Course Desc. | Instructor | Course Topics
Course Description
- upcoming: ?
- previous: Zoom: Spring 2020; Ashland: Winter 2019, Fall 2017, Fall 2016, Spring 2015, Fall 2015; Medford: Winter 2016
- Course URL:
this site will continue to be available and updated - Course Handout: web pages as .pdf (offline copy), with active links; updated occasionally;
- Zoom: Use, Setup, Safety
- Be Safer on the Internet (version 2) is a shorter [3-session] remote version of my original [5-6 session] course.
- Are you glued to your devices more these days, and concerned about the privacy and security of your personal information?
- Learn preventive strategies, trade-offs and practical steps to reduce your risks (even from the NSA!) for computers, tablets, and smartphones.
- "Offline" topics: software updates, local & cloud backups, WiFi and router setup.
- "Online" topics: encryption, browsing, email, messaging/chat, search, malware, ad blocking, VPNs, social media.
- Specific settings will be demonstrated only for latest macOS and iOS (iPad/iPhone) systems, Safari browser and selected apps.
However, users of Android, Windows, and other/older devices/apps are welcome to find and then apply analogous changes to their own system and browser settings. - This shorter course will not discuss passwords and password managers -- see separate course P@s$w0rdz;
nor the topics: firewalls, file sharing, mobile/travel, "Internet of Things", and children's safety. - Table comparing topics covered in Be Safer on the Internet -- original (version 1) & new (version 2) -- and P@s$w0rdz (Passwords)
Original (version 1) course description
- Would you like to improve the privacy and security of your personal information -- offline and online?
- This lecture course covers preventive strategies, discusses trade-offs and prioritizes practical steps to reduce your risks (even from the NSA!) for computers, tablets, and smartphones.
- Topics include strong passwords, password managers, software updates, local & cloud backups, WiFi and router setup,
browsing, email, messaging, encryption, malware, ad blocking, 2-factor authentication, VPNs, social media, travel, and the "Internet of Things". - Specific settings will be demonstrated only for latest macOS and iOS (iPad/iPhone) systems, Safari browser and selected apps.
- However, users of Android, Windows, and other/older devices/apps, who are familiar with the location of their system and browser settings, are welcome to attend and use provided references to adjust similar settings.
- Former students wanting a refresher are welcome, too -- there's too much information in the course to absorb and implement at one time; risks and best practices continue to evolve; these pages are updated periodically -- be sure to check back for advice, esp. about issues highlighted in the news -- In particular, the Course Updates page highlights major issues, e.g., Meltdown/Spectre CPU vulnerabilities, latest software updates, Equifax hack, etc.
- Optional e-book: Take Control of Your Online Privacy (if it's updated in near future, discounted version may be available).
- More about the course: Introduction: Approach, Audience, Devices, E-books
About the Instructor
Internet Privacy & Security Courses: Topics: Overview & Sessions
- "Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant." ~Mitchell Kapor
- The same might be said about this course -- many topics to cover; too little time; it can seem overwhelming.
- I'll highlight and introduce the most important issues.
- We may touch on other topics briefly during Q&A, and/or you can study materials and References on your own.
- You can even take the course again, if there's something you missed or didn't understand, or to hear the latest advice.
- A 1-page 'cheat sheet' summarizes some of the advice from this course,
which mirrors / includes much of the content of the ebook: Take Control of Your Online Privacy (TCYOP) - See this course's original Topics page for even more "Top 10" check lists & best practices.
Be Safer on the Internet (version 1) | ... (version 2) | P@s$w0rdz |
Non-expert Online Practices 1. Use Antivirus Software 2. Use Strong Passwords 3. Change Passwords Frequently 4. Only Visit Websites They Know 5. Don't Share Personal Info |
Expert Online Practices 1. Install Software Updates 2. Use Unique Passwords 3. Use 2-Factor Authentication 4. Use Strong Passwords 5. Use a Password Manager |
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