CROSSWORDS: Language Skills; Vocabulary

Summary | Quotes | References: General, Other Lang.

(link is external)"Just Doing the Crosswords" by (link is external)BenSpark
is licensed under (link is external)CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


  • Word puzzles can exercise your vocabulary -- in multiple languages.
  • Textbooks and course websites often include crosswords
    to test vocabulary and subject knowledge,
    e.g., Be Safer on the Internet: Web Browsing
  • Well-designed crosswords are more than a collection of words
    (esp. weird 'crosswordese'), and obvious clues
    -- they force us to think outside (and inside) the box.



FryskPuzzelboek (Frisian) by VDM Puzzels
via (link is external)Wikimedia Commons
(link is external)Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

Other Languages