Quotes | Definitions | Analogy | References
- "You have zero...
- Pres. Obama: "We don't have a domestic...
- "Right' to privacy?...
- "The only truly secure system is one that is...
- "Privacy is not...
- "We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology,...
- Privacy: freedom from observation or attention
- Security: freedom from danger or harm
- Anonymity: freedom from identification or recognition {TCYOP-4: 17}
- Advice, settings and tools may affect more than one of these, and be repeated for different topics
Analogy: paper postal mail
- Privacy: postcard vs. envelope
- Security: stolen check or ID; white powder; locked mailbox
- Anonymity: no return address; PO box
"Before" network diagram: {Figure 1. TCYOP-3: 44; TCYOP-2: 39; TCYOP-1: 39}
- {TCYOP-3: 15; TCYOP-2: 14; TCYOP-1: 17}
- sections: Refs:Analogies
- What is the Internet? OLLI course: Internet History and Issues
- topics: definitions, myths, quizzes
- The Privacy Project: introduction, article series NYT; 4/10/2019
- Note to Self podcast episodes
- The Privacy Divide Stories
- Wikipedia: Internet Privacy; Internet Security; Anonymity
- Wikipedia: Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF); eff.org
- HowStuffWorks: Computer & Internet Security
- HowStuffWorks: Top 5 Internet Myths
Al Gore Invented the Internet; Your ISP is Tracking Your Every Move;
The Internet is Filled With Sexual Predators; The Internet Will Make You Rich;
Everything You Read on the Internet is True - HowStuffWorks. Quizzes: Internet Fact or Fiction (10); Internet Myths (20);
Internet Advanced (10); Internet World Records (10); Computer History (20) - Internet - How does it work? video: 1:47
- The New Terminology for Privacy the language of digital privacy is changing; NYT; 4/10/2019
- A Bibliography on Privacy A running list of some of the best writing
on the intersection of technology and privacy; NYT; 4/10/2019
- Wikipedia: Internet metaphors; public-key cryptography: symmetric vs. asymmetric encryption
- Analogy between the postal network and TCP/IP layers: application, transport, internet, data link, physical