Seasoned Rolls
- There are 2 versions of the puzzle, with positions of two central theme entries swapped, and different fill and clues.
- These puzzles reuse theme entries found in several published puzzles: NYT, 11/19/1993; LAT, 8/2/2005;
with no intent to publish, our Fall 2022 class explored other theme entries, different grid layouts, added a reveal entry and title, etc. Interactive versions [below]; Check: check puzzle for errors; Reveal: reveal current letter/word
Print versions [.pdf]: v1: puzzle; solution; v2: puzzle; solution
Download puzzle file [.puz]: v1, v2;
open .puz (which includes solution) in a crossword app, e.g.,- Mac, Windows, iPad: Across Lite (free)
- Android, iOS: Crosswords