Quotes | Weak vs. Strong | References

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- "I speak the pass-word primeval" ~Walt Whitman, Song of Myself
- "Don't use 'beef stew' as a computer password...
- The 25 Most Popular Passwords of 2018 Will Make You Feel Like...
- "Changed my password to fortnight but...
"the password is courage"
by russelldavies is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0 - What do passwords and teenagers have in common?...
- My email password has been hacked again...
- "'123456' is a weak one...
- "49-Across: It may require letters, a number and a special character...
- "They'll Never Guess," The Week, 3/18/2022; crossword, solution;
16-A. Keyboard sequence that's the 18th most common computer password,...
19-A. The 4th most common password...
39-A. 13th most common password,...
56-A. 19th most common password,...
61-A. Most common single-character password,...
9-D & 24-D. Numerals that are the 16th most common password --...

Scegli sempre delle password molto forti.
“1234” non è una password forte.
No, neanche “password” è una password forte.
Una password forte deve contenere dei numeri
e delle lettere maiuscole; se proprio vuoi fare il..."
by Enza La Frazia is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.
translation: "TIP of the week:
Always choose very strong passwords.
'1234' is not a strong password.
No, 'password' is not a strong password either.
A strong password must contain numbers and capital letters;
if you really want to be cool also some symbols like @ & and the like.
No passwords with your name or nick name.
Better to avoid the name of the child, wife or dog,
date of birth and telephone number.
Do not divulge your password, do not tell anyone,
do not enter it on any suspicious link that you received via email.
Ah, one last thing: don't use the same password
for more than one site or service."
What Makes a Password Weak (or Strong)?
- Short vs. long
- Simple vs. complex (larger set of characters available&used)
- Predictable/common vs. random/unusual
- Public vs. private
- Reused vs. unique
- ...
- Check if an account was involved in a breach/leak
haveibeenpwned.com: enter email or phone;
"credential stuffing": hackers reuse info from breached accounts
to try logging into other accounts with same username and password - Wikipedia: Lists of the most common 20-25 passwords,
10,000 passwords SplashData annual comparisons, plus other sources - "Worst 25+": 2022; 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018;
2017; 2016; 2015; 2014; 2013; 2012; 2011; 2010 - Top 200 most common passwords compare by country; Nordpass
- 100 latest world's worst passwords — don't use any of them Tom's Guide; 7/6/2020
- 100,000 Leaked Passwords UK National Cyber Security Centre;
.txt; from haveibeenpwned.com Ten Years Of Breaches In One Image
Nearly 8 billion usernames have leaked since June 2011; Verge; 6/8/2021- National Password Day project:
A unique password for every website you go to
(typical advice): strong, unique passwords that you can remember,
and/or subscribing to a password manager;
additional authentication factor; USA Today; 5/7/2020 - Why 'ji32k7au4a83' Is a Remarkably Common Password
Taiwanese keyboard transliteration translates to 'my password'; Giz; 3/4/2019 - Kanye West Has Literally the Worst iPhone Passcode
You Could Ever Have000000
; MB; 10/11/2018 - Snowden's 'Sexy Margaret Thatcher' Password Isn't So Secure
MargaretThatcheris110%SEXY; Wired; 4/2015 - Crossword (by Steve; on right): Not Stroganoff. Try Again
- Refs: Password Strength