/2023 - There may be a problem with Apple's Digital Legacy feature ApIn; 3/7/2023
- What Stories Have You Learned From Digital Messages Left Behind? NYT; 12/15/2022
- Here's What Happens to Your Crypto When You Die LH; 12/8/2022
- You can take it with you: How to destroy the data you leave behind MW; 8/15/2022
- How to Preserve Your Digital Legacy (and Why You Should) LH; 5/10/2022
- How to Leave Your Photos to Someone When You Die Wired; 3/17/2022
- The Morbid War Over Online Obituaries
'Obituary pirates' scrape websites and publish their own versions of death notices, reaping commissions on flowers and gifts; Wired; 12/26/2021 - How to arrange for your digital legacy Verge; 12/2/2021
- How to Decide What Happens to Your Data When You Die Giz; 12/2/2021
- Apple will soon let you pass on your iCloud data when you die
new program coming to iPhones, iPads and Macs, Digital Legacy allows you to
choose five Legacy Contacts who can see your stuff; MW; 11/10/2021 - What Should Happen to Our Data When We Die?
Anthony Bourdain’s A.I.-generated voice is just the latest example of a celebrity being digitally reincarnated.
These days, though, it could happen to any of us; NYT; 7/24/2021 - What to do about Apple devices and iCloud content when the owner dies ApIn; 1/2/2021
- How to recover data from a Mac with T2 or FileVault encryption and without a password short answer: it may not be possible; MW; 11/19/2020
- How to prepare your digital assets in case of death
someone's passing could leave their data and devices locked up forever. But there are some preparations and techniques you could try;
Make a plan before it's too late;
Manage hardware;
Retain account access; MW; 10/21/2020 - A look at startups that provide end-of-life services, from estate planning to online forums for grieving virtually, amid a surge in interest during the pandemic NYT; 7/16/2020
- How to Request Access to a Deceased Family Member's Apple Accounts TB; 6/17/2020
- Estate planning 101: Your guide to wills, trusts and all your end-of-life documents CNet; 6/8/2020
- Can I keep my partner’s Apple purchases and account after they die? MW; 6/4/2020
- HowStuffWorks: How the Dropbox Mobile App Works
- free Take Control Cheat Sheets: Dropbox
- Dropbox: What does Dropbox do to protect my stuff?
- Had It With the Dropbox App? Here Are Five Alternative Dropbox Clients
Maestral, CloudMounter, Mountain Duck 3,
Transmit 5, Strongsync; MR; 12/1/2021
- A DNA-based storage system with files and metadata
queries can take days, but it's possible to pull out specific files; Ars; 6/15/2021
- What Is Google One, and Should You Subscribe? Wired; 3/27/2022
- How to back up your Gmail Verge; 7/28/2021
- Google is finally doing something about Google Drive spam Ars; 7/23/2021
- How to Back Up All of Your Google Data LH; 3/11/2021
- How to Prepare For Google's New Cloud Storage Restrictions LH; 12/7/2020
- How to Access & Edit Google Drive Files from iPhone & iPad OSXD; 6/8/2020
- Google Drive gains an important security feature on iPhone Privacy Screen: authenticate using Touch ID or Face ID; PC; 5/5/2020
Hard Drive, SSD
- HowStuffWorks: How to Back Up a Hard Drive
- Best external hard drive and SSD CNet; 2/1/2025
- Best external SSD for Mac MW; 1/28/2025
- Why your external drive isn’t showing up on Mac and how to get a Mac to recognise it MW; 1/26/2025
- Best external hard drive for Mac MW; 11/24/2024
- How to Choose the Right SSD to Buy LH; 2/21/2024
- Best external drives for backup, storage, and portability PC; 8/14/2023
- The best SSDs: Reviews and buying advice PC; 7/24/2023
- Backblaze's 2022 Drive Stats Reveal Manufacturer and Model Reliability Trends drive failures by brand; BB; 1/31/2023
- Backblaze's 2020 Hard Drive Reliability Statistics TB; 2/12/2021
- How Do I Transfer Data When I Switch Out My Laptop's Hard Drive for an SSD? LH; 2/5/2021
- [2] Six Lessons Learned from Dealing with an iMac's Dead SSD TB; 4/27/2020
iCloud (Apple)
- iCloud encryption explained: How secure is your data? MW; 2/14/2025
- Eight Ways to Speed Up Your iCloud Sync LH; 2/13/2025
- iCloud Drive review: The cloud storage service all Apple users can access MW; 10/22/2024
