Summary | Why Crosswords During a Pandemic? |
Quotes | References: General, Covid

No correct answers. No hope of ever solving puzzle.
Meaningless. Just like life itself."
by LittleRoamingChief is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- Humans find meaning and inspiration in
- being puzzled and curious
- making connections
- finding and solving patterns and problems
- filling in the blanks
- creating order in the world and universe
- They're popular -- "more than 50 million Americans solve crosswords at least occasionally,
according to a recent survey by Dean Olsher commissioned for his book
From Square One: A Meditation, With Digressions, on Crosswords"
~Talk to The Times: Crossword Editor Will Shortz, NYT, 7/19/2009
Why Crosswords During a Pandemic?
- learn new vocabulary: covid, coronavirus, pandemic, distancing, mask shaming, etc.
- many solve crosswords alone: for fun, distraction
-- or together: for comfort, companionship; Refs: Covid
Every day, the print edition of The Times is divided into multiple sections.
For some, though, there are really only two parts: the crossword and everything else."People feel stressed — we all feel stressed — and puzzles are a great way to relieve that.
They make you feel better. You feel in control of life when you’ve finished a good puzzle.”
~Will Shortz, who has been the crossword editor at The Times since 1993.“There are very few things in life these days where you can find the answers.”
~Nancy CoughlinThe puzzle page will not even contain the word 'coronavirus'
-- to be uplifting and to divert attention from the pandemic.
This will be the one coronavirus-free part of the newspaper" ~Will ShortzEven if you don’t end up solving a puzzle, the consistency of receiving a distraction
every day can be reassuring in itself. The puzzle expansion isn't the first time the
newspaper is adding games as a response to somber news. The [NYT] crossword was
introduced in February 1942, months after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
~NYT: More Puzzles to Pass the Time
- The solution to the toilet paper shortage is the same as the solution to a crossword puzzle...
- "With a crossword, we're challenging ourselves to...
- "Puzzle people like to put the world in order...
- "A crossword puzzle.
Sharpened pencil awaits you.
Have to stop and try." ~LeAura Alderson; How to Write a Haiku Poem - "The resilient little puzzle can be whatever...
- In life as in crosswords,...
- If life is like a crossword puzzle,...
"Solving crosswords eliminates...
- "[The NYT puzzle is] like life:...
- Stephen Sondheim was never interested in jazz because...
- "Faites des mots croisés"...
- "Just finished a crossword by...
- "I feel that the most basic feature of consciousness is...
- "The capacity to be puzzled is...
- "I think crosswords should reflect...
- "Whatever wisdom I have has been hard-earned...
- "There seem to be two main types of people in the world,...
- "What ends in a W, has no beginning, and is always in the present?...
- "Life is not a problem to be solved,...
- "Not every puzzle is intended to be solved...
- "The world's a puzzle;...
- "I don't think there is a hidden purpose...
- "It is one of man's curious idiosyncracies...
- "This is a puzzling world." ~George Eliot
- "The problems of puzzles are...
- "Looking at the sky, he suddenly saw that it had become black.
Then white again,... - Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle." ~Alice in Wonderland
- sections: Covid
- topics: aha moment, civilization, consciousness, finding God, life, meaning
- Why We Turn to Crosswords in Times of Crisis NYT; 11/10/2024
- The Puzzle Personality Quiz NYT; 2/22/2024
- How genetics determine our life choices
Stefánsson describes how deCODE's scientists have even found one particular
gene variant which determines whether crossword puzzles will appeal to you.
"We know that if you have it, you will like to solve crossword puzzles,
but it has no impact on whether you're good at them or not," he laughs.
BBC; 5/10/2023 - Crazy for Crosswords: Survey Shows American Crossword Habits 1/4/2023
- Puzzles not only make you smarter -- they help bridge the political divide, new book says CBC; 5/29/2022
- What's Your New Year's Crossword Resolution?
