Paper | Web Sites | Applications | Which to Use | References
- 1913: crosswords in a newspaper
-- with 'enabling technologies': paper (140), printing press (1440) - magazines, puzzle books
- print from Applications; download .pdf from Web Sites [later]
+ some puzzles available only in print, e.g., magazines, NYT Puzzle Mania
- + no training; familiar
- + portable
- + pen or pencil
- + flexible formatting
- + no batteries required
- + recyclable (usually)
- - reading glasses, lamp, pen(cil) and/or eraser may be needed
- - hands dirty from newsprint
- - dead trees, delivery trucks
- References: Paper
- Every day, the print edition of The Times is divided into multiple sections...
- "For many years, it seemed as if nothing changed in Norway...
- "It's amazing that the amount of news...
- "Only on paper...
- "Newspapers:...
Web Sites
1990: World Wide Web, first web browser
- 1996: Across Lite .puz format
- web browser with an interactive, embedded player usually JavaScript (avoid earlier Java or Flash plugins)
-- and/or downloadable files (see Apps) - + largest number & widest variety of puzzles
- + save or download puzzle for later?
- + print, .pdf files?
+ works on most devices/platforms
- - different user interfaces for sites & embedded players; less customizable than app
- - advertising
- - online connection
- Why do sites provide puzzles (free or $)?
- Benefit for paper subscribers; current, premium or additional puzzles, etc.
-- puzzles may be same as (or different from) print version - Advertising/referrals: sell books, custom puzzles, services, tshirts
- Joy of sharing; Fame; ...
- [section: Web Sites]
- Some sites allow collaborative solving, e.g.,
- Collaborative NYT crosswords return to Twitch over the holiday weekend
commands are formatted like "23d barn" meaning "the answer for 23 down is barn";
calming soundtrack; Verge; 11/25/2020 - Introducing Partner Mode: Crosswords for the Age of Social Distancing
virtual togetherness through solving; New Yorker; 4/10/2020 - Crosswords with Friends from Zynga, 2017
Augmented Reality (AR)
- Now You Too Can Look Like a Fool While Trying to Solve the AR NYT Crossword Puzzle Giz; 12/23/2020
- The NYT crossword can now haunt your living room in augmented reality "Shattered Crosswords"; Verge; 12/22/2020
- See section CROSSWORDS: Future: AR

by OpenClipart, Public Domain
- My Mind Is Like My Internet Browser...
- "Give a person a fish...
- "The Internet is the most important single development...
- "A journey of a thousand sites begins...
- "Getting information off the Internet is like...
- "It's been my policy to view the Internet...
1996: Across Lite format & desktop application
- there are many desktop and mobile apps to access and solve puzzles
+ download, import, sync puzzles from variety of sources (usually)
- + offline use, save progress
- + consistent, customizable user interface (vs. multiple web sites)
- + grid size/layout, font size?
- + linked clues, e.g., see n-Across
+ timers; social integration; fastest solvers?
- + pen/pencil mode
- + hints; dictionary/search integration?
- + printing?
- - something new to learn
- some apps have limited sources -- NYT or USA Today only;
no import? use proprietary format?- - $ for some apps; free: AcrossLite, XWord
- - some apps may not support common features, e.g., rebus, inscribed circles
- - some special formatting, , e.g., gray squares, extra lines, etc., might not be displayed;
in which case, a publisher's note might recommend using print version instead - [section: Applications]
Which to Use?
- 'Your mileage may vary' depending on:
- the number, variety and difficulty of puzzles that you'd like to solve;
- convenience, desired features;
- locations where you solve puzzles;
- comfort level with apps and web sites
- preferred device(s): screen size: HDTV, laptop, tablet, phone, watch, ...;
input methods: keyboard, touch, voice, ... - Methods Steve uses to access and solve various puzzles: Paper, Web, Apps
- NYT Archive: Acrostics, other Variety puzzles
“With a crossword we're challenging
ourselves to create order out of chaos.”
