Disaster Preparedness: 4. Family Disaster Planning

Introduction | Fire, Flood or Other Disaster | Plan |
Shelter-in-place | Evacuate

Communication Is The Most Critical Aspect Of Disaster Planning.
Assign Each Family Member A Role.
Consider All Situations Which May Impact You.
Practice Your Plan.


  • "Forewarned, forearmed; to be prepared is half the victory" ~Miguel de Cervantes
  • "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley, [often go awry]"
    ~Robert Burns, "To a Mouse"
  • "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong" ~Murphy's law
  • "Mother Nature may be forgiving this year, or next year,
    but eventually she's going to come around and whack you.
    You've got to be prepared."
    ~Geraldo Rivera
  • video: Importance of a Disaster Plan CERT; 3:28

fireFire, Flood or Other Disaster



  • In some disasters staying put is safest depending on the situation.
    You may need to stay put for extended periods of time.
  • e.g., Cascadia earthquake could damage roads & bridges and prevent evacuation
    -- section: #5. 2 Weeks Ready
  • You may be without essential services during these times.
  • You may be able to rely on neighbors for support if you've met in advance
    -- section: #10. Get Involved: Map Your Neighborhood
  • Know how to seal off a room, if required, and have the proper materials on hand,
    e.g., for smoke, cold
  • Shelter-in-Place Advice
    disaster: Active Shooter, Chemical Hazard, Earthquake; Flooding/Flash Flooding;
    Hurricane (High Wind, Flooding and Storm Surge); Nuclear/Radiological Event;
    Pandemic; Thunderstorm; Tornado; Winter Storm;
    structure: Manufactured or Mobile Home; 1- or 2-Story Building (w/ attic and/or basement); Multistory Building;
    FEMA; 13pp; .pdf; 5/25/2021
  • ready.gov; Jackson County
  • The Best Wildfire Preparedness Supplies and Strategies
    Wirecutter-tested essentials to have on hand in case of emergency; Air purifier;
    Water container; Respirator; USB battery pack; Emergency radio; First aid;
    Headlamp; Extra batteries; Fireproof document safe; Gas can; NYT; 6/14/2021
