- Fun new Ashland word game (nine letters): Crossword weekly puzzle leaps into action with -- what else? -- 'Oh, deer'; AN; 2/2/2024 - To access all crosswords, select top menu item > Culture > Crossword ("Crossword Archives").
Scroll to earlier crosswords using the page numbers at the bottom. - crosswords have appeared since 2/2/2024.
They're grouped below in rough categories, with links to individual crosswords or series (*). - Arts: Theater: Ashland New Plays*; Cabaret*; Camelot*;
Collab. Theater*; OSF*; Rogue Theater*; Theaters are Packed - Fauna/Flora: Grin and Bear It*; Crab: Coastal Curmudgeons*; Oh Deer*;
Dog: Canine Capers*, Doggerel, Hot Dog; Seasonal Migration; Turkish Delights* - Holidays / Commemorations: Black History Matters*; Indigenous Peoples: First Settlers;
Labor Day: All in a Day's Work*; Parades: Just Another Day in Parade-ise - Organizations / Businesses: Amigo Club: Somos Hermanas;
Brewpubs/Restaurants/Wineries: Eat One's Words*; Fish&Wildlife Forensics Lab: CSI Ashland;
OLLI: CrosspOLLInation*; Science Works: Eureka Moment*; Siskiyou Mt. Club: Trails Less Traveled - Places: Cascadia Commotion*; ExtraORdinary Places*; The Jeffersons; Lithia Park: From Flour to Flowers;
Mazama Magma; A Monumental Achievement (CSNM); Oregon-e Rogue*; Peak Performances;
Rogue Climate*; Watershed Wandering* - Publishing: Across the Ages and Down the Pages; Fun(d)raising*; Good Gnus
If you aggregate info across different sites using an RSS app (Really Simple Syndication), crosswords are included in these RSS feeds: and Steve's Crosswords.

free for use under Pixabay Content
License from
Common Questions -- Answered
- New Question? Contact
- Which Formats Are Available?
- Why Crosswords?
- Where Can I Find Crosswords?
- Who Creates and Edits Crosswords?
- How Can I Improve My Solving Skills?
- What’s a Theme?
- What’s a Grid?
- What’s Fill?
- How Should I Read Clues?
- How Are Crosswords Made?
- How Long Does It Take to Construct a Crossword?
- Are There Submission Guidelines for
- How Do I Solve Crosswords in My Web Browser?
- Why Consider an Offline Solving App?
Which Formats Are Available?
- There are several ways to access and solve crosswords:
- 1. Online app: solve a crossword interactively in a web browser,
preferably on a larger screen with a physical keyboard. Check
commands can provide help.- If the incorrect (previous) crossword appears in the Archive page (a browser caching issue),
Reload/Refresh the page, or click title at top to open it in a new window. If the crossword is not visible, e.g., Chrome displays a gray box,
or for a larger view, click on provided link to open crossword by itself in a new window.- Although it is possible to solve on a smaller device, e.g., phone or mini tablet,
seeing clues and entering answers may require more scrolling of the
limited puzzle area and hiding/showing of the on-screen keyboard. 2. Paper: download puzzle and solution .pdfs to print yourself,
or ask a friend with a printer. Budget-, eco-friendly ink saver format.- Pick up hardcopies of (and other) crosswords and solutions
at Ashland and other Jackson County Library branches. 3. Offline app: download crossword data file (.puz) to open in a solving app
(.puz available from Steve's crossword page).

Why Crosswords?
- Quotes from Will Shortz, 4th NYT crossword editor:
"With a crossword, we're challenging ourselves to create order out of chaos."
"As human beings, we have a natural compulsion to fill empty spaces."
"Solving crosswords eliminates worries. They make you a calmer and more focused person." -
An animated gif of MRI images of
a human head by Dwayne Reed;
Creative Commons Attribution
-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license
from Wikimedia CommonsWell-designed crosswords are a fun and challenging pastime, whether by yourself or with a partner or friend.
