Steve's Crosswords
All Crosswords -- by date (latest: AN: Collaborative Theatre 2025 #02; 3/21/2025) |
Articles, Interviews, Presentations | Formats and Tools | About Crosswords | RSS
All Crosswords -- alphabetically:
(key: AN:; JCLS: Jackson County Library Services; OLLI: Osher Lifelong Learning Institute)
Across the Ages and Down the Pages (AN) | Across the Border (JCLS: #01-05) |
All in a Day's Work (AN): #01 | Ashland New Plays Festival (ANPF) (AN): 2024 |
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid | Be Safer on Internet: Connection, Malware, Browsing |
Between a Rock and a Hard Place | Black History Matters (AN): #01 | Bloomin' Like Crazy | Both Sides Now |
Candidates | Camelot Theatre (AN): 2025: #01, #02; 2024: #01, #02 | Canine Capers (AN): #01 |
Carnivore for Congress | Cascadia Commotion (AN): #01, #02 |
CERT (Community Emergency Response Team): MYN, #01 |
Choking Hazard | CMC | Coastal Curmudgeons (AN): #01, #02 |
Collaborative Theatre (AN): 2025: #01, #02; 2024: #01, #02 | Creature Cards | Crosspassword |
CrosspOLLInation (AN): 2025: Spring, Winter; 2024: Fall (Nat.), Fall (SOU), Spring |
Crossword Mug (template) | Crosswords&You: topics | CrozzWord |
Crucigramitas | CSI: Ashland (AN) | Cyclops |
Diet Delights | Doggerel (AN) |
Eat One's Words (AN): #01 | Eleven | Enneagram Crucigram |
Eureka Moment (AN): #01, #02 | ExtraORdinary Places (AN): #01, #02 |
Fall into Adventure (JCLS: #01-05) | Find the Magic (JCLS: #01-06) |
Firefox | First Settlers (AN) | From Flour To Flowers (AN) | Fun(d)raising (AN): #01 |
Gnus and Views | Good Gnus (AN) | Grid Girder | Grin and Bear It (AN): #01 |
Hikes & Gear | Hoppy Grand Opening |
Ironic Butterfly |
JCLS: 2025: Spring, Winter; 2024: Fall, Summer, Spring, Winter; 2023: Fall, Summer |
The Jeffersons (AN) | Jello Shots | Just Another Day in Parade-ise (AN) |
La La Land | Level Up (JCLS: #01-18) |
Mazama Magma (AN) | Miss Calculation | A Monumental Achievement (AN) |
Newton | Not Stroganoff. Try Again |
New York Times (NYT): Wed, 11/1/2023) |
Oh, Deer! (AN): #01, #02 | Oh, Goody (Hot Dog!) (AN) |
OLLI: Mini #01 | OLLI Olio | OLLI OLLI Oxen Free | (see also: CrosspOLLInation, schoOL LIfe) |
On the Trail of an Ashland Watershed Creature |
Open Sesame | Oregon Cabaret Theatre (AN): 2025, 2024 | Oregon-e Rogue (AN): #01, #02 |
Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF) (AN): 2025: #01, #02; Secret Season: #01; 2024: #01, #02 |
Out Damned Spot: #01, #02 | Ow! |
Peak Brewing | Peak Performances (AN) | Pull-Lattes |
Quantum (Uni)verse |
Rat Race | A Ray of Sun | Red Crossword | Reflect; Recharge; Return (JCLS: #01-07) |
Rogue Climate (AN): #01 | Rogue Reads: Winter 2025 (JCLS: #01-02) |
Rogue Theater Company (AN): 2025, 2024 |
schoOL LIfe (OLLI) | Seasonal Migration (AN) | Seasoned Rolls (OLLI) |
Size Matters | Somos Hermanas (AN) | specIAL TRip | Spring into Action (JCLS: #01-05) |
Stemming and Steaming Across (JCLS: #01-09) | Story Time at the Library (OLLI) |
Theaters are Packed (AN) | They Haven't a Clue | Tot TNT | Tour de Fat |
Trails Less Traveled (AN) | TrIPArtite Brew | Turkish Delights (AN): #01 |
Under Construction |
Water, Water Somewhere? | Watershed Wandering (AN): #01, #02 | Women: Her-story (AN): #01
Articles, Interviews, Presentations
Links below are more about Steve and crossword solving/constructing generally;
reviews of specific crosswords: NYT: Wed, 11/1/2023- Crossword Puzzle Creation (aka "Constructing Crosswords"):
Spring 2025 national OLLI course description; video: 2:21; 9/26/2024 Exploring Crosswords: Fall 2024 national OLLI course description; video: 2:25; 4/8/2024
