Summary | Selected Apps | Other Software/Lists
- Many crossword construction applications / sites are available;
Solving Apps discussed earlier - Apps vary by platform: Mac, Win, Lnx (Linux), browser ("web");
web apps run in most major, modern browsers,
e.g., Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Edge;
mobile-friendly web apps ("webM") run in phone & tablet browsers - Apps vary by features, puzzle sizes/types, puzzle formats, support, cost
-- some apps free, some offer demo versions / trial periods - Some web sites provide publishing/distribution capability so that others can solve your puzzles,
and perhaps a social media feature for commenting and discussing puzzles. - Besides images below, Constructing Crosswords: Gallery: Constructing Apps features OLLI example for
apps: CrossFire, Crossword Compiler, Crossword Maker for Cruciverbalists, Ingrid;
browser: Crosserville, Crosshare, CrossHatch, Crossword Composer, Exet, Phil, PuzzleMe, SparklingFill;
manual: Across Lite - Disclaimer: list below is incomplete, out-of-date; see also: Other Software/Older Lists
- To avoid malware, install software only from your device's App Store or developer's official site.
app: CrossFire | Crossword Compiler | Crossword Construction Kit |
Crossword Weaver | Crossword Wizard Creator | Eclipse | Ingrid | Qxw
browser: Crosserville | Crosshare | CrossHatch | Crossword Composer |
Crossworthy | Exet | Phil | PuzzleMe | SparklingFill
manual: Across Lite | 'Office';
other: misc. software/lists
Across Lite (AL)
- platforms/cost: Win, Mac: free
- formats: .txt, .puz, .pdf
- manual process
create tagged file in a text editor;
: .txt, e.g., olli-ex.txt;Save As
: .puz
custom print (.pdf) options, e.g., olli-ex-puz.pdf, olli-ex-sol.pdf
- platforms/cost: web (-Safari): free
- formats: .puz, .pdf, NYT
- 5 x 5 - 31 x 31;
tutorial video; FAQ;
schoOL LIfe example

- platforms/cost: Win,Mac,Lnx: $50; Java included
- formats: .puz, .jpz*, .pdf, NYT; *limited import, no export
- FAQ; Docs; Walkthrough;
(Steve uses); no free-form generation;
Crossfire Tutorial
How to set up a wordlist/dictionary; How to link a clue database
How to lay out a grid and fill it; How to use the lookup tab and edit a wordlist
Comparison with Crossword Compiler; 50:09; 10/17/2021;
schoOL LIfe example
- platforms/cost: web, webM: free
- formats: .puz, .pdf, web
- 5 x 5 - 25 x 25;
Google account req.; tutorial; source;
schoOL LIfe example

- platforms/cost: web: free
- formats: .puz
- docs, source
Crossword Compiler
- platforms/cost: Win, Mac: via VM: *$; applet avail.
- formats: .puz, .pdf, web, PS, ...
- *one-off purchase may still be available;
subscription model price varies for functionality and dictionaries:
Basic: $2/mo.; Pro: $6/mo.; Business: $25/mo.
Docs; Tutorials; samples, user-submitted puzzles;
Creating American newspaper-style crossword puzzles feature video: 25:40; 1/30/2021;
Gallery: on Mac; schoOL LIfe example
Crossword Composer
- platforms/cost: web, webM: free -- still avail?
- formats: .puz, .xpf
- 15 x 15, 21 x 21;
schoOL LIfe example

Crossword Construction Kit
- platforms/cost: Win: $30
- formats: ?
- free-form only
Crossword Weaver
- platforms/cost: Win: $40+; web: free
- formats: .pdf, web
- free-form and symmetric; last updated 2016?

Crossword Wizard Creator
- platforms/cost: Win, Mac: $49-$159
- formats: ?
- free-form only?

- platforms/cost: Win: free
- formats: .doc, web
- free-form only?

5 Questions for Crossword Constructing
Duo May Huang and Kevin Trickey! 3/11/2021
- platforms/cost: web: free
- formats: .puz (export), .pdf, NYT
- collaboration support; Crossworthy Player (on site)
- 5 Questions for Crossword Constructing Duo May Huang and Kevin Trickey! 3/11/2021

Exet (
- platforms/cost: web: free; applet avail.
- formats: .puz*, 'exolve'
- docs, source;
*.puz export; indirect .puz import:
Choose: .puz, .ipuz: e.g., olli-ex.puz
button (bottom of page): "Save Exolve-converted..."
later: Exet: Open > Open Evolve File: Choose File (saved from Exolve Player)