- A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine Evidence showed that brain shrinkage
(in MRI images) was less in crossword solvers than players of some other mental games. - By building a cognitive reserve, you might even delay the onset of dementia.
Where Can I Find Crosswords?
- Many newspapers license puzzles for their print edition and websites from national syndicates such as
New York Times (NYT), Tribune (LA Times), McMeel (Universal), Arkadium (Newman, Sheffer, ...).
You can access their web sites often for free (with ads). - Site list: [image on right]
- For local crosswords, hand-crafted for the Rogue Valley community with regional topics,
events, people and organizations: > Culture > Crossword. - Ideally, solvers might like a daily crossword.
However, that's impractical without an influx of crosswords from other pro bono constructors
or focusing on minis (which have limited local content). 1-2 crosswords/month seemed too infrequent.
A weekly crossword seems just right -- and sustainable for a few years, given current ideas in the queue. - Jackson Country Library crosswords typically include some local entries and clues,
and use the theme of that quarter's Reading program.
Who Creates and Edits Crosswords?
- Steve Weyer is crossword editor and chief constructor.
- He has been a cruciverbalist (crossword aficionado) and logophile (word buff) since the 1990s.
In 2002, he developed CrozzWord, a mobile app for crossword solving [image: on Zaurus, right].
- Since 2011, he’s taught crossword courses at OLLI -- both at SOU and nationally --
and constructed crosswords for friends and local organizations: Steve's crosswords
also hosts this FAQ and older OLLI course materials). - His first NYT crossword debuted on Wed, Nov. 1, 2023 [image: below],
with hopefully more in the future. - Steve has lived in the Rogue Valley since 2006. When not solving or constructing crosswords,
he volunteers with Ashland’s Community Emergency Response Team (CERT),
adventures with the Ashland Hiking Group, and enjoys craft beer (he’s a zythophile). In his professional career, he developed and managed software in Silicon Valley with research interests
in e-books, learning environments, programming languages, mobile devices and AI. [Longer bio].- Steve's wife, Maria Geigel, provides feedback on draft puzzles.
- Tod Davies of reviews and makes suggestions.
- We welcome your feedback, suggestions and questions:
How Can I Improve My Solving Skills?
Practice, patience, persistence and perspective are good starts.
- Pick puzzles of appropriate level of difficulty that also challenge you.
- A crossword’s difficulty depends on the words used, phrasing of clues and type of theme.
NYT crosswords increase in difficulty through the week: Monday is easiest, Saturday the hardest;
larger Sunday (21 x 21) and Supermega (50+ x 50+) [below right] take longer and seem more
daunting, but are similar in actual difficulty to mid-week crosswords.- crosswords will aim for a Tuesday-level of difficulty.
Use the
commands in the interactive crossword version
or peek at part of the printed solution for a boost if you get stuck.- Search online for a word, name or entire clue.
- Click "Explanations of selected entries, theme, clues, etc.: (spoilers)"
in a crossword posting to provide additional info/insights. - No, it’s not really cheating -- unless you're in a tournament or bragging about your solving time.
It’s all about learning and enjoying what you’re doing.
The more crosswords you do, the easier they will become. - NYT: How to Solve The New York Times Crossword
- NYT: Mini to Maestro (3-part series): Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced
- Attend one of Steve’s OLLI crossword courses or local presentations.
What’s a Theme?
- A theme is an idea or pattern that ties together the longest (usually Across) answer entries,
which might be single words, phrases, or a combination of words -- symmetrically placed. - Many newspaper crosswords feature themes, with themeless crosswords later in the week.
- There are many kinds of themes, e.g., categories, idioms and embedded letters or anagrams.
- A puzzle’s Title or Note (if any) might provide a hint about the theme,
e.g., "Under Construction" title for example on right. - A Reveal entry (often last) might explain the theme and refer to the theme entries,
e.g., Under Construction's 59-Across: "Constructor's do-or-die instinct?