Maintain a solving streak — including on Sundays! — for the entire year;
Thank a constructor for their work.; Construct a 6x6 puzzle as a gift for a loved one;
Get your friends hooked on solving -- or at least on the Spelling Bee;
Learn the difference between Mauna KEA and Mauna LOA; Try a new mode of solving;
Solve at least one puzzle from an independent crossword venue every week;
Solve at least one cryptic crossword puzzle every month; NYT; 12/31/2021 - Life is a lot like a crossword puzzle 7/25/2021
- The benefits of crossword puzzles 10/31/2020
- The Benefits Of Doing The NY Times Daily Crossword 7/17/2020
- We're Living in the Golden Age of Crossword Puzzles Giz; 4/21/2020
- All the Clues That Are Fit to Solve: The New York Times Crossword Puzzle The Journal of Popular and American Culture Association; 6/2019
- The Secrets Hidden in Your Sunday Crossword What if I told you that crossword puzzles have a
hidden beauty all their own? And that they can help us glean some insights into human nature? 2/3/2019 - Will Shortz: Everything You Wanted to Know About Crossword Puzzles podcast: 24:37; NYT; 2/26/2016
- The Possibility of More: High School Senior Chases the 'Aha!' Moment
Rachel Abbe's college application essay about the lure of crosswords; NYT; 2/9/2016 - Meet the Solvers: Why Do People Solve Puzzles? 4/15/2015
- Finding God in a Crossword Puzzle sermon [.pdf]; 3/9/2014
- NYT: Science Times: The Puzzle Moment NYT; 12/7/2010
- Crosswords and Consciousness 7/29/2007
- Why cryptic crosswords are civilisation BBC; 1/15/2005
- The Puzzle Instinct: The Meaning of Puzzles in Human Life By Marcel Danesi book; 2002
Covid, Pandemic
- Puzzles divert from life's anxieties -- but lately illness has joined the zeitgeist 8/13/2021
- Crossword creator: People do not want coronavirus in their crosswords 3/1/2021
- Free ‘Celebrity’ Crossword Zoom Events w/ John Halpern e.g., w/ Will Shortz on 2/5/2021
- Billy Crystal Is Spending Quarantine Playing Basketball And Doing The NYT Crossword Puzzle video; Yahoo; 1/28/2021
- Grids for Good raise money for organizations providing coronavirus relief, as well as for groups fighting against institutional racism
- The New Words for Our New Misery doomscrolling, mask-hole, Zoom fatigue, Quarantini, covidiot, travel-shaming,
You're on mute -- and more from the pandemic lexicon; NYT; 12/24/2020 - Pandemic Diaries: Why I started doing crosswords in quarantine
Suddenly, crosswords were the most romantic date I’d ever been on
-- crosswords became the thing I looked forward to most; 10/7/2020 - What I learned while doing crosswords with mom during the pandemic 8/2/2020
- Covid-19 survivor, 104, gets back to crosswords and crochet BBC; 7/11/2020
- Betty White Is Doing Crossword Puzzles and Sipping Martinis During the Pandemic: 'I'm Blessed' 5/26/2020
- From crosswords to sudoku, puzzles of all sorts take their moment in the sun
during coronavirus pandemic SFC; 4/27/2020 - The bright side, pandemic is helping one Schroon Lake crossword puzzler up his game
"I'm back to January of 2009, I've done every New York Times crossword puzzle from then to today"; 4/23/2020 - New Yorker Crossword Constructors on the Best Games to Play
While Social-Distancing Natan Last, Anna Shechtman, Aimee Lucido; NYkr; 4/22/2020 - More Puzzles to Pass the Time NYT; 4/20/2020
- Crossword blog: What is setting like during the coronavirus lockdown? Guardian; 4/10/2020
- Solver Stories: Bringing Order to Chaos
In Italy, a country ravaged by the effects of coronavirus, a man finds some solace and peace by
focusing on crossword puzzles; NYT; 4/6/2020 - Crossword roundup: fancy learning cryptic crosswords during coronavirus lockdown? Guardian; 3/30/2020
- Crossword Tournament From Your Couch
after annual ACPT crossword tournament in March was cancelled due to coronavirus
-- an online synchronous, live-streamed crossword solving competition; puzzles; 3/20/2020