The Basics | Sanitation | Landslides | Refs

The Basics
- Rogue Valley rivers, creeks and tributaries are prone to flooding.
- Ashland's CERT program was started in 1999
after a severe flood on New Year's Day 1997 [image: below right],
caused not by dam failure, but by unseasonable rain & warm weather
melting the snowpack, amplified by blockages from downed trees and
other debris; water and sewer were out for ~9 days videos: Rogue Valley Flood 1997 2:35 Ashland Plaza @ 0:45;
Disaster Preparedness Training - Floods 2:50- The tsunami-looking sign [top right] is to warn of flash floods if Hosler Dam fails;
like a tsunami, immediate evacuation from the inundation zone to higher ground
is recommended after a siren or strong earthquake. - Educate yourself regarding the danger
and purchase flood insurance whether you rent or own. - Localized flooding and pooling occurs frequently during rain events.
Infrastructure impacts include: closing roads / bridges, water treatment plants.
Consider educating yourself regarding where to purchase and how to fill sandbags. - Be aware of flash flooding. Six inches of water can sweep you off your feet.
Two feet of water is enough to float a vehicle. Water conceals other hazards as well. - Purchase a hand-crank NOAA radio,
or use walkie-talkie with NOAA channels; see Be Informed: NOAA Ashland: Ordinances; Protection;
Recent Events; Causes; Insurance; Safety Tips; Contacts- Hosler Dam Early Warning System .pdf; includes flood zone map; section: 1. Alerts: Sirens: Hosler Dam
- video: Ashland tests Hosler Dam flood warning sirens 0:40
Jackson County: Floodplain Management: Waterways and Flood History;
Flood Insurance; Special Flood Hazard Area; Preparing for a Flood; Maps- Rogue Valley Floods: 1861, 1890, 1892, 1924, 1945, 1953, 1962, 1974, 1997
(original Mail Tribune articles missing) - Flood Maps: Oregon, FEMA
- section: Emergency vs. Disaster: Floods
- A look back at Ashland’s New Year’s Day Flood
just over 25 years ago, Ashland awoke to a new year and a rampaging creek; AN; 4/3/2022 - These Are the Tools You Need in Case of an Earthquake, Flood, or Wildfire LH; 12/23/2021
- This simple iPhone toggle can help protect your home from break-ins and floods
Settings > Accessibility > Sound Recognition: Alarms, Animals, Household, People;
not a replacement for home monitoring or smart alarm; MW; 11/23/2021 - How to Escape Your Car in a Flood NYT; 9/29/2021
- How to Stay Safe During a Flash Flood NYT; 9/13/2021
- How to Prepare for (And Survive) a Flood LH; 3/4/2021
- Public drinking water may be impacted during floods and
related events. It is critical to listen to emergency health
updates for water use and contamination. - You may need to filter and/or purify water before drinking,
e.g., clear water: boil for 3 minutes;
or 8 drops unscented household bleach/gallon of water - Other options: gravity & pump filters,
and ultraviolet light purifiers, e.g., REI water purifiers - CDC: Keep Food and Water Safe After a Disaster or Emergency;
Creating and Storing an Emergency Water Supply - FEMA and Red Cross: Food and Water in an Emergency .pdf
- FDA: Food and Water Safety During Power Outages and Floods;
commercially bottled water should have an unlimited shelf-life
when stored in original sealed containers, in a dark, cool location. - One student suggestion for large tank storage: Grady Barrels
- A Sewer Catastrophe Companion: Dry Toilets for Wet Disasters .pdf; 2012
- Oregon has steep slopes and loose soil that is highly susceptible
to landslides. Though landslides most frequently occur after wildfires,
they can occur during and after long periods of heavy rain. - The Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
(DOGAMI) has compiled information to help identify and
reduce landslide hazards around the home.
If a landslide warning is issued, be prepared to evacuate. - section: Emergency vs. Disaster: Landslides
- videos: Old Highway 99 mudslide 1:05;
Disaster Preparedness Training - Landslides 5:37 - videos: Landslide and Debris Flows USGS
- Five Years Later: The Oso (SR 530) Landslide in Washington
2:18; computer simulation; 3/20/2019
- Ashland Emergency Preparedness
Evacuation Zone; Evacuation Levels; Get Ready; Wildfire Info; Fire Adapted Ashland;
Chamber of Commerce Preparedness Toolkit; Smokewise Ashland; Nat. Weather Service - Jackson County Emergency Management
Citizen Alert; Wildfire & Smoke; Get Ready Rogue; Jackson County Plans;
News & Information; Resources; Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan - Rogue Valley Emergency Management (RVEM): Jackson & Josephine Counties
Citizen Alert; Incident Info; Get Ready Rogue: Know Your Hazards; Preparedness Fundamentals;
Special Considerations; Kit Types; Resources; Preparedness Calendar; Prep U