P@s$w0rdz: Weak Passwords

Quotes | Weak vs. Strong | References

pink postit 123456
(link is external)"Password Security" by (link is external)Cloud Income
is licensed under (link is external)CC BY 2.0


(link is external)"CONSIGLIO della settimana: LE PASSWORD
Scegli sempre delle password molto forti.
“1234” non è una password forte.
No, neanche “password” è una password forte.
Una password forte deve contenere dei numeri
e delle lettere maiuscole; se proprio vuoi fare il..."

by (link is external)Enza La Frazia is licensed under (link is external)CC BY-ND 2.0.

translation: "TIP of the week:
Always choose very strong passwords.
'1234' is not a strong password.
No, 'password' is not a strong password either.
A strong password must contain numbers and capital letters;
if you really want to be cool also some symbols like @ & and the like.
No passwords with your name or nick name.
Better to avoid the name of the child, wife or dog,
date of birth and telephone number.
Do not divulge your password, do not tell anyone,
do not enter it on any suspicious link that you received via email.
Ah, one last thing: don't use the same password
for more than one site or service."

What Makes a Password Weak (or Strong)?

  • Short vs. long
  • Simple vs. complex (larger set of characters available&used)
  • Predictable/common vs. random/unusual
  • Public vs. private
  • Reused vs. unique
  • ...