- Apple's Advanced Data Protection Gives You More Keys to iCloud Data
requires latest OS on all devices; TB; 12/8/2022 - Apple will finally encrypt iCloud Backups as part of major security push
iOS 16.2 and macOS 13.1 will include several new features to protect your data; MW; 12/7/2022 - How to use iCloud Folder Sharing and replace Dropbox ApIn; 5/30/2022
- Bad Apple #5: iCloud Drive Folder Sharing Risks Data Loss TB; 5/12/2022
- Apple turns off iCloud Documents and Data, but you can still find your files MW; 5/9/2022
- How to Make Sure You Can Recover Your iCloud Data Wired; 4/24/2022
- Apple will soon let you pass on your iCloud data when you die
new program coming to iPhones, iPads and Macs, Digital Legacy allows you to
choose five Legacy Contacts who can see your stuff; MW; 11/10/2021 - How to use iCloud Folder Sharing and replace Dropbox ApIn; 2/23/2022
- Apple releases iCloud for Windows version 13 update MW; 11/10/2021
- How to Share iCloud Storage with Family on Mac OSXD; 11/1/2021
- How to use iCloud Data Recovery Service MW; 10/11/2021
- Apple Outlines Security and Privacy of CSAM Detection System in New Document
Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) scanning on iCloud; MR; 8/13/2021 - How to Share iCloud Storage with Family on iPhone & iPad OSCD; 7/29/2021
- How to Free Up iCloud Storage Space on iPhone & iPad OSXD; 4/21/2021
- Beware! iCloud Backups Deleted after 180 Days TB; 6/11/2020
- How to Sync and Access Your Data Across Devices switch between your phone and laptop seamlessly; Wired; 6/2/2020
- How to Access iCloud Drive Files from Windows PC OSXD; 5/27/2020
- How to use iCloud to cope with a Mac that's low on storage MW; 4/27/2020
- How use your Mac to get more info about your iCloud Drive storage Files for iOS and iPadOS omits nested information on folders; MW; 4/20/2020
- How to Recover Lost or Deleted iCloud Drive Files or Documents OSXD; 2/18/2020
- Folder sharing brings iCloud Drive closer to Dropbox, but there's work left to do MW; 2/7/2020
- How to restore deleted files, photos, bookmarks, and more from iCloud iCloud keeps many items you delete for up to 30 days; MW; 1/2/2020
- How to free up iCloud storage space MW; 1/1/2020
- Apple: Use Quick Start to transfer data from your previous iOS device to your new iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
- How To Backup Your iPhone iCloud, iTunes, Google Photos; Wired; 3/31/2024
- How to back up an iPhone or iPad MW; 9/8/2023
- How restore an iPhone from a backup MW; 6/29/2023
- How to transfer all your data from an old iPhone to a new iPhone MW; 1/5/2023
- How to Borrow iCloud Storage for Free to Transfer Data to Your New iPhone temporary iCloud backup that can be deleted in 21 days; LH; 9/21/2021
- How to Restore an iPhone Without the Password LH; 9/10/2021
- How to Reduce Your iCloud Backup Data Size on iPhone / iPad OSXD; 5/19/2021
- How to Open & Extract RAR Files on iPhone & iPad iZip; OSXD; 4/16/2021
- Can't Remember Password for Encrypted iPhone Backup? Here's What To Do OSXD; 3/31/2021
- How to set up a backup plan for your Mac, iPhone, and iPad for your New Year's resolution ApIn; 12/31/2020
- iCloud Backup Failed on iPhone or iPad? Here’s How to Fix & Troubleshoot OSXD; 12/19/2020
- How to Restore iOS Backups in MacOS with Finder (Big Sur & Catalina) OSXD; 9/28/2020
- How to get back 'Other' storage on the iPhone or iPad ApIn; 9/7/2020
- How to Backup iPhone or iPad to Windows PC OSXD; 8/24/2020
- How to Delete iOS & iPadOS Device Backups from MacOS Finder in Catalina OSXD; 3/18/2020
- How to open zip files on your iPhone or iPad MW; 2/19/2020
- How to Backup iPhone or iPad to Mac in MacOS Catalina with Finder OSXD; 1/13/2020
- Documents 7 review: Free iOS file manager puts Apple’s Files app to shame Documents 7 is a free iOS app for reading PDF, EPUB, Word, and Excel documents, opening ZIP archives, viewing images, downloading; MW; 1/2/2020
- Wikipedia: FileVault
- Apple: FileVault 2
- Take Control: Backing Up Your Mac; Online Appendixes; free cheat sheet
- Carbon Copy Cloner; SuperDuper
- How to show hidden files on a Mac MW; 3/1/2025
- Best Mac backup software MW; 1/29/2025