~Will Shortz; from: crosswordmug.comNYT 'Puzzle Mania': special annual section, e.g., Super Mega crossword (2016-)
- clues and solutions;
slogan: "Don't Just Do the Puzzle OVER a Cup of Coffee -- Do It ON Your Cup of Coffee";
.pdf template: 29 x 11 grid-only -- to avoid writing on/erasing mug - KenKen, Sudoku, CodeWords and other puzzles
- I usually don't solve puzzles in a browser -- I mostly download and solve offline later;
also, I prefer a consistent interface across puzzles
- I use Crossword Scraper to convert browser crossword applets [PuzzleMe, Crossword Compiler]
on some sites to .puz, .jpz or .pdf; e.g., NYT, The Week, Reagle; [image: right];
free browser extension: Firefox, Chrome; "CS" indicates Crossword Scraper compatible sites below
- 1a) iPad: automatically download some puzzles in Crosswords (CW): Newsday;
"CW" tags sources below [image: right] list mostly obsolete
- 1b) Mac: download .puz in browser: LAT, Universal, WaPo, Atlas Obscura;
convert .puz on a few "Crossword Scraper" (CS) compatible sites: NYT, The Week, Reagle
and for other sites when .puz server unavailable; email or AirDrop .puz files to iPad - 1c) iPad (when travelling): download .puz in browser, import into CW
- 2) iPad: open crosswords in Crosswords
- Next section lists many individual sources (and more formats),
and some aggregator sites which provide daily & other links, e.g., - [image: below, right]
- [image: below, far right]
- Johnston: annual archive: Jonesin', Univ., WaPo, WSJ
Daily Crossword Links the biggest list of all
- Brendan Emmett Quigley (BEQ): Mon: themeless; Thu: themed; .puz, CS
- Los Angeles Times (LAT): .puz free account req.; CS
- New York Times (NYT): mini (free), otherwise $; plus archive; CS
- Newsday [Creators]: Mon-Sat, Sun; CW, .pdf
- Reagle, Merl: Sun (4 older puzzles); CS
- Universal (Univ.) [McMeel] : Mon-Sat; Sun: .puz; CS
- Washington Post (WaPo): Sun (daily = LAT); .puz, CS
- Wall Street Journal (WSJ): Mon-Sat (no Sun or holidays); .puz, CS
- The Week: Sat; CS
References: Paper, Print
- Crossword changes provide clues to human behavior solution location; multiple puzzles on same page; Oregonian; 2/2/2025
- Crossword Scanner iOS; scan crossword puzzles from paper or screenshots into interactive format
- Free Daily Crosswords printable
- Simon and Schuster; Dell Crosswords
- The Total Brain Workout: 450 Puzzles to Sharpen Your Mind,
Improve Your Memory and Keep Your Brain Fit by Marcel Danesi - Crossword Books For Kids; Easy Crossword Books
- Pop Culture Crosswords; Will Shortz's Favorite Crossword Puzzles
- Challenging Crossword Puzzles; Crossword Puzzle Books from The New York Times
- How to Find the New York Times Crossword Large Print and Other Solving Tools
large print, ink saver and left-handed solving formats; NYT; 8/24/2021 - Are Crossword Puzzles the Key to Saving Print Media?
online games are the new frontier of old media, but that didn’t stop "The New Yorker"
from introducing a print-edition crossword; 2/25/2021 - The New Yorker Crossword Will Now Appear in Every Print Issue of the Magazine NYkr; 2/8/2021
- The Best Crossword Books for Holiday Puzzling DB; 11/30/2020
- The Best, Most Riveting Puzzle Books, From Novice to Expert Slate; 11/19/2020
- What's the Best Way to Crossword: Pen, Pencil, or Digital? DB; 10/26/2020
- Ah, the Simple Joy of Crossword Puzzle Books -- Plus, the Best Ones 9/15/2020
- This Crossword Book Has Kept Me Occupied For the Past 6 Months
The New York Times Greatest Hits of Monday Crossword Book; DB; 9/12/2020 - Amazon launches Alexa Print, a way to print lists, recipes, games and
educational content using your voice incl. crosswords; TC; 9/10/2020 - The Crossword Graveyard reviews/images of old crossword puzzle books; 4/30/2020
- Coloring and Crosswords Books for Adults Get Boost 4/28/2020
- More Puzzles to Pass the Time an expanded space for games in our print edition is intended to
challenge your brain but ease your mind during the pandemic; NYT; 4/20/2020 - The Best Crossword Puzzle Books -- according to Will Shortz and others; 4/2/2020
- Garson Hampfield, Crossword Inker by animator Michael A. Charles;
how crosswords are built behind the scenes ;-) 6:45 - How Newspapers Can Make Augmented Reality Sexy (and Profitable)
e.g., paper crossword via Blippar app; 6/11/2013 - Will Shortz's Personal Puzzle Collection video: 2:25; crosswords and others; NYT; 11/8/2012
- Kindle Touch breakthrough: Startup debuts handwriting recognition in puzzle e-book 2/14/2012
- What's an 11-letter word for 'crossword puzzle search'? (puzzle syndication); Since You Asked; MT; 8/1/2009