OLLI Course: Disaster Preparedness

Course: Description | Instructor | Topics | References | Updates

Description: Disaster Preparedness: The Really Big One

  • upcoming: ?
  • previous: Zoom: Winter 2022; Spring 2021; Winter 2021
  • Course URL: https://communicrossings.com/disaster-preparedness
    or: https://communicrossings.com/olli-course-disaster-preparedness
    this site will continue to be available and updated
  • downloadZoom: Use, Setup, Safety;
    recordings of sessions available to registered students
    -- contact instructor.
  • Also see Topics (below) for detailed ToC and general references.
  • AIRIf you have already lessened your property's fire vulnerability
    and have planned for how to evacuate yourself and loved ones, congratulations!
  • What about other disasters? Students will learn about how to prepare for earthquakes,
    wildfires and other risks in the Rogue Valley.
  • The instructor will discuss alert systems, family disaster plans,
    emergency kits, go-bags and “2 Weeks Ready” supplies,
    evacuation during a fire versus sheltering-in-place after an earthquake.
    He will also address community programs, training and online resources.
  • Recommended reading: (link is external)"The Really Big One" by Kathryn Schulz, New Yorker, 7/13/2015;
    subtitle: "A [Cascadia] earthquake will destroy a sizable portion of the coastal Northwest. The question is when."



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