17-, 27-, 38-, 45-, 59-Across circles: crossword constructor's checklist" - Figuring out the theme can often help in solving other theme entries,
and offer a satisfying meta-challenge of discovering a puzzle-within-a-puzzle. - Theme entries in will typically refer to local people, organizations,
fauna, flora, places, news and events in Ashland, our region and beyond. - The theme might be informative or serious, but more often, the crossword will aim for playfulness,
and possible punniness, in themes, clues and answers -- see theme categories and examples (above) - Don't expect difficult themes, e.g., rebus -- where a square can contain more than 1 letter.
- Theme ideas and entries come from serendipitous inspiration and solver's suggestions;
a suggestion might be as simple as an idea, idiom, event or organization, preferably with a resource link;
best would be 2 pairs of matching-length theme entries, each 9-15 letters, e.g., 15,12,12,15; 11,13,13,11; etc.;
an optional 5th entry would be odd-length and appear in the center. - Although theme entries will generally follow standard crossword conventions,
the Dalai Lama has said: "Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively." - To create crosswords for an otherwise unworkable set of theme entries,
a very long theme entry might be shortened by abbreviating words
or by moving words to a FITB (fill-in-the-blank) clue, e.g., ___ of the ___. - To keep idioms/phrases readable and long enough, some theme entries might include the same word.
- Two shorter entries might be combined to create a longer theme entry, e.g., aaaaaaaaabbbbbb,
with a compound clue, e.g., "Two sequences: 1) clue for aaaaaaaaa [9 letters]; 2) clue for bbbbbb [6 letters]" - Some titles reflect an ongoing series, which riff on a theme, e.g., Oh, Deer! #01,
or a yearly occurrence such as a theater season, e.g., Rogue Theater Company 2024.
This means that you can expect to see more of these in the future,
though usually not right away in order to provide variety.
- In addition to the length/word constraints mentioned above, some theaters do not offer
enough plays to fill a crossword. For example, SOU and Ashland High School each advertise 1-2 plays
separately in the Fall, and later, 2 plays for Winter or Spring -- if each provided an annual schedule,
a crossword combining most productions from both SOU and AHS might be possible.
Restaurants, Wineries, etc.
- By popular request, a crossword series -- "Eat One's Words" -- features local restaurants, cafes, coffee shops,
delis, wineries, brew pubs, etc. - The geographical scope is Ashland, plus other nearby members of the Ashland Chamber of Commerce,
minus non-local chains/franchises and gift shops. - The list of establishments (e.g., Ashland Chamber of Commerce, Tripadvisor, sponsors, etc.)
is ever changing and sometimes incomplete/incorrect, so only those assumed to be "open" are included,
i.e., those with a valid/updated web site at the time of the crossword was constructed. - If it's known prior to publication that an establishment has subsequently closed,
the clue will be amended with a note, e.g., as for Black Sheep Pub in "Eat One's Words #01." - Suggestions of newly opened or overlooked establishments are welcome;
these may be added to crosswords later in the series. - Entries are chosen from a combined pool of entries and grouped mostly alphabetically,
rather than separated by category or cuisine, which provides more flexibility.
In some crosswords, all names might share a common letter, e.g., 'B' in puzzles #01, #02, #03.
However, given the distribution of names across the alphabet (and earlier entry length constraints),
some crosswords might feature several letters. The note appears with each puzzle provides
a hint about letters used, e.g., * entries feature 'A,C,'. - Entries with unusual names can be difficult to describe
-- these may be clued in a charade-like style for individual words or syllables , e.g.: a + b + c+ d

What’s a Grid?
- The grid is the layout of letter and dark squares.
Examples on right: mini, free form (aka criss-cross); below: American, cryptic -
American-style grid by Michael J.,
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Unported via Wikimedia crosswords will usually be 15 x 15 in size, symmetric,
and follow typical crossword rules and conventions. - Smaller “mini” themeless crosswords might occasionally appear.
- In a fully-crossed US-style crossword, every letter square is part of both an Across and a Down entry
vs. British-style cryptics (lattice-like) or asymmetric, vocabulary-style, free form word puzzles. -
British-style grid by MeekMark,
public domain
via Wikimedia CommonsMany crosswords have rotational symmetry, i.e., when they're turned upside down,
the pattern of white squares and dark squares (blocks) and
the rows containing paired-length theme entries appear in the same places.