- Best Mac data recovery software MW; 1/18/2025
- Should you shut down your Mac when away for long periods? pay attention to backups; MW; 6/21/2024
- How to back up and wipe your Mac Verge; 6/11/2024
- How to back up a MacBook or Mac MW; 4/23/2024
- Proton Drive encrypted cloud storage service arrives on Mac TC; 11/23/2023
- Getting started with macOS Disk Utility: The basics ApIn; 5/13/2023
- What to do if your Mac is stolen
Preventative measures: enable Find My, strong Lock Screen password, encrypt with FileVault, TimeMachine backup;
Locate your device using Find My; Put your Mac into Lost Mode;
File a police report; File an insurance claim; Erase using Find My;
ApIn; 6/3/2022 - How much storage should you leave unused on a Mac’s SSD? MW; 5/30/2022
- How to Use Extra Space on an APFS Time Machine Drive TB; 5/20/2022
- Disk Utility in macOS 12 Monterey Manages APFS Snapshots TB; 11/11/2021
- How to copy a failing drive to a backup using Mac Recovery MW; 9/3/2021
- How to use Disk Utility in macOS to manage your hard drive MW; 8/25/2021
- How to check if your Mac has a Recovery partition installed MW; 8/20/2021
- How to verify your Mac's drive health using Disk Utility
Disk Utility: First Aid; MW; 7/14/2021 - Apple's moves point to a future with no bootable backups, says developer ApIn; 5/24/2021
- The Role of Bootable Duplicates in a Modern Backup Strategy TB; 2/23/2021
- Can't find the Scheme menu in macOS's Disk Utility? for backwards or multi-platform compatibility; MW; 1/27/2021
- How to restore a previous version of your Pages, Keynote, and other documents in macOS autosave; MW; 12/23/2020
- [2] This quirky method could let you use drives that won’t mount on your Mac after a bad ejection MW; 9/14/2020
- How to Create a New Disk Partition in macOS OSXD; 6/29/2020
- How to clone a macOS Catalina drive Time Machine, Carbon Copy Cloner, SuperDuper; MW; 1/20/2020
- What's the difference between Save, Save As, and Duplicate in macOS apps? MW; 12/16/2019
- How to perform backups more complicated than Time Machine allows ChronoSync; MW; 12/12/2019
- Why you might see a new "Data" disk in Catalina Catalina now splits the operating system and data files into two volumes, but they should never appear on the desktop; MW; 11/6/2019
Natural Disaster
- OLLI Course: Disaster Preparedness: Almeda, Cascadia, Zombies
- The Best Emergency Preparedness Supplies reviews; 12 essentials; WireCutter (NYT); 10/7/2020
- Disaster Preparedness For Your Finances 10/7/2020
OneDrive (Microsoft)
- Microsoft to Kill OneDrive for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 in Early 2022 11/6/2021
- OneDrive simplifies document sharing by making it even more complex PC; 7/1/2020
Paper, Other
- Prey an app designed to help you find a stolen or lost tablet, laptop or phone. The app will help you locate these items by taking pictures from the camera on the device, screenshots from the computer or even wipe data remotely from the device. Prey is a type of software installed on your devices and then tracked with an online system. There is a free version as well as various pay versions available.
- Stolen Property an international stolen property database. It allows users to report that their item has been stolen. You can also search the database to see if any device you are considering purchasing was stolen.
- Stolen Lost Found Another online database offered to track, find and report found, lost or stolen property
- Take Control of Your Paperless Office digitize your documents while reducing incoming and outgoing paper
- Should You Keep That Document or Shred It? LH; 9/18/2020
- What to Do If You Lose Your Credit or Debit Card While Traveling LH; 1/24/2020
- How to Scan Documents into Notes App on iPhone & iPad OSXD; 1/21/2020
- Apple: iCloud: Photos FAQs, Setup: iCloud Photo Library; My Photo Stream; iCloud Photo Sharing
- Apple: Reduce the size of -- your iCloud Photo Library: delete photos; optimize storage; buy more storage; your Photo Library: use just Camera Roll; manual backup of photos
- Apple: iCloud Photo Library FAQ esp. Can I use iCloud Photo Library to save space on my device?
