Gallery: Solving Applets in Browsers

external: Crosshare* | Cruciverbalizer | (Drupal: |
PuzzleMe* (AmuseLabs) | Spoonbill (APH) | Squares | XWordInfo
internal: Crossword Compiler* | Crossword Nexus HTML5 Solver* | Drupal* | Exolve*

  • external: applet code hosted on own web site or puzzle opened on outside web site
  • internal: applet code and puzzle hosted on own web site
  • *: applet can be embedded (via IFRAME) inside web page
  • Crossword Embedding Options
    AmuseLabs(PuzzleMe), Crosshare,, Crossword Nexus HTML5 Solver, Exolve, Crossword Compiler; CN; 3/15/2022
  • I initially started with Crossword Compiler (internal);
    then switched to PuzzleMe (external*; free for personal use) for many of my own interactive puzzles;
    currently, I'm been using Crossword Nexus HTML5 Crossword Solver (internal*; free, open source)
  • Crossword Scraper browser extension (Firefox, Chrome) can extract .puz, .jpz, .ipuz, .pdf from some sites.
    "CS" marks "Crossword Scraper" compatible applets:
    Crosshare, Crossword Compiler, Crossword Nexus HTML5 Solver, PuzzleMe, XWordInfo; others?
    Sources: Web Sites includes CS compatible puzzles
  • How to Add Games to WordPress: Best Plugins + How-to Guide Amuselabs; 3/12/2024
  • Some other custom/internal applets observed in the wild:
    Arkadium/King, Chicago Tribune (LAT), Seattle Times (NYT), USA Today;
    other (older) open source projects are also avail.
  • Note: the .pdf version of this section will have some strange page breaks (difficult to fix)

chCrosshare: .puz; CS

Crossword Compiler (CC): .js; CS

Crossword Nexus HTML5 Solver: .puz, .jpz, .xml, .cfp; CS

crucCruciverbalizer: .puz

Drupal: Crossword: .puz, .txt

  • Module for web sites using Drupal (Content Management System) -- used by my site [embedded example below];
    scroll up for title, author, clue controls; scroll down for help: Keyboard Control and Entering Text; possible to omit page header/footer?
  • uses Drupal Crossword module but can't be embedded in IFRAME easily; open example in new tab

Exolve: .puz, .ipuz

PuzzleMe: .puz, .jpz, .xml, .xw (AmuseLabs); CS

  • free for non-commercial use
  • after creating or importing puzzle, copy Embed code
  • schoOL LIfe example -- or embedded below
  • Crossword Scraper (Firefox, Chrome browser extension)
    can extract .puz, .jpz, .pdf on PuzzleMe (and some other) sites.

(Spoonbill) American Printing House: .puz, .xwc

squaresSquares: .puz, .jpz, .ipuz

  • upload file to server; e.g., schoOL LIfe example:
    [click to open in new tab]; [image on right];
    expiration? no embed via IFRAME?

xwordinfoXWordInfo: Analyze: .puz; CS

  • upload .puz file to server; analyze.pdf;
    no embed via IFRAME? [image on right];
    note same applet used elsewhere on NYT Variety & Pre-Shortzian puzzles;
    schoOL LIfe example (unless expired)