Summary | Quotes | References

3. Read agenda and emails 4. Do the newspaper's crossword
5. Ask for more coffee 6. Decide which emails to answer later
7. Leave office #croswords #ilovemylife #lifeofaboss
#friday #casualfriday" by guillermogg
is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
- Solving crosswords can become time-consuming, frustrating, and/or addictive.
- This course could speedup your solving time and reduce frustration,
-- though it might make them more fun and addictive. - Why do You solve puzzles-- or not?
- "Write a history of crosswords in the style of a conspiracy theorist." by ChatGPT (AI chatbot)
All right, here goes: The history of crosswords is a shadowy one, full of intrigue and deceit.
It all began with a man named Arthur Wynne, who worked as a journalist for the New York
World newspaper. But little did the world know, Wynne was not who he seemed.
He was actually a secret agent, working for a shadowy organization that sought to control
the masses through the use of mind-altering puzzles. In December of 1913, Wynne unveiled
his latest creation: the "word-cross" puzzle. It was published in the Sunday edition of the
New York World, and it quickly became a sensation. But all was not as it seemed.
Hidden within the puzzle were subliminal messages, designed to brainwash the unsuspecting public.
The crossword craze only grew from there, with other newspapers jumping on the bandwagon
and publishing their own versions of the puzzle. But make no mistake -- these were not mere games. more
- The chairman of Maryland's Board of Mental Hygiene worried...
- Q. Do I rue a life wasted doing crosswords?...
- I didn't realise that I was addicted to crosswords but...
- I went to see my psychiatrist last week. I explained to him that I was
getting depressed because of my addiction to crossword puzzles...
- An interviewer asks a woman if she has any unusual talents...
- Woke up the other day with a puzzled look on my face...
- "Their addiction to the useless habit somehow proves...
- "You’re always a little embarrassed to even confess that you do them...
- "A crossword puzzle is a great way to unwind or ruin your entire day,...
- "The rush I get from completing a crossword puzzle leads me to believe...
- Invited to comment on the Crossword Crisis,
the Times’s puzzle editor Will Shortz waxed lighthearted:... - "One cannot build life from refrigerators, politics, crossword puzzles...
- The long line is standing still due to the clerk doing a crossword puzzle...
- "Based on the study, we can safely conclude that...
- "Sometimes I'll work...
- "The drive to fill in empty spaces is more likely...
- see section: History: 1920s
- topics: addiction, obsession
- Trial of Mom Accused of Encouraging Son to Murder Woman Ends in Mistrial After Juror Did Crossword Puzzle People; 11/21/2024
- Dear Abby: My wife is obsessed with crossword puzzles NYPost; 9/18/2023
- The Sunday Essay: Confessions of a cryptic addict 4/2/2023
- Crosswords no good against mild cognitive impairment
Millions of people around the world are “hooked” on crosswords. Are crosswords dangerous?
Do they worry you too? Do you need help? 12/9/2022 - What's another word for crossword addicted? Times; 8/7/2022
- How To Recover After The NYT Mini Jingle Plays During Class And Your Professor Says "What Was That" 12/7/2021
- Like I Was Sayin’: Crossword puzzles leave me clueless, frustrated 9/26/2021
- 5 Ways to Become Smarter Without Doing Crossword Puzzles 8/19/2021
- Too much crosswording during the shutdown may be leading to brain fatigue 5/6/2020
- News organizations just want to get readers hooked, whether their habit's news, podcasts, or puzzles 2/2020
- Councillor denies using phone and doing crossword during meeting 7/2/2019
- The Art and Politics of Crosswords joys and addiction; NYr; 6/21/2019
- Drugs in crosswords and 5 other ways prison staff allegedly
tried to smuggle contraband 3/18/2019 - Are crosswords killing America? BG; 1/4/2019
- How I Became Addicted to Online Word Games NYT; 3/18/2017
- 21 Signs You're Addicted To Crossword Puzzles
What's a three-letter word for obsessed? YOU; 7/22/2013 - Help, I Am Addicted to Crossword Puzzles 4/25/2010
- That Crossword Obsession 2/6/2010
- Meditations, Digressions, From A Crossword Addict NPR; 6/23/2009
- Crossword, Sudoku Plague Threatens America! Slate; 8/20/2008
- My Crossword Life 3/3/2008
- Why aren't crosswords more popular? 1/13/2008
- The Confessions (and Rehabilitation) of a Crossword Addict 1/24/2008
- Withdrawal symptoms 2/8/2007
- Crossword Addiction Leads To Arrest 2/20/2005
- Confessions of a NY Times Crossword Addict 9/26/2002
- NYT: 50 Years of Crosswords: An Addict's Tale NYT; 2/16/1992