MS Office: Word, Excel; Google Docs, Sheets
- platforms/cost: Win, Mac: $; web: free?
- formats: .doc, .xls, .pdf
- manual process; search for tutorials, videos -- a few below
- Google Sheets: Collaborative Crossword; export as .ipuz;
Maurus, Flippity add-on - Microsoft Excel:,
- Libreoffice: Crossword Extension
- AmuseLabs: How to Make Crossword Puzzles in Word 9/28/2023
- How to Make a Crossword Puzzle on Microsoft Word
- How to Make Crossword Puzzles WikiHow; 3/4/2022
- 9+ Blank Crossword Templates PDF, Excel, EPS; free
- Crossword Parser: paste image of a grid; converted onto clipboard;
paste result into spreadsheet; may get a few squares wrong - Generate a grid symmetry not enforced; download .png
- Garson Hampfield, Crossword Inker by animator Michael A. Charles;
video: 6:45; how crosswords are built behind the scenes ;-)

- platforms/cost: web: free
- formats: .puz, .pdf, NYT, .xw
- 15 x 15; local install; docs, source;
version w/ more features: use, docs, source;
schoOL LIfe example
PuzzleMe (AmuseLabs)
- platforms/cost: web: free (for personal use)
- formats: .puz, .jpz, .xml, .xw
- fill-in form fields, or import puzzle
- embed code (IFRAME) available for solvers
- Every Major Newspaper in The World Has These Dharwad-Made Crosswords. Here’s Why 7/8/2021

- platforms/cost: Win; Lnx; Mac*: free; last updated: 2020?
- formats: .qxw, SVG
- cryptics, barred, hexgrid, circular; docs
*How about Mac OS X?;
Getting qxw to work on Mac OS (command line install); img: Ventura (macOS 13); 12/2023

- platforms/cost: web, webM: free (Pro:$9/mo.)
- formats: .puz, .pdf, NYT
- 10 x 10 - 25 x 25;
docs; circle import support?
videos: Quick Crossword Builder; Theme Editor (Pro);
schoOL LIfe example
Other Software / Older Lists
- Make Most Interesting Puzzles with the Best Crossword Construction Tools
Eclipse Crossword; Crossword Compiler; CrossFire; Crossword Weaver; 10/15/2019 - American Crossword Tournament [old list]
- blacksquare
Python package with support for HTML rendering in Jupyter notebooks,
.puz/.pdf export, and algorithms to help find valid fills - Collaborative Crossword; customized Google Sheet; export as .ipuz
- CrissCross comparison with Phil and Crossfire CrissCross is a private tool? video: 9:20; 2/28/2021
- Crossword Creation Tool web-based; cryptic-oriented; .pdf export only
- Crossword Creator Pro
- Crossword Editor Android
- Crossword Express
"Crossword Magic" by MarkGregory007
is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0Crossword Forge Mac, Win; downloads available,
but no developer site? old? - Crossword Grid Search enter a grid pattern, search for
existing variations on that grid (currently NYT-only) - Crossword Magic for Atari 800 and Apple II
Crossword puzzle maker. Choose subject, words, and clues;
program automatically connects words.
Play on-screen or make printout.
L&S Computerware; manual; ~1981 - Crossword Maker For Cruciverbalists (CMFC) iPad;
no longer avail. Review & Tutorial; video: 19:41; 5/27/2014; schoOL LIfe example - Crossword Queen free; limited functionality
- Crossword Studio Mac, Win; last: 2011?
- crosswordr a mobile and web app platform (currently in development: 2022)
where those who construct and solve crossword puzzles can connect -- like "YouTube for crosswords" - Crosswyrd browser
- [old list]
- Cruciverbalist iOS13+; macOS 11+ (M1+)
- Cruciverbalist Mac; last: ~2008?
- Cruciverbalizer web-based
- Dawn of the Dad
- GNOME Crosswords Gets a Standalone Editor With New Update available on Flathub: Crosswords (solve), Crosswords Editor; 9/11/2023
- Gnome Crosswords Linux; .puz, .ipuz
- Hamel, Ray [old list]
- Hot Potatoes
- Korsordsmakaren Swedish
- Kotwords generate .jpz or .pdf from a form or .puz; other puzzle styles
- MyCrossword cryptic & quick
- MyCrosswordMaker web; free-form and newspaper-style
- Klest-crossword open source; last version: 3/2014
- Puzzle-Generator Win; free-form
- Puzzle Maker Mac
- Puzzle Workshop Windows; Archer Software; last updated: 2007?
Spoonbill Crossword Compiler Windows; FAQ
- Super Crossword Creator
- Sympathy (construction) by CrosswordMan; also TEA (solver)
-- no longer sold/supported - (UK) Crossword Puzzles [old list]
- variety-tools create variety puzzles; source; crosswordnexus
- Wordapp Crossword Maker Android
- Word Buff [old list]
- Words Up? import grid templates into Crossword Compiler
or Symphony; Cryptic Library; Extract a grid from an image - XWordJS fill tool for existing puzzles? [on right]
upload .puz, .xpf; upload dictionary; other editing features?