Other types of symmetry might be used: left/right, diagonal.
If the number of theme entries is odd, an odd-length entry appears in the center row,
e.g., Under Construction example earlier. - If letter sequences are highlighted (circled), a Title, Note and/or Reveal entry might explain why,
e.g., common embedd element/category or anagrammed letters.
Editors prefer that these sequences span across phrases, but they might be split instead,
or perhaps occur only within a single word.

is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
What’s Fill?
- Fill: other words/phrases added to the grid after the theme entries are placed.
- Generally, fill entries are at least 3-letters in length.
- Identical words (and word roots) are generally avoided,
though repeated letter patterns may appear. - Crosswordese -- i.e., obscure words and abbrev. that appear in dictionaries
but are rarely encountered in real life -- should be minimal. - In crosswords, expect to see names/words
that are familiar only to locals and references to Rogue Valley organizations
and cultural events and to Shakespeare (while hopefully avoiding "bardolatry").

"Thats funny, because I thought the word was D E A D L I N E"
by Graela is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
How Should I Read Clues?
- The format or syntax of a clue is almost as important as its content.
For example, noun plurals, verb tenses, foreign language, abbr., etc.
are mirrored between clue and answer. - Another convention: answer words should not appear in clues or title.
- Shorter clues are preferred by most publications, not only for their clarity
but also for print publication constraints, usually ~1600 total clue characters
for a 15 x 15 crossword. - Some clues may be more verbose and redundant or dual-difficulty:
with a more obscure, ambiguous or punny 1st half to challenge experienced solvers,
and a more straightforward 2nd half to reduce beginner frustration;
some clues provide local flavor and details -- unfamiliar to a national audience. - Some entries that are phrases often include a hint, e.g., "(3 words)";
compound entries typically include a clue and length for each part, e.g., "1) ... [9 letters]; 2) ... [6 letters]"

by H. Raab (User:Vesta); 2 May 2006;
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
How Are Crosswords Made?
- The construction process follows the topics outlined earlier in the Under Construction example:
create a theme, lay out the grid, fill in other words, craft the clues -- then distribute or publish. - Crosswords are still human-crafted, with assists from construction apps and word databases
for grid layout, finding fill words and writing clues. One editor imagined the crossword as
"a part of the newspaper that seemingly shows up automagically each day, probably done by
crafty little Keebler elves with ink-stained hands when no one in the newsroom was looking." AI crossword tools use an LLM (large language model) to generate free-form entries and clues from a suggested topic.
In a recent test using Doggerel theme, entry selection and layout (ignoring format differences) were similar;
clues were quite different -- perhaps AI could someday incorporate difficulty and canine audience perspective?
Auto-generating a fully symmetric crossword, especially themed and of high quality, would be a much greater challenge.- DoggereLLM (AI version from "dog sounds" prompt): interactive; .pdf: puz, sol
- Doggerel (Steve's version; 5/15/2024): interactive; .pdf: puz, sol
- Note:"" web site (with fake authors and plagiarized AI-generated articles) has no crossword.
OPB article: AI slop is already invading Oregon’s local journalism - NYT (5-part series): How to Make a Crossword Puzzle
- video: How a Crossword Puzzle Gets Made; 3:32
- e-book: Crossword Constructor's Handbook by Patrick Berry; $10; .pdf
- Attend Steve’s OLLI Constructing Crosswords course or local presentations.

license: CC BY-SA 2.0
How Long Does It Take to Construct a Crossword?
- Construction time depends on the constructor's skills, tools, computer speed, and the crossword's complexity.
Words that cross or abut the main theme entries often severely constrain nearby fill options,
which can lead to backing up, moving theme entries, modifying the grid and even starting over.
