Steve's Crosswords

All Crosswords -- by date (latest: AN: Women: Her-story #01; 3/7/2025) |
Articles, Interviews, Presentations | Formats and Tools | About Crosswords | RSS

All Crosswords -- alphabetically:
(key: AN:; JCLS: Jackson County Library Services; OLLI: Osher Lifelong Learning Institute)
Across the Ages and Down the Pages (AN) | Across the Border (JCLS: #01-05) |
All in a Day's Work (AN): #01 | Ashland New Plays Festival (ANPF) (AN): 2024 |
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid | Be Safer on Internet: Connection, Malware, Browsing |
Between a Rock and a Hard Place | Black History Matters (AN): #01 | Bloomin' Like Crazy | Both Sides Now |
Candidates | Camelot Theatre (AN): 2025: #01, #02; 2024: #01, #02 | Canine Capers (AN): #01 |
Carnivore for Congress | Cascadia Commotion (AN): #01, #02 |
CERT (Community Emergency Response Team): MYN, #01 |
Choking Hazard | CMC | Coastal Curmudgeons (AN): #01, #02 |
Collaborative Theatre (AN): 2025: #01; 2024: #01, #02 | Creature Cards | Crosspassword |
CrosspOLLInation (AN): 2025: Spring, Winter; 2024: Fall (Nat.), Fall (SOU), Spring |
Crossword Mug (template) | Crosswords&You: topics | CrozzWord |
Crucigramitas | CSI: Ashland (AN) | Cyclops |
Diet Delights | Doggerel (AN) |
Eat One's Words (AN): #01 | Eleven | Enneagram Crucigram |
Eureka Moment (AN): #01, #02 | ExtraORdinary Places (AN): #01, #02 |
Fall into Adventure (JCLS: #01-05) | Find the Magic (JCLS: #01-06) |
Firefox | First Settlers (AN) | From Flour To Flowers (AN) | Fun(d)raising (AN): #01 |
Gnus and Views | Good Gnus (AN) | Grid Girder | Grin and Bear It (AN): #01 |
Hikes & Gear | Hoppy Grand Opening |
Ironic Butterfly |
JCLS: 2025: Spring, Winter; 2024: Fall, Summer, Spring, Winter; 2023: Fall, Summer |
The Jeffersons (AN) | Jello Shots | Just Another Day in Parade-ise (AN) |
La La Land | Level Up (JCLS: #01-18) |
Mazama Magma (AN) | Miss Calculation | A Monumental Achievement (AN) |
Newton | Not Stroganoff. Try Again |
New York Times (NYT): Wed, 11/1/2023) |
Oh, Deer! (AN): #01, #02 | Oh, Goody (Hot Dog!) (AN) |
OLLI: Mini #01 | OLLI Olio | OLLI OLLI Oxen Free | (see also: CrosspOLLInation, schoOL LIfe) |
On the Trail of an Ashland Watershed Creature |
Open Sesame | Oregon Cabaret Theatre (AN): 2025, 2024 | Oregon-e Rogue (AN): #01, #02 |
Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF) (AN): 2025: #01, #02; Secret Season: #01; 2024: #01, #02 |
Out Damned Spot: #01, #02 | Ow! |
Peak Brewing | Peak Performances (AN) | Pull-Lattes |
Quantum (Uni)verse |
Rat Race | A Ray of Sun | Red Crossword | Reflect; Recharge; Return (JCLS: #01-07) |
Rogue Climate (AN): #01 | Rogue Reads: Winter 2025 (JCLS: #01-02) |
Rogue Theater Company (AN): 2025, 2024 |
schoOL LIfe (OLLI) | Seasonal Migration (AN) | Seasoned Rolls (OLLI) |
Size Matters | Somos Hermanas (AN) | specIAL TRip | Spring into Action (JCLS: #01-05) |
Stemming and Steaming Across (JCLS: #01-09) | Story Time at the Library (OLLI) |
Theaters are Packed (AN) | They Haven't a Clue | Tot TNT | Tour de Fat |
Trails Less Traveled (AN) | TrIPArtite Brew | Turkish Delights (AN): #01 |
Under Construction |
Water, Water Somewhere? | Watershed Wandering (AN): #01 | Women: Her-story (AN): #01

Articles, Interviews, Presentations

Crossword Formats and Tools

  • 366 pdf.pdf: printable puzzle (grid & clues) and solution pages
  • 135 webweb: interactive JavaScript (JS) applet in browser (here, usually Nexus HTML5 Solver);
    'Check' and 'Reveal' commands can help in solving; 'Print' command avail.;
    check 'Note' or 'About' for tips about crossword; some sites show ads or don't work with ad blockers;
    comparison of 3 applets: PuzzleMe, Crossword Compiler, Nexus HTML5 Solver
  • 64 scraperCS: a web applet page that "Crossword Scraper" browser extension
    (Firefox, Chrome) can convert to .pdf, .puz, .jpz or .ipuz
  • nexusFor a better experience, solve on a larger screen, preferably with a physical keyboard.
    Although it is possible to use a smaller device, e.g., phone or mini tablet,
    seeing clues and entering answers may require more scrolling of the limited puzzle area
    and hiding/showing of the on-screen keyboard.
  • AL 45.puz, .jpz: a crossword data file specifies grid layout, clues, solution and meta info (Title, Author, Copyright, Note).
    .puz is most common; .jpz is a more open standard with more format options.
    ipad crosswords appa .puz file (and sometimes .jpz) can be opened offline in a solving app,
    e.g., Across Lite Mac, Win, iPad; Crosswords: Android, iOS; $ [on right]; XWord Mac, Win, Lnx
  • app: like a web app, it includes 'Check', 'Reveal' and 'Print' commands;
    in addition to opening locally saved .puz and/or .jpz files, some apps can automatically
    download crosswords. An app provides a more consistent user interface, i.e., crossword
    layout and navigation commands, compared to different interfaces across multiple web sites.
  • reviews w/ spoilers: blogs/videos/podcasts for major crosswords discuss theme & clues,
    and provide stats and often complete solutions, e.g.,

About Crosswords

My Crosswords