The Plan
- Awareness: help you understand the kinds of information you might want to protect, and from whom, as well as techniques to improve privacy and security.
- Promote a sense of urgency -- without undue panic, hopefully.
- Vary the depth of coverage, depending on student background and questions.
- Follow Joe Kissell's e-book: Take Control of Your Online Privacy {TCYOP}
though it's not necessary to have a copy since it's getting out of date - Offer even more advice, and links to many articles: reviews, news, issues
Start from the inside-out: you, your computer, network connection, the internet
- Explain just enough of the underlying jargon, infrastructure and technology to enhance understanding
- Emphasize preventive, proactive, personal measures -- rather than deal with post-loss emergencies -- though increasingly there will be some actions you need to take to deal with the aftermath of corporate and government breaches
- Plan & Prioritize (by difficulty/experience labels: [1, 2, 3]): manageable steps you can take to reduce your privacy and security risks -- though not completely from the NSA.
- Present trade-offs: convenience/effort for you vs. sensitivity/value of your info; one size does not fit all
- Update advice over time, based on new threats and tools -- check Course Updates section
- Guarantee that...