Course: Desc. (overview); Full; Practicum |
Instructor | Course Topics | Resources
Course Description
- Winter 2025: Exploring Crosswords : Tue, 2/4/25 - 3/11/25; 11am-12:30pm;
video desc.; 6 0:90 Zoom sessions; OLLI SOU
- previous:
Exploring Crosswords (former title: "CROSSWORDS and YOU") :
Zoom: Fall 2024 (Osher Online aka OLLI National);
(short intros: Ruch Lib.: 1/13/2024; Ashland Lib.: 7/13/2023);
Zoom: Winter 2023; Winter 2021; Ashland: Winter 2020; Spring 2018, Spring 2016,
Fall 2014, Spring 2013, Spring 2012, Spring 2011; Medford: Spring 2011;
Constructing Crosswords:
Zoom: Spring 2025 (Osher Online); Spring 2024 (OLLI SOU);
(short intro: Ashland Lib.: Intro: 8/10/2023);
Zoom: Fall 2022, Summer 2020 (Jackson Co. Lib.), Spring 2020;
Practicum: Zoom: Spring 2023; Fall 2020; Ashland: Fall 2016; Spring 2015; Spring 2014;
Fall 2013; Fall 2012;
Crosswords: Sites & Solving: Zoom: Spring 2020 - Course URL:
this site will continue to be available and updated - Zoom: Use, Setup, Safety
Why Solve Crosswords During a Pandemic?
- Several crossword-related courses share sections (see ToC):
CROSSWORDS and YOU (the full course):
Crosswords: Practicum (practice-only): Intro, Practice;
Crosswords: Sites & Solving (subset): Intro, Sources, Practice, Solving - Constructing Crosswords is a separate course.
- Table comparing topics for all crossword courses; more about Instructor

is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Course Description: Exploring Crosswords (full course; aka CROSSWORDS and YOU)
- Would you like to become better at enjoying, understanding and finishing crosswords
-- and impress your friends as a "cruciverbalist"? - We will explore benefits of solving puzzles, crossword history and culture (e.g., music),
solving strategies, clues, themes, and tools. - We will learn about different types of crosswords, discover online sources and applications,
and introduce the process of constructing crosswords. - In each session, we'll also solve and discuss crosswords as a group to improve our skills.
Previous students are welcome to retake the entire class, or to join only for practice (2nd half of session). - Zoom will be used for sharing lecture materials, and crossword solving, and construction apps
- In the final session (if added), we'll watch the movie documentary WordPlay.
Course Description: Crosswords: Practicum (practice-only)
- In this practice-only* course, we will solve crosswords together as a group on a shared screen.
- Improve your solving skills, have fun and possibly benefit memory, according to recent studies.
- All levels of ability and previous students are welcome.
- We'll select crosswords that vary by difficulty, size, theme type and web source.
- While solving, we'll discuss unusual clues and interesting themes,
with resources provided for further practice. - For more details about the group process, solving applications, puzzle sources,
see CROSSWORDS and YOU: Practice - *Practicum: [prak-ti-kuhm] n
"the part of a [university] course consisting of practical work in a particular field";
related to "praxis": exercise or practice of an art, science, or skill; practical application of a theory

is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Course Description: Crosswords: Sites & Solving (a subset of full couse)
- Crosswords: Sites & Solving is a shorter [2-session] remote version based on materials
from this longeer [5-6 session] introductory course: CROSSWORDS and YOU. - Would you like to find crossword puzzles that might distract, entertain or challenge you,
and improve your solving skills? - Discover web sites with crossword puzzles to print or solve, and applications for solving offline.
- Learn about vocabulary, themes and clues.
- Practice solving crosswords together.
- This shorter course will not discuss: benefits of solving puzzles; crossword history and culture;
different types of crosswords; basics of constructing crosswords.
About the Instructor
Crossword Courses: Topics: Overview & Sessions
CROSSWORDS and YOU | Crosswords: Sites&Solving | Practicum | Constructing Crosswords |
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![]() CC BY-SA, via Wikimedia Commons |
Course Resources
- Resources: where to find course materials; we'll cover Sources for Puzzles and Apps later
- Navigation: using this web site
- Handouts: how to create your own printed version of these pages