Finding Grids
- Cruciverb: Grid Search: 4 * 13-letter theme entries
- 18 grids were found
- Word & block count, e.g., 78 / 34 [upper left]
- Generally, avoid grids with word count > 78
or block count > 38 (publisher guidelines) Prefer shorter words or longer words?
- Swap theme entries around for better fill?
- Add/remove blocks?
- Which of these (or others) do you prefer?
Selecting Grids
- I selected 4 of those grid patterns that seemed
promising (fillable), including stats/info for each. - before/after images:
theme entries only; complete sample fill. - Cruciverb "grid #"; total word count, block count;
for each word length, its count #8653: 70, 38; 13=4, 10=2, 8=2, 7=5, 6=8, 5=15, 4=26, 3=8
- This particular grid has a 7-letter entry in the center
-- when LIBRARY was added (for the course logo image),
with theme order: 1. ONCE...; 2. TALK...; 3. SHARE...; 4. TELL...,
the result was"Unfillable Grid";
however, fill is possible in 2 (of 24) arrangements of theme entries;
assess quality of fill for 1, 2, 4, 3 and/or 1, 4, 3, 2? #4378: 72, 37; 13=4, 7=16, 6=4, 5=8, 4=28, 3=12
#5140: 74, 37; 13=4, 8=4, 7=6, 6=4, 5=18, 4=22, 3=16
#6104: 74, 38; 13=4, 8=4, 7=4, 6=6, 5=15, 4=28, 3=13
- Which of these empty grids should we use later when starting our own fill?