Disaster Preparedness: 6. Prepare for Wildfire

Before the Fire | References: General, Almeda

Ashland Residents Are Highly Encouraged To Create Defensible Space
To Reduce The Risk Of Wildfire Around Their Homes And Neighborhoods.

preparefirewiseBefore the Fire Checklist

  • Planning & Evacuation topics covered in earlier sections:
    #2. Evacuation Process: Ready, Set, Go;
    #3. Evacuation Planning;
    #4. Family Disaster Planning
  • medfordoregon.gov/beprepared; ashland.or.us/evacuate
  • video: Wildfire Ember Highlights 4:17
  • video: Disaster Preparedness Training -- Wildfire 1:36
  • firewise-5763 Zones of Concern near your home
  • Immediate: 0-5': structure itself, attachments, landscaping
    structure: rated roof materials; ≤1/8" wire mesh over vents/soffits;
    non-flammable siding;
    attachments: ignition-resistant deck/porch; enclosed decks;
    non-wood fence attachment
    landscape: no flammable plants; no bark mulch;
    no stacked firewood or other material
  • Keep roof and gutters free of all leaves, needles, and debris throughout fire season
  • Check that all vents in foundation and eaves are screened with 1/8 inch
    or finer metal mesh screening and baffled vents to prevent ember intrusion
  • Maintain three to five foot buffer area around foundation with
    no combustible plants or material in contact with siding
    (NO BARK MULCH) and clean up all leaf and needle debris
  • Ensure area under deck is clean of combustible debris and
    no combustibles (firewood, lumber, fuel) are stored underneath
  • Screen off or enclose open areas under decks and overhangs
    with 1/8 inch metal mesh screening to prevent ember intrusion
  • Intermediate: 5'-30': reduce fire intensity, contact, paths
    -- remove bark mulch and flammable vegetation;
    replace flammable privacy screening/fencing
  • Use only Firewise plants within 30 feet of your home; fireadaptedashland.org/firewiseplants
  • Keep tree limbs pruned at least 10' from house, and 10' from chimney
    -- if conflicts with Ashland Tree Commission, contact ashlandfirewise.org
  • Limb up lower branches 5-6 feet on trees within 30 feet of your home
  • Extended: 30'-100': extended landscaping
    -- reduce surface fuel, canopy density, ladder fuels
  • Store firewood 30 feet away or in an ember proof storage shed
  • Keep dry grass and weeds mowed to four inches or less throughout fire season: ashland.or.us/weedabatement
  • Driveway accessible, with home address clearly posted and visible from the street

sched calReferences / Resources