Minimizing crosswordese and crafting original clues take time. - For Steve, a typical crossword for, from idea to publication,
might take 6+ hours to construct, review and publish, spread over several days. Constructing steps (similar to those outlined earlier):
- select initial theme entries of appropriate lengths (discussed earlier: Theme and Grid)
- draft clues for those to ensure clarity and consistency
- create an initial grid layout
- fit satisfactory fill words, modifying theme placement or grid if needed
- clue all entries, either crafting original ones or copying from a clue database
- review, review, review
- Publishing steps:
- edit text and links for the crossword Note, and page Intro and Spoiler section
- generate and review .pdfs for the puzzle and solution
- edit, preview and revise crossword template on the web site
- post to the world on early Friday morning
Are There Submission Guidelines for
- Nothing official yet. We generally follow most common guidelines from other publications
about number of entries, blocks and 3-letter words, and types of fill words and clues. - Read earlier theme, grid, fill and clue sections for insights about' evolving approach.
- Besides themed, symmetric 15 x 15 crosswords, we might consider themeless crosswords, minis and even an occasional free form puzzle.
- After review and acceptance, your main rewards, for now, would be local fame and valuable experience.
- Contact if you have questions.
How Do I Solve Crosswords in My Web Browser?
- The interactive app should be fairly simple to use for a 15 x 15
crossword on devices with a larger screen and physical keyboard. - Although it is possible to solve on a phone or mini tablet,
seeing clues and entering answers may require more scrolling of
the limited puzzle area and hiding/showing of the on-screen keyboard. For details about navigation, entering letters, settings and other commands,
use theFile:Help
command [image: right] or see the summary below;
some options vary by device, i.e., size of screen and kind of keyboard.- click/tap (mouse/trackpad/gesture): on a square or clue
- keys: A-Z, space, Delete, ← → ↑ ↓, Tab, Enter, Home, End, Insert, Esc
- Check: Letter, Word, Puzzle
Reveal: Letter, Word, Puzzle
File: Help, Info, Notepad, Rebus,
Print, Clear, Export JPZSettings: filling, arrow keys, space bar, tabbing, misc.
- 00:00: timer
- Applet used: Crossword Nexus HTML5 Solver (open source code*);
*local version for crosswords includes:File:Help, File:Rebus
other crossword sites using this applet: Jonesin'; Alex Boisvert; Brendan Emmet Quigley (BEQ);
or upload a .puz/.jpz file: here or
Why Consider an Offline Solving App?
- Solving occasional crosswords online in your browser is simplest.
- However, if you access crosswords from multiple sources
and would like to solve offline, i.e., while not connected to the internet,
there are some advantages to installing and using a standalone solving app. - Besides Check, Reveal, Print commands and more format settings,
a solving app provides a more consistent user interface, i.e., puzzle layout and
navigation commands, compared to different interfaces on multiple web sites. - Apps designed for smaller devices, esp. with no external keyboard,
may include a custom, compact on-screen keyboard
and make better use of the screen area. The app opens a crossword data file that contains the grid layout, clues,
solution and meta info (Title, Author, Copyright, Note), e.g.,- .puz: aka "Across Lite format"; most commonly used
- .jpz: a more open and flexible format
- Example solving apps:
- Across Lite Mac, Win, iPad; .puz only; free [image: on Mac; top right]
- Crosswords Android, iOS, iPadOS; .puz, .jpz; $ [image: on iPad; on right]
- XWord; releases: Mac, Win, Lnx; .puz, .jpz; free (open source);
XWord can automatically download crosswords for selected sites - More details and other solving apps
Where to obtain .puz/.jpz versions of a crossword:
- Download crossword files to your device from web sites, save email attachments, transfer via AirDrop, etc.
- browser app: File: Export JPZ -- blank grid for (and other sites using Crossword Nexus HTML5 Solver)
browser app: download .puz or .jpz using "Crossword Scraper" browser extension (Firefox, Chrome)
-- this works on many other crossword sites too, e.g., NYT, LAT, WSJ, ...- download .puz or .jpz from the links in crosswords listed on Steve's web site; for other publications - to reduce clutter, .puz/.jpz links are not included currently in crossword articles;
however, with enough requests, they could be added later.