- Fun new Ashland word game (nine letters): Crossword weekly puzzle leaps into
action with -- what else? -- 'Oh, deer'; > Culture > Crossword; AN; 2/2/2024 - 2023's Crossword Constructor Debuts
90 puzzle makers [including Steve] will have their first NYT Crossword published; NYT; 12/11/2023 - The man from #1 Across: Ashlander cranks out crosswords
The Jefferson Exchange interview with Geoffrey Riley; audio; Jefferson Public Radio (JPR); 11/28/2023 Local crossword constructor goes national; video; KOBI5; Maximus Osburn; 11/5/2023
- Questionist: Oregon takes center stage in the crossworld this week; Chris King; 11/5/2023
- Wordplay: Sites of Some Docs Steve Weyer makes his New York Times debut; NYT; Sam Corbin; 11/1/2023
- Ashland amateur crossword puzzle creator’s work scores in the NYT Oregonian; Janet Eastman; 11/1/2023
- A clue to solving crossword puzzles: Have fun, say Oregon experts: Oregonian; Janet Eastman; 3/27/2023
- Rogue Valley crossword aficionado shares puzzles and skills: OLLI and my crossword courses;
The Jefferson Exchange interview with Geoffrey Riley; audio; Jefferson Public Radio (JPR); 12/6/2022 - OLLI Courses, JCLS Presentations; Older articles/interviews; My bio
Crossword Formats and Tools
.pdf: printable puzzle (grid & clues) and solution pages
web: interactive JavaScript (JS) applet in browser (here, usually Nexus HTML5 Solver);
'Check' and 'Reveal' commands can help in solving; 'Print' command avail.;
check 'Note' or 'About' for tips about crossword; some sites show ads or don't work with ad blockers;
comparison of 3 applets: PuzzleMe, Crossword Compiler, Nexus HTML5 SolverCS: a web applet page that "Crossword Scraper" browser extension
(Firefox, Chrome) can convert to .pdf, .puz, .jpz or .ipuzFor a better experience, solve on a larger screen, preferably with a physical keyboard.
Although it is possible to use a smaller device, e.g., phone or mini tablet,
seeing clues and entering answers may require more scrolling of the limited puzzle area
and hiding/showing of the on-screen keyboard..puz, .jpz: a crossword data file specifies grid layout, clues, solution and meta info (Title, Author, Copyright, Note).
.puz is most common; .jpz is a more open standard with more format options.
a .puz file (and sometimes .jpz) can be opened offline in a solving app,
e.g., Across Lite Mac, Win, iPad; Crosswords: Android, iOS; $ [on right]; XWord Mac, Win, Lnx- app: like a web app, it includes 'Check', 'Reveal' and 'Print' commands;
in addition to opening locally saved .puz and/or .jpz files, some apps can automatically
download crosswords. An app provides a more consistent user interface, i.e., crossword
layout and navigation commands, compared to different interfaces across multiple web sites. - reviews w/ spoilers: blogs/videos/podcasts for major crosswords discuss theme & clues,
and provide stats and often complete solutions, e.g.,
About Crosswords
Crossword formats provided here: web (CS), .pdf, .puz
- RSS (Really Simple Syndication): 2 custom feeds of Steve's 10 most recent crosswords and articles
Steve's crosswords may be found below (by date) and above (alphabetically), including for these Oregon-izations:
- AN: > Culture > Crossword: web (CS), .pdf, .puz; weekly;
FAQ: Common Questions -- Answered; list of all AN crosswords, by theme category JCLS: Jackson County Library Services: web (CS), .pdf, .puz; quarterly
- OLLI: Osher Lifelong Learning Inst. at SOU (So. OR Univ.): web (CS), .pdf, .puz;
National Resource Center for OLLI (124 OLLIs nationwide) - Newer (2018-) crosswords are symmetric and themed; 15 x 15 grid size unless otherwise noted.
