Course: Description | Instructor | Topics | References | Updates
Description: Disaster Preparedness: The Really Big One
- upcoming: ?
- previous: Zoom: Winter 2022; Spring 2021; Winter 2021
- Course URL:
this site will continue to be available and updated Zoom: Use, Setup, Safety;
recordings of sessions available to registered students
-- contact instructor.- Also see Topics (below) for detailed ToC and general references.
If you have already lessened your property's fire vulnerability
and have planned for how to evacuate yourself and loved ones, congratulations!- What about other disasters? Students will learn about how to prepare for earthquakes,
wildfires and other risks in the Rogue Valley. - The instructor will discuss alert systems, family disaster plans,
emergency kits, go-bags and “2 Weeks Ready” supplies,
evacuation during a fire versus sheltering-in-place after an earthquake.
He will also address community programs, training and online resources. - Recommended reading: "The Really Big One" by Kathryn Schulz, New Yorker, 7/13/2015;
subtitle: "A [Cascadia] earthquake will destroy a sizable portion of the coastal Northwest. The question is when."
- An earlier version of this course was offered in Winter & Spring 2021.
It was entitled "Disaster Preparedness: Almeda, Cascadia, Zombies".
Its 1st session, taught by Terri Stewart, was an in-depth presentation about the 2020 Almeda fire,
with the remaining sessions about disaster preparedness taught by Steve. - For the current course, Almeda is not reviewed in detail
(Almeda-specific materials and Terri's bio are still available in the 6. Prepare for Wildfire section).
The scope of this course, taught by Steve, is on disaster preparedness,
with a focus on "The Really Big One" -- Cascadia earthquake. - 0. Intro: Emergency vs. Disaster: Natural Disasters; Human-caused Disasters;
Measuring Disasters / Mapping Risk; Possible Responses?; Levels of Response - Other sections closely follow Ashland is Ready ( Guidebook (sections 1-11):
- 1. Be Informed: Alerts & Communication: Ashland & Jackson Co. Citizen Alert;
Emergency Alert Systems; Sirens; In-person; Phones; Texting;
Radio, TV; Official Websites; Social Media; Apps - 2. Evacuation Process: Level 1: Be Ready; Level 2: Be Set; Level 3: Go!
- 3. Evacuation Planning: Plan, Prepare and Practice; Take Direction from Authorities
- 4. Family Disaster Planning: Fire, Flood or Other Disaster; Shelter-in-place; Evacuate
5. Two Weeks Ready: Disaster Supply Kit
- 6. Prepare for Wildfire: Before the Fire Checklist
- 7. When Smoke is in the Air: Air Quality Index (AQI); Who's Most at Risk?;
How Do I Protect Myself?; Watch for Symptoms - 8. Earthquake: Before the Earthquake; During an Earthquake;
After the Earthquake; Turning Off Your Utilities? - 9. Flood: The Basics; Sanitation; Landslides
- 10. Get Involved: Map Your Neighborhood (MYN);
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT);
Other Training and Volunteer Opportunities - 11. Disaster Resources (original)
- Ashland Emergency Preparedness
Evacuation Zone; Evacuation Levels; Get Ready; Wildfire Info; Fire Adapted Ashland;
Chamber of Commerce Preparedness Toolkit; Smokewise Ashland; Nat. Weather Service - Ashland is Ready (AIR) mailed to each Ashland household in 2017; Emergency Preparedness Guidebook .pdf
- Jackson County Emergency Management
Citizen Alert; Wildfire & Smoke; Get Ready Rogue; Jackson County Plans;
News & Information; Resources; Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan - Get Ready Rogue: Emergency Preparedness and Response
Family Emergency Preparedness Handbook; Jackson & Josephine Counties; .pdf; 52 pp. 4/2021 Rogue Valley Emergency Management (RVEM): Jackson & Josephine Counties
Citizen Alert; Incident Info; Get Ready Rogue: Know Your Hazards; Preparedness Fundamentals;
Special Considerations; Kit Types; Resources; Preparedness Calendar; Prep U- Oregon: Office of Emergency Management (OEM); publications
- National:;
Are You Ready? An In-depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness .pdf; 11/2021 -