Course Description
- ? next: Ask Steve to offer this; unclear if there's enough interest for an iPad-only class or this level of technical detail
- Sessions: 5?
- Course URL:
- Have you wondered how apps are created for your tablet, smartphone or computer?
- Do you have little (or no) prior programming experience, but are comfortable tinkering with technology?
- You will learn:
- how to program in the Swift language, interactively using Swift Playgrounds
- about the software development process: from idea, to needs, design, prototype, test, refinement, distribution
- about programming concepts, capabilities, styles
- about the history and types of programming languages and frameworks
- (optionally) how to create an iPhone/iPad app using Swift in the Xcode Integrated Development Environment
- Below: more about the Instructor
About the Instructor
Course Topics
- Session 1. Course Description, Instructor, Topics and Resources
- Software Process, Concepts
- Intro to the Swift language using Swift Playgrounds (on iPad, iOS 10)
- Session 2. Language History, Frameworks
More Swift Playgrounds: ...
- Session 3. More Swift Playgrounds: ...
- Session 4. More Swift Playgrounds: ...
- Session 5. Develop and distribute an app in Xcode (on macOS)
Course Resources
- This site:
- general info about course pages
- There are several free e-books about learning Swift (for iBooks on iOS / macOS):
- Swift Playgrounds (Teacher Guide)
- App Development with Swift (Teacher Guide)
- App Development with Swift
- Navigation: using this web site
- Handouts: how to create your own printed version of these pages