Some have more than one version, e.g., larger or with later/alternate theme/fill revisions.
- Oldest puzzles are free-form (aka criss-cross or vocabulary-style), or
'free-form+': free-form -- with additional filled-in words/areas - Construction apps used: CrossFire (2019-) [on right]; Crossword Compiler (2004-2018);
dictionaries: $; $; spread the word(list); collaborative word list;
clue database: cluer; $; $;;
.pdf generation: puz2pdf, usually with "ink saver" mode (gray squares), 2 pages for 21 x 21
My Crosswords
Articles, Interviews, Presentations | Formats and Tools | About Crosswords
- Previous years: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2004-2015
- AN: Collaborative Theatre; 3/21/2025; 2025: #02: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Watershed Wandering; 3/14/2025; #02: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Women: Her-story; 3/7/2025; #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- JCLS: Spring into Action; 3/2025; Spring 2025: #01-05:
#01: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #02: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#03: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #04: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
#05: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz AN: CrosspOLLInation; 2/28/2025; 2025 Spring: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Camelot; 2/21/2025; 2025 #02: web, .pdf; .puz
Peak Performance
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Generic license from creativecommons.orgAN: Peak Performances; 2/14/2025: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Black History Matters; 2/7/2025; #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Collaborative Theatre Project; 1/31/2025; 2025 #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: ExtraORdinary Places; 1/24/2025; #02: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Rogue Theater Company; 1/17/2025; 2025: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Eat One's Words; 1/10/2025; #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: OSF; 1/3/2025; 2025: #02: web, .pdf; .puz
- 2024
Dungeness Crab. Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International
license from commons.wikimedia.orgAN: Coastal Curmudgeons; 12/27/2024; #02: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Cabaret Theatre; 12/20/2024; 2025: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Grin and Bear It; 12/13/2024; #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Camelot Theatre; 12/6/2024; 2025: #01: web, .pdf; .puz
Adult male wild turkey.
Creative Commons
Attribution- Share Alike
4.0 International license
commons.wikimedia.orgJCLS: Rogue Reads; 12/2024: Winter 2025: #01-02:
#01: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #02: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz - AN: CrosspOLLInation; 11/29/2024; 2025 Winter: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Turkish Delights; 11/22/2024; #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: OSF; 11/15/2024; 2025: #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Oregon-e Rogue; 11/8/2024; #02: web, .pdf; .puz
AN: Fun(d)raising; 11/1/2024; #01: web, .pdf; .puz; appeared in print "First Edition" Nov/Dec 2024
- CrosspOLLInation; 10/31/2024; 2024 Fall (Nat.): web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- OLLI Mini; 10/31/2024; #01: 5 x 5: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- AN: Just Another Day in Parade-ise; 10/25/2024: web, .pdf; .puz
Elizabethan Stage at the Oregon Shakespeare
Festival Creative Commons Attribution-
Share Alike 3.0 Unported license
from commons.wikimedia.orgAN: OSF's Secret Season; 10/18/2024; #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: First Settlers; 10/11/2024: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Cascadia Commotion; 10/4/2024; #02: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: ANPF; 9/27/2024; 2024: web, .pdf; .puz
Ambigram Hot dog (mirror symmetry)
Creative Commons Attribution-
Share Alike 4.0 International license
from commons.wikimedia.orgAN: Oh, Goody (Hot Dog!); 9/20/2024: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Eureka Moment; 9/13/2024; #02: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: CSI: Ashland; 9/6/2024: web, .pdf; .puz
- JCLS: Find the Magic; 9/1/2024; 2024 Fall: #01-06:
#01: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #02: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#03: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #04: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#05: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #06: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz - AN: All in a Day's Work; 8/30/2024; #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Seasonal Migration; 8/23/2024: web, .pdf; .puz
Klamath Basin Tribes and allies
Creative Commons 2.0 DEED Attribution
2.0 Generic from commons.wikimedia.orgOut Damned Spot; 8/16/2024 #01: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#02: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz - AN: Theaters are Packed; 8/16/2024: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Mazama Magma; 8/9/2024: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: CrosspOLLInation; 8/2/2024; 2024 Fall (SOU): web, .pdf; .puz
Lithia Park, Ashland. Creative Commons
CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain
Dedication from commons.wikimedia.orgAN: From Flour To Flowers; 7/26/2024: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Oh, Deer!; 7/19/2024; #02: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Good Gnus; 7/12/2024: web, .pdf; .puz
Rogue National Wild and Scenic River
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic
license from commons.wikimedia.orgAN: Oregon-e Rogue; 7/5/2024; #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Somos Hermanas; 6/28/2024: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Trails Less Traveled; 6/21/2024: web, .pdf; .puz
Rock Climbing Coloring Page
Creative Commons Attribution-
Noderivatives 4.0 International
from coloringpagesai.comBetween a Rock and a Hard Place; 6/14/2024: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- AN: Eureka Moment; 6/14/2024; #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: A Monumental Achievement; 6/7/2024: web, .pdf; .puz
- JCLS: Reflect, Recharge, Return; 6/2024; 2024 Summer: #01-07:
#01: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #02: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#03: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #04: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#05: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #06: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#07: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; Summer Reading Program: "Read. Renew. Repeat" -
crossword helper. Creative
Commons 2.0 DEED Attribution 2.0
Generic from flickr.comAN: The Jeffersons; 5/31/2024: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Collaborative Theatre; 5/24/2024; 2024: #02: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Canine Capers; 5/17/2024; #01: web, .pdf; .puz
Barking Dog Creative
Commons CC0 1.0 Universal
Public Domain Dedication from
commons.wikimedia.orgAN: Doggerel; 5/15/2024: web, .pdf; .puz; free-form
- AN: Collaborative Theatre; 5/10/2024; 2024: #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- specIAL TRip; 5/6/2024: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- AN: Watershed Wandering; 5/3/2024; #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Cabaret Theatre; 4/26/2024; 2024: web, .pdf; .puz
AN: Rogue Climate; 4/19/2024; #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Camelot Theatre; 4/12/2024; 2024: #02: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Camelot Theatre; 4/5/2024; 2024: #01: web, .pdf; .puz
Sasquatch in the woods
Creative Commons Attribution-
Share Alike 4.0 license
from commons.wikimedia.orgAN: Coastal Curmudgeons; 3/29/2024; #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Rogue Theater Company; 3/22/2024; 2024: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: ExtraORdinary Places; 3/15/2024; #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: OSF; 3/8/2024; 2024: #02: web, .pdf; .puz
- La La Land; 3/2/2024: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
STEM + Art = STEAM. Creative
Commons CC0 1.0 Universal
Public Domain Dedication
from openclipart.orgAN: CrosspOLLInation; 3/1/2024; 2024 Spring: web, .pdf; .puz
- JCLS: Stemming and Steaming Across; 3/2024; 2024 Spring: #01-09:
#01: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #02: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#03: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #04: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#05: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #06: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#07: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #08: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#09: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz - AN: OSF; 2/23/2024; 2024: #01: web, .pdf; .puz
Cascadia Subduction Zone
Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal
Public Domain Dedication
from commons.wikimedia.orgAN: Cascadia Commotion; 2/16/2024; #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- AN: Across the Ages and Down the Pages; 2/9/2024: web, .pdf; .puz
- Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid; 2/6/2024: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
White tailed deer. Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International
license from commons.wikimedia.orgAN: Oh, Deer!; 2/2/2024; #01: web, .pdf; .puz
- 2023
- JCLS: Across the Border; 12/2023; 2024 Winter: #01-#05:
#01: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #02: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#03: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #04: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#05: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz The Quantum (Uni)verse: To Be or Not to Be in Two Places at Once; 11/20/2023;
21 x 21: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
note: although some titles (*-entries) may seem familiar to theatergoers, scholars have recently unearthed
journal articles where the playwright first used the same titles to describe earlier contributions in quite different
areas (clue subtitles) -- revealing him as a previously unknown crossover artist and prescient STEAM polymath.- NYT Wed; 11/01/2023; web (CS), app, .pdf; $; Steve's debut crossword
- web; syndicated as 'Wed, 12/6/2023'; no CS, print
- web unofficial; no CS, print