- Apple and Google expand on their data portability initiative to allow users of Google Photos to transfer their collections directly to iCloud Photos Verge; 7/10/2024
- Deleting duplicates, bad shots and files from your phone's photo library can help to free up space NYT; 7/3/2024
- How to move photos to iCloud to save space on an iPhone MW; 1/12/2024
- How to Transfer Photos from iPhone to Mac Without iCloud OSXD; 12/6/2023
- How to Transfer Your iPhone Photos to a Windows PC Wired; 10/18/2022
- How to Keep Photos and Videos from Taking Up Space on Your Phone Wired; 10/17/2022
- How to Leave Your Photos to Someone When You Die Wired; 3/17/2022
- How to Batch Convert HEIC to JPG (Mac & Windows PC) OSXD; 1/25/2022
- The Easiest Ways to Shrink Large Image Files on Your Mac LH; 1/19/2022
- How to Rescue Your Photos From an Old Computer Wired; 12/28/2021
- How to Lock Up Your Photos and Videos in Google Photos LH; 12/3/2021
- How to back up iPhone photos and video with iCloud Photos turned off MW; 10/14/2021
- How to copy your Photos library from one Mac to another MW; 8/25/2021
- Stingle is a privacy-focused open source photo backup application Ars; 8/8/2021
- How to Back Up All Your Photos Without a Cloud Subscription Giz; 3/11/2021
- Apple now lets you automatically transfer your iCloud Photo Library to Google Photos some things won't xfer; Verge; 3/3/2021
- How to Save All Photos from Facebook on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Windows PC OSXD; 2/27/2021
- How to Back Up and Move Your Photos Between Services leaving Google Photos now that it's no longer free and unlimited? Considering Apple Photos or OneDrive? Here's how to take your library with you; Wired; 12/1/2020
- How to Manage Your Google Photos or Move Them Somewhere Else LH; 11/13/2020
- Understanding how iCloud Photos optimizes photo storage and keeps your originals MW; 7/29/2020
- What the HEIC? Apple's Highly Compressed Image Format Still Confuses High Efficiency Image Container? HEIF and HEVC; TB; 6/26/2020
- Your Google Photos video backups may have been sent to complete strangers CNet; 2/4/2020
- iOS: What to do if iCloud Photos uploads are paused due to a low battery, but you’re actually near a full charge MW; 1/14/2020
- How to Access iCloud Photos from Windows PC OSXD; 1/8/2020
- Retrospect site
- Retrospect 18.5.2 TB; 3/27/2022
- Retrospect 17 Solo review: Backup software that gives you everything Win, macOS, Linux; PC; 4/23/2020
SuperDuper (Mac)
- SuperDuper
- SuperDuper 3.9 TB; 9/18/2024
Thumb / USB Drives
- How to format a thumb drive for both Mac and Windows ExFat format allows larger file sizes than the old FAT32; MW; 10/8/2020
TimeMachine (Mac)
- Wikipedia: Time Machine
- Apple: Time Machine
- Time Machine vs iCloud: Do you need to use both and can one back up to the other? MW; 7/19/2024
- How to use Time Machine to back up a Mac MW; 7/18/2024
- Apple Time Machine review MW; 4/19/2024
- How to manage Time Machine snapshots using Disk Utility in macOS Monterey MW; 11/24/2021
- How to encrypt Time Machine backups MW; 8/27/2021
- How to delete Time Machine local snapshots in macOS ApIn; 6/26/2021
- Take control of Time Machine backups with the TimeMachineEditor utility free; advanced options; MW; 5/4/2021
- How to format a drive for networked Time Machine access
use OS Extended (Journaled) (HFS+) -- APFS prevents networked access; PC; 4/26/2021 - How to reserve Time Machine space on an APFS drive MW; 1/19/2021
- macOS Big Sur supports Time Machine on APFS-formatted drives, but there are a few catches MW; 12/15/2020
- What to do when a Time Machine copy to an external drive is enormously larger than expected it's all about the hard links; MW; 7/8/2020
- Howard Oakley's Deep Dive into Time Machine TB; 1/23/2020
- How to Reset Your Windows PC for a Fresh Start LH; 12/4/2023
- The best Windows backup software PC; 8/28/2023
- The best free backup software and services: Reviews and buying advice for protecting your data iDrive, iDrive Online Cloud Backup; PC; 12/6/2022
- How to Read Mac Formatted Drives on Windows PC OSXD; 9/16/2000
- How to check and monitor your hard drive's health PC; 7/31/2020