- "Technology is a gift of God...
- BCE: Abacus; Astrolabe; Antikythera mechanism; 'social media' (papyrus)
- "We are the brothers and sisters of our machines...
- 0CE-1600s: paper; printing press; slide rule
- ~2500 BCE: Abacus Mesopotamia; later in multiple civilizations: Persia, Greece, China, ...
- Why does this digital abacus exist? 2/14/2018
- ~220 BCE: Astrolabe
- How Astrolabes Work
~200 BCE: Antikythera mechanism ancient analog computer designed to calculate astronomical positions
- How the Antikythera Mechanism Worked
- A 2,000-year-old computer called the Antikythera Mechanism helped the ancient Greeks understand their universe 5/17/2017
- The World’s Oldest Computer May Have Been Used to Predict the Future like a textbook of astronomy; 6/10/2016
- The Antikythera Mechanism 11/23/2015
- 51 BCE: Cicero's Web: How Social Media Was Born in Ancient Rome how the dynamics of papyrus scrolls explain Facebook; 10/25/2013
- ~140 CE: paper; China. display device and strorage medium
- 1440: Printing press w/ metal movable type: Gutenberg in Europe; other types of type and materials earlier in other countries
- 1622: Slide rule, William Oughtred mechanical analog computer
- Oughtred Society: history
- Slide Rules were the Original Personal Computers 11/5/2015
- Wikipedia: Timeline of computing hardware: Prehistory-AntiquityMedieval-1640
- The 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Wheel The Atlantic; 10/23/2013
- Computer History Museum looks at 2000-year history of the computer 1/15/2011
- The Extremely Accurate History of the Internet: The Onion's new satirical documentary lands on Yahoo Humanity's Terrible Past: 50,000 Years Without WiFi; 11/14/2012