reviews (w/ spoilers): NYT:WordPlay;; Horace&Frances;;
podcast: Jean & Mike Do The NYT Crossword;;; RexParker;
Reddit: r/crossword; video: Solve with Steve; video: Solve with Me (Goosiverbalist);
video: The Daily Solve (Chris Remo); video: Robert vs the NYTXW- Choking Hazard; 10/22/2023: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- A Ray of Sun; 10/22/2023: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- JCLS: Fall into Adventure; 9/2023; 2023 Fall: #01-#05:
#01: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #02: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#03: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #04: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#05: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz -
Level Up Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
license from deviantart.comJCLS: Level Up; 7/2023; 2023 Summer: #01-#18:
#01: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #02: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#03: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #04: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#05: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #06: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#07: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #08: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#09: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #10: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#11: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #12: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#13: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #14: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#15: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #16: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
#17: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #18: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
"JCLS is not just challenging folks to not fall behind. We are challenging everyone
to go beyond and level up! That goes for all ages — kids and adults alike." They Haven't a Clue; 5/2023: 15 x 15: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
21 x 21: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz- Both Sides Now; 4/2023: 21 x 21: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- Grid Girder; 4/2023: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- Jello Shots; 3/2023: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- Ironic Butterfly; 2/2023: 21 x 21: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- 2022
- Eleven; 10/2022: #01: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #02: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
Rat Race; 9/2022: #01: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #02: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- Firefox; 8/2022: #01: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #02: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
notes: later puzzle with related theme: Online Dating, WSJ, 8/31/2022: discussion, .puz - Creature Cards; 8/2022: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- Size Matters; 8/2022: #01: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #02: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- Cyclops; 8/2022: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
Red Crossword; 8/2022: #01: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #02: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
related puzzle: Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On, Univ. 10/12/2022- Gnus and Views; 3/2022: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; early draft for AN: Good Gnus
- Bloomin' Like Crazy; 2/2022: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- 2021
- Open Sesame; 10/2021: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; for OLLI Course: P@s$w0rdz
Crosspassword: based on Password Strength by XKCD: "correct horse battery staple" passphrase;
a humorous combination of "crosswords" and 2-D "passwords,"
with their hidden answers & clues, CAPTCHAs, QR codes, etc.; free-form; 8/2021- Ow! 01/2021: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- 2020
- Tot TNT; 11/2020: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- Seasoned Rolls; 10/2020: #01: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; #02: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
example #4 for OLLI Course: Constructing Crosswords, with students - Story Time at the Library; 7/2020; web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
example #3 for OLLI Course: Constructing Crosswords, with students A TrIPArtite Brew; 6/2020: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
notes: beer collab; Sip (Northwest) Magazine; Zeeks Pizza; Single Hill Brewing;
Lateral A IPA, An Experimental, Collaboration Beer With A Great Backstory WA Beer Blog; 5/20/2020;
Lateral A IPA, An Experimental, Collaboration Beer With A Great Backstory BrewPublic; 5/20/2020;
A beer with a purpose, Single Hill Brewing collaborates with Zeeks Pizza and
SIP Northwest to release Lateral A NW Beer Guide; 5/20/2020;
two other crosswords featuring Single Hill Brewing: Peak Brewing; Hoppy Grand Opening;
more about beer (and oreos) and crosswords- OLLI OLLI Oxen Free; 5/2020: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
example #2 for OLLI Course: Constructing Crosswords, with students - Under Construction; 5/2020: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
Peak Brewing; 5/2020: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; brewery trio
- Miss Calculation; 4/2020: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- Candidates; 2/2020: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- On the Trail of an Ashland Watershed Creature; 2/2020: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
for Ashland (OR) Hiking Group; earlier version of Watershed Wandering #01 - Diet Delights; 2/2020: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
Carnivore for Congress; 2/2020: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
- Not Stroganoff. Try Again; 2/2020: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
OLLI Course: P@s$w0rdz - 2019
- schoOL LIfe; 11/2019; web: full; 3 embedded versions PuzzleMe, Crossword Compiler, Nexus Solver;
.pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; example #1 for OLLI Course: Constructing Crosswords - 2018
Hoppy Grand Opening; 6/2018; 17 x 17: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
for Single Hill Brewing Co.;
notes: Single Hill's "Public Enemy" won for Best Pale Ale;
at Yakima Fresh Hop Festival; 9/29/2018;
Yakima is the birthplace of modern brewpubs,
thanks in large part to the late Bert Grant in 1983! 9/28/2018;
Community + Beer = Single Hill Brewing Yakima Magazine. Sep/Oct 2018;
Meet the Maker: Zach Turner Craft Beverage, Yakima; 2018;
Forget Rivalries; Yakima Valley's Beermakers Go All-In
On Collaboration with Crossover Brews Yakima Herald; 10/5/2018;
Where to Eat and Drink During Yakima's Fresh Hop Ale Festival
Eater: Seattle; 8/31/2018; many connections between beer and crosswords- Crucigramitas; 5/2018; #1-4; 5 x 5: .pdf: puzzles, solutions; La Casa Hogar; Spanish & English
- Newton: 1993-1998 (memories), 1998- (lives on); 3/2018: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
Newton Messagepad; background, XWord Buddy, Crozzword CROSSWORDS and YOU OLLI course; 18 x 19: .pdf: puz, sol; .puz; free-form [far right]
- Map Your Neighborhood (MYN); 8/2018;
19 x 19: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; free-form; (Community Emergency Response Team);
published in CERT Newsletter; MYN program (old) - 2004-2015
- CERT: #1; 2015: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; free-form; preparedness
- free-form for OLLI Course: Be Safer on the Internet:
Internet Connection; 2015: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
Malware; 2015: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz
Browsing; 2015: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz - Hikes & Gear; 2015: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; free-form;
Lightweight Backpackers Interest Group (BIG) -
“With a crossword we're
challenging ourselves to create
order out of chaos.” ~Will Shortz;
from: crosswordmug.comCrossword Mug (template); 29 x 11: .pdf; grid only; [right]
-- if you don't have a mug, or to avoid writing on/erasing yours; download clues and solutions for ~30 puzzles - Water, Water Somewhere? 04/2015: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; free-form+;
Ashland (OR) Garden Club (AGC); graywater - A Winning Combo; 2013: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz;
note: draft mashup / time capsule for the 100th-anniversary of the Crossword;
Wynne's (title pun!) diamond-shaped original (1913 words in center),
includes notes for modern solvers; 4 (detached) corner puzzles describe the
original puzzle (who, where, why, when, what), but use contemporary words/clues Enneagram Crucigram; 1/1/2013; 19 x 19; web: embed, full; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .jpz (better format), .puz;
Imagine the form of the Enneagram projected onto a gridded crossword space:
an "Enneagram Crucigram" (crossword in Spanish is "crucigrama"). The result: a (roughly) circular,
(mostly) symmetric crossword, with 9 Enneagram vertex points (gray squares), clockwise from top:
9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Theme: a typical name for each Enneagram type begins/ends at (or near) its point; a
corresponding bold '#' clue indicates its starting location. Other words, some from psychology and philosophy,
fill out the structure. Published in International Enneagram Association (IEA) Nine Points MagazineAn OLLI Olio: Ooh La La; 11/2011: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; free-form+;
note: published in OLLI LINK newsletterTour de Fat; 9/4/2010;
19 x 19: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; free-form+;
note: Steve and daughter Kristina created a custom
crossword costume -- divided into grid & clues.
Other riders in the Labor Day bicycle parade
would stop us in order to fill in an answer with
felt-tip marker. It helps to be familiar with
New Belgium beers and Ft. Collins area.CrozzWord samples; 2004; 10 x 10; free-form+; created for CrozzWord app
- 1. Phones: .pdf (puz, sol); .puz
- 2. Cell Networks: .pdf (puz, sol); .puz
- 3. Caffeine: .pdf (puz, sol); .puz
- 4. First: .pdf (puz, sol); .puz
- 5. Handheld History: .pdf (puz, sol); .puz
- Pull-Lattes; 2004: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; free-form+; Pilates
- CMC; 2004; 25 x 25: web; .pdf: puzzle, solution; .puz; free-form+;
Chemistry, Manufacturing & Controls -- for Pharmaceuticals