Try #1
- A custom approach may provide the best results.
- However, it can be a more difficult skill to learn -- practice, trial-and-error, ...
- It's sometimes easier to get started by finding and modifying existing grid patterns from a library.
- 6 theme entries may be overly ambitious; a 15 x 15 puzzle typically aims for 3-4 theme entries
- Staying too attached to favorite entries can lead to tradeoffs,
constraining the number of grid designs and fill words. - However, since we don't plan to publish, let's keep 'em all, and see what happens!
- During theme selection, one set included 4 * 9 letter words
-- instead of 2 * 9 letter, 2 * 10 letter: REBELLION(S), ARAMDILLO(S) - This subsection discusses why that option was rejected.
Cruciverb: Grid Search:
2 * 15-letter, 4 * 9-letter theme entries- 5 possible grids with all 6 theme entries
[on right]; open in browser tab to enlarge - Each grid shows (at upper left)
a word & block count, e.g., 78 / 34 - In all, 2 of the 9-letter entries are Down.
- Down entries are unusual, but they can be allowed;
perhaps ok since there are still 4 Across theme entries?
or if there were clever "Down" related clues: e.g.,
"putting down" a REBELLION or an ARMADILLO? - However, for this set of theme entries, the Across entries don't cross
with the correct letters in the Down entries. - Some grids with two 15-letter entries crossed in center would be amazing, but...
- CROSSPOLLINATOR misses (by 1 letter) 8th letter crossing with HAMLETSOLILOQUY!
With some manual modifications
to a template, a better grid library,
or a completely custom layout,
this theme set might've worked.
Try #2
- Cruciverb: Grid Search: 2 * 15-letter,
2 * 10-letter, 2 * 9-letter entries - 12 grids with all 6 entries [on right]
- "Stacking" of theme entries, e.g., 15-letter entry and 9-letter entry
in adjacent rows, often lead to dead ends. - #04 (on right) shows stacking, with all 6 Across entries
(pink squares are unfillable words; swapping 9-letter entries didn't help) Although the Down crossings often don't work,
the 9-letter Downs partially work in two grids:- #12: OILLEASES x HAMLETSOLILOQUY [yes];
HOIPOLLOI x REBELLIONS + CROSSPOLLINATOR [no] #08: grid (shown at right) includes all 6 Across entries, no stacking;
- however, it's 72 / 40 -- 2 black squares more than the preferred max;
and 2 theme entries do not abut left or right edge -- (as discussed under Grid) - "Quick Fill" default result shown on far right
-- a complete fill is possible, though with some unusual/obscure words. Or, manually add blocks, e.g., row of 3 near left top (& right bottom) for total of 32?
- 6 fewer 3-letter words --better;
2 more 10-letter (non-theme) entries -- harder to fill - Experiment with placement (swap 9-letter or 10-letter entries),
- or fewer blocks (30 blocks) -- Quick Fill fails.
- Doublecheck puzzle metrics and add 'meta' information.
e.g., in CrossFire:
: # Words ≤ 78 ?; # Blocks ≤ 38 ?;Word counts
: # of 3 letter entries ≤ 20 ?; 1-2-letter entries: 0 ?Puzzle info
: enter Title (theme related), Author, Copyright,
Note (to solver; optional) -- useful for later export/print- Hopefully, in Fill (next section), we'll find better word choices.