Applications | Web-based | Dictionaries (Cruciverb, XWordInfo, ...) |
Clue Databases (cluer) | Formats (intro) | References

- These are full apps, installed on a Mac, Windows or Linux computer.
- CrossFire; Mac, Win, Lnx; $50 (one-time), free trial w/ limited functionality;
Steve uses currently [2018-];
Reference Docs; FAQ; Walkthrough [on right] - Crossword Compiler: Win; $49-$169 or subscription; updates extra;
Steve used previously on Mac, but complex/pricey setup required virtual machine,
e.g., UTM*, VirtualBox, Parallels, and possibly a Windows license
(*re-evaluating use with UTM w/ Windows ARM on a Mac M-series processor);
CrossOver Windows emulator, although simpler, produced runtime errors (last checked: 3/2024) - Ingrid; Mac, Win, Lnx; free beta version avail
- For other apps: Authoring: Apps: 'apps'
Web-based Apps
- These apps run in most web browsers -- even on some mobile devices.
- Since many of these sites are free, they're a good way to get started.
- Some sites provide publishing/distribution capability so that others can solve your puzzles,
and perhaps a social media feature for commenting on and discussing puzzles. - Examples: Crosserville, Crosshare, PuzzleMe
- For more: Authoring: Apps: 'web'
- Free-form puzzle sites, e.g., Armored Penguin -- covered earlier
Add-on Dictionaries
- Some constructors create & maintain their own lists
of entries (words and phrases). - Dictionaries overlap and vary widely in comprehensiveness and number of entries.
Some add phrases; some omit obscure or offensive words, one-off theme entries. - Entry scores suggest which entries to prioritize/prefer during fill,
e.g., lively/interesting (50-60), obscure/crosswordese (5-25). - These scores are subjective (with different scales), often customizable;
e.g., scoring guides: XWordInfo; spread the word(list); Bosivert: Collaborative Word List Project; Jones; Broda - A built-in dictionary can provide some default entries,
e.g., CrossFire's default.dict: ~183K entries, scored: 5-50 - Some constructors subscribe ($) to frequently updated, scored dictionaries/word lists,
possibly for different languages, e.g., Crossword Compiler: WordWeb Pro, add-on lists;
or entries from past/current crosswords -- next subsections: Cruciverb, XWord Info;
other word lists below are free unless otherwise noted
Cruciverb | Xword Info | spread the word(list) | Collaborative | Misc.
- Cruciverb Word Lists; all.txt, nyt.txt; unscored; $39/year ('Gold');
entries: all: ~170K {1/2023}, NYT-only: ~108K; [img above]
to eliminate unusable or less-than-ideal entries that have occurred only 1-2 times,
several subsets are available: all3, nyt3 (≥ 3 times), all5, nyt5 (≥ 5 times) - CrossFire: create a .dict file (with default scores); [img right]
Dictionary > Merge Dictionaries
, e.g., all.txt
-- add own word scores or use CrossFire's db?
XWord Info
- XWord Info Word List; XwiWordList.dict; scored [5-60];
entries: ~252K {3/2025}: NYT (includes 136K new words); $50/year ('Angel') - Jeff Chen's special word list; scored [60]; entries: ~31K;
additional $200 (one-time) for Angel subscribers xwordinfo: Word matching syntax: standard (?*), Regex;
Advanced Search Option; The 3 Rs of Finder: examples- CrossFire: add / rank dictionaries,
e.g., XwiWordList.dict, cruciverb_all.dict (see above);
Mac:CrossFire > Preferences > Dictionary
Win, Lnx:CrossFire > Edit > Configuration > Dictionary
spread the word(list)
- spread the word(list): .dict, .txt; scored [0-60]; entries: ~303K {1/2025}
Brooke Husic and Enrique Henestroza Anguiano; updated quarterly
Collaborative Word List Project
- Collaborative Word List Project: scored [1-100]; entries: ~568K {2/2023};
source; users can share scores.
- AI, e.g., chatGPT: Authoring: Refs: AI
- American Heritage (370K)
- Peter Broda's Wordlist: .dict, .txt;
scored [1-100] or unscored versions; entries: ~427K (scored) {1/2022}; - Broda's list is large and may contain some controversial / objectionable entries. Diehl and Jones have created subsets.
- Mark Diehl's sampleWordlist: .txt; scored [40-50]; entries: ~251K {6/20/2020}; Broda subset
- Lyle Broughton Wordlist unscored
- Anagrams Sara Cantor
- Crossword Nexus: general: unscored; Famous Names: scored
- Ricky Cruz’s Personal Seed List: unscored; Ranked Wikipedia Lists
- Et Tu Etui: .txt, .dict; scored: 69; entries: ~9K {7/2021}
- Expanded Crossword Name Database: names of women, non-binary, trans, and/or people of color
as well as "places and things" (organizations, works of art, monuments etc) that represent groups/identities/people
that are often excluded from crossword grids; ~2K {11/2021} - Chris Jones; Wordlist: .txt; scored [1-50]; entries: ~170K {1/2020};
Broda subset, plus entries from NYT, WSJ, WaPo,
UKACD (UK Advanced Cryptics Dictionary), Peter Norvig's frequency counts - Juggernaut Word List (Sid Sivakumar): .txt, .dict; scored: 70; entries: ~1K {7/2021}
- Maia McC.: celebs, colleges, netspeak, nltk, queer, urbandictionary, websites
- Mirthwright Bradley wordlist: unscored
- National Puzzler's League: Collected Word Lists: .unscored?
- Ada Nicolle Seed Lists Luckystreak
- Nutrimatic: matches patterns against a dictionary of words and phrases mined from Wikipedia.
Text is normalized to lowercase letters, numbers and spaces - OED & Webster Intl. (470K)
- related words, e.g., 'dog':,
- Scrabble (190K-280K)
- Brian Thomas wordlist Puzzles That Need a Home {1/2022}
Add-on clue database
- Find a clue quickly for a entry, esp. in a puzzle you won't be publishing,
or avoid overly used published clues and craft new ones. - Find out if some of your theme entries already exist in other puzzles --
entries with same date and publication? - Alternatively, manually lookup entries/clues on web sites, e.g.,
- For offline use: Matt Ginsberg's Cluer Database App: {v3.1.5; 5/9/2023*}
Mac, Win, Lnx; free [above right]; *no longer updated; see - Mac: ctrl-click app to Open
since it's a 3rd party app, not downloaded from App Store cluer can also be integrated with/accessed from a construction app, e.g.,
- CrossFire (FAQ):
Clue database file
: /Applications/ [right];
Mac:CrossFire > Preferences > General
Win, Lnx:Edit > Configuration > General
- Saul Pwanson’s database: updated regularly vs. cluer (8/2021);

Puzzle Formats
- for print: .pdf; other options: .jpg, .png, .gif, ...
[on right: Cruciverb, Crossword Fiend: .pdf, .puz, web] - for solving and constructing apps:
most common: .puz (Across Lite);
other options: .txt (AL), .jpz, .ipuz - for web (browser-based solver applets): .js (JavaScript);
other options: .puz, .jpz -- or proprietary - next section: Formats
- Daily Crossword: Construction Resources
- Crossword Constructor Resource Guide
Construction Software; Online Dictionaries; Word Lists; Places to Meet Other Constructors;
Publications With Open Submission Guidelines; Other Useful Tools and Websites;
Crossword Blogs and Columns; Inspiration; Puzzle Tournaments; NYT; 11/8/2021 - How Word Lists Help -- or Hurt -- Crossword Puzzles NYT; 10/6/2021
- How the Digital Era Has Changed the Daily Crossword
puzzle design programs, word databases and web searches to help vet an answer;
some of the tools that Sam Ezersky, assistant puzzles editor, uses in his job; NYT; 12/5/2018 - How to Make a Crossword Puzzle, Part 5: The Crossword Editors's Job; Resources:
Venues With Open Submission Policies; Constructing Software; Online Resources for Finding Words and Phrases;
Word Lists; Places to Ask Questions and Get to Know Other Constructors; Crossword Blogs and Columns; NYT; 8/17/2018 - Crossword Constructor's Handbook (Berry) Chapter 6: Odds and Ends:
Useful Resources: Gridmaking software; Dictionary software; Web sites: Cruciverb, XWord Info,
Matt Ginsburg's clue database; Using online clue databases appropriately; Word Matcher;
Alex Boisvert's Crosswords; Reference sites; Books; Glossary - The Art of Crossword Construction (Johnston): Resources for Making Puzzles: Software; Grid Ideas and Word Lists; Books
- How to construct a crossword puzzle for the New York Times Alex Boisvert, Crossword Nexus; video: 9:44; resources: @8:20; 4/23/2013;
- CROSSWORDS and YOU: Search, Dictionaries; Blogs, Forums; Authoring Applications